
Are you targeting the right people? Are your image dimensions to scale? Are you running the right type of ad? If we're being honest, it can get a little confusing.

超过26亿人using Facebook every month, and nearly17亿用户every day, Facebook offers up a unique opportunity for marketers to augment their organic efforts. The trouble is, with both an investment of time and money on the line, there's not much room for oversight.

现在就下载: Free Facebook Advertising Checklist

To help, we've put together a checklist to help you keep all of your campaign details straight. Or watch this short video on how to increase the effectiveness of your ads and budget. These will help ensure that you're tapping into the right audience with the right ad at the right time.

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Facebookoffers a variety of paid ad options and placements, but all ads can be broken down into three elements:

  1. 广告系列。The campaign houses all of your assets.
  2. 广告集。If you're targeting separate audiences with different characteristics, you'll need an individual ad set for each.
  3. 广告。您的实际广告生活在广告集中。每个广告集可以容纳各种广告,这些广告的颜色,复制,图像等各不相同。


1.使用Facebook Ads Manager创建一个帐户。

Facebook的广告经理is a sophisticated dashboard that provides users with an overview of all their campaigns.

Upfront, the dashboard highlights an estimate of how much you're spending each day. The dashboard is organized by columns, which makes it easy to filter through your ads so you can create a custom view of your results. Key numbers like reach, frequency, and cost are readily available, making reporting on performance a no brainer.


Then, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate tohttps://www.facebook.com/business/tools/ads-manager
  2. 单击说“转到广告经理”的按钮。
  3. 在广告帐户设置页面上确认您的信息。
  4. 设置您的付款方式。
  5. Save changes.




To create a new campaign, ad set, or ad through the Facebook Ad Manager, tab over to the type of ad you want to create and click the green "Create" button to far left of these ad types, as shown below. You can see from this screenshot that we're currently set to create a new活动

facebook ad manager create a new ad button





By choosing one of these objectives, you're giving Facebook a better idea of what you'd like to do so they can present you with the best-suited ad options. As shown in the screenshot above,Facebook's ad optionsinclude:

  • 品牌意识
  • Reach
  • 网站流量
  • Engagement
  • App installs
  • 视频视图
  • 领先一代
  • 消息
  • 转换
  • 目录销售
  • Store traffic

Let's say, for sake of this blog post, you're looking to drive more traffic to your website. When you select this option, Facebook will prompt you to enter the URL you're looking to promote. If you're using marketing automation software, be sure to create带有UTM参数的唯一跟踪URL为此,确保您能够跟踪此广告的流量和转换。对于HubSpot客户,可以使用跟踪URL构建器完成此操作。



facebook advertising checklist

Don't forget todownload the Facebook Ads Checklist并将其保存为Facebook广告活动的最佳实践。

4. Choose your audience.

您的下一步是配置目标受众 - 您可以为属于同一广告系列的每个广告集来执行此操作。如果您只是从Facebook上开始付费广告,那么您可能必须尝试several different targeting optionsuntil you reach an audience that fits just right.


If you're wavering between choosing a specific audience over a broad one, consider your objective. If you're looking to drive traffic, you'll probably want to focus on the type of people you know will be interested in your offering. However, if you're looking to build brand awareness or promote a widely appealing offer, feel free to focus on a more general audience.


Facebook's built-in targeting is vast, including options such as:

  • 地点
  • 年龄
  • Gender
  • Languages
  • Relationship
  • 教育
  • 工作
  • Financial
  • 种族亲和力
  • Generation
  • 父母
  • 政治(仅美国)
  • 人生大事
  • 利益
  • 行为
  • 连接

您还可以选择选择自定义受众 - 这使您可以在您公司的联系数据库中的Facebook上的针对人bob全站app,访问了带有跟踪像素的网站上的页面,或使用您的应用程序或游戏。要了解有关如何在Facebook上设置自定义受众的更多信息,查看这些说明。(And for more on the specifics of these criteria, visit这个Facebook定位资源。)

一旦找到对广告响应良好的组,Facebook允许您稍后再使用这些受众 - 因此,一段时间运行Facebook广告后,您可能不需要潜入此步骤。

5. Set your budget.

Facebookallows you to set either a daily budget or a lifetime budget. Here's how they differ from each other:

  • Daily budget.如果你想让你的广告设置为连续运行通过hout the day, this is the option you'll want to go for. Using a daily budget means that Facebook will pace your spending per day. Keep in mind that the minimum daily budget for an ad set is $1.00 USD and must beat least 2X your CPC
  • 终身预算。If you're looking to run your ad for a specified length of time, select lifetime budget. This means Facebook will pace your spend over the time period you set for the ad to run.
facebook ad budget and schedule page

要进一步指定您的预算,请转到高级选项 - 此选项在上面显示的屏幕快照的底部链接。本节允许您指定一些内容:



Optimization & Pricing




送货type falls under two categories: standard and accelerated. Standard delivery will show your ads throughout the day, while accelerated delivery helps you reach an audience quickly for time-sensitive ads (Note: this option requires manual bid pricing).


What do you want your ad to look like? It all depends on your original objective.

如果您想增加网站的点击次数,Facebook的广告经理会建议Clicks to Website广告选项。有道理,对吗?

This ad option is broken down into two formats: Links and Carousels. Essentially, this means that you can either display a single image ad (Links) or a multi-image ad (Carousel) with three to five scrolling images at no additional cost.





Once you decide between the two, you'll need to upload your creative assets. It's important to note that for each type of ad, Facebook requires users to adhere to certain design criteria.

For single image ads,Facebookasks that users adhere to the following design recommendations:

  • 文字:125个字符
  • Ad Headline: 25 characters
  • Image ratio: 1.91:1
  • 图像分辨率(包括CTA):1080 x 1080像素

For multi-image ads -- also known as Carousel Ads --Facebook提供以下设计建议:

  • Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • 图像比率:1:1
  • 文字:125个字符
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • 链接描述:20个字符
Your image may not include more than 20% text.看看多少文字在您的图像上。



选择广告类型后,ADS Manager将提示您确定要如何显示广告。他们提供的选项如下:桌面新闻提要,移动新闻供稿和右列列。bob官网官方网站





Facebookad with single image on mobile news feed


FacebookAd with single image on desktop right column

Be aware if your ad isn't associated with a Facebook page, you'll only be able to run Desktop Right Column ads. To leverage all three display locations, you can在此处了解如何创建Facebook页面。

7. Monitor your ad's performance metrics.

Once your ads are running, you'll want to keep an eye on how they're doing. To see their results, you'll want to look in two places: the Facebook Ad Manager and your marketing software.

根据Facebook, here are some of the key metrics to look for (and their definitions):

  • Performance.可以进一步定制以包括结果,覆盖范围,频率和印象等指标
  • 订婚。Can be customized further to include metrics like Page likes, Page engagement and post engagement
  • 视频。Can be customized further to include metrics like video views and avg. % of video viewed
  • 网站。可以进一步定制以包括网站操作(所有),结帐,付款详细信息,购买和添加到购物车等指标
  • Apps.Can be further customized to include metrics like app installs, app engagement, credit spends, mobile app actions and cost per app engagement
  • 事件。可以进一步定制以包括事件响应等指标和每个事件响应的成本
  • 点击。可以进一步定制以包括点击,唯一点击,CTR(点击率)和CPC(每次点击费用)等指标
  • Settings.Can be further customized to include metrics like start date, end date, ad set name, ad ID, delivery, bid and objective

无论您使用哪个指标measure the success of your advertising efforts, you can find the data in the Ads Manager.


  • 帐户级别
  • 运动水平
  • The ad set level
  • 广告级别


This gives a high-level view of performance across all campaigns. You'll find aggregate data that gives you a bird's eye view.

Simply navigate to the ads manager and click Account Overview. From there, you'll be able to customize the metrics you want to see drill down time ranges, and more.

The Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Level


All you have to do is navigate to the Campaigns, Ad Sets, or Ads tabs next to Account Overview in the ads manager.

8. Reporting on Facebook ad performance.


  1. Navigate to Analyze and Report through the upper main menu.
  2. Choose Ads Reporting.
  3. 选择创建自定义报告。
  4. 选择并打开保存的报告。
  5. Choose Save As next to the save icon. Give your report a name and check Schedule Email.
  6. 请按照提示进行编辑并确认您的报告首选项。

While there are certainly a lot of details to keep straight when planning a paid Facebook ad, it's important that you don't lose sight of the big picture. Reporting on clicks and conversions from Facebook is important. However, if you're using URLs with specific UTM codes, you have an opportunity to measure your ads' full-funnel effectiveness使用您的营销软件bob电竞官方下载

Tracking URLs will help your marketing software keep track of how many leads, or better yet, how many customers you've gained from your advertising efforts. This information is useful in determining the ROI of this source, and can also be used to inform your overallFacebook营销strategy.

If you're a HubSpot customer using我们的广告工具,这个过程已经为您照顾。您还可以通过在报告主页上导航到“跟踪URL构建器”,为您的Facebook广告系列创建唯一的跟踪代码。您需要做的就是插入URL,附加广告系列,然后选择您希望URL归因于源报告中的源。广告启动并开始在网站上获得流量和转换后,您将能够轻松跟踪正在生成的访问,联系人和客户。

Now that you know how to set up an ad, it's time to create one of your own so that you can spread brand awareness on Facebook and generate traffic and leads from your ideal prospects on the platform.

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New call-to-action


最初发布于2020年8月12日3:00:00 PM,更新于2021年6月11日


Facebook广告 Ad Management