I first heard the term "Finsta" from my 16-year-old cousin. She had just taken a ridiculous selfie of herself, and had declared it "Finsta-worthy".

当我问她的意思时,她解释了“ Finsta”是假的Instagram或“ Finstagram”(可能是较酷的因素缩短)。

"But …为什么您需要一个伪造的Instagram帐户吗?还不够吗?”我问她。

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She showed me her real Instagram account -- a perfect, edited collage of great moments with high school friends, her prom date, and vacation shots with family.

"My real Instagram account is kind of fake -- like, only pictures of my 'best' life," My cousin explained. "I use my Finsta to share funny, inside jokes with my closest friends. My real Instagram has like, 400 followers. My fake one only has like, eight."

As you probably already know, Instagram is often used as an opportunity to present an "ideal" life to your followers -- even if that life is, in fact, a poor representation of reality. It's not the place to post embarrassing photos, or unedited "I just woke up" selfies.

However, Instagram's mirage of perfect, well-filtered lives doesn't always lend itself to happiness. For instance,最近的一项研究found a correlation between the amount of strangers you follow, and depressive symptoms including fearfulness, loneliness, or fatigue. Unfortunately, Instagram can lead users to feel their lives aren't good enough, compared to everyone else's (edited) ones.

这就是为什么Finsta可能不是一个坏主意的原因。最终,Finsta是与一个值得信赖的朋友共享一个更加愚蠢,编辑的版本的机会 - 让这些朋友看到较少的“完美”帖子和更真实的帖子。


Oftentimes, an Instagram account is used to curate a public collage of edited images for upwards of hundreds or thousands of followers. By contrast, a Finsta is a private account only followed by 10-20 people. A Finsta allows users to post more funny, unedited snapshots of their daily lives, or share inside-joke moments with friends.


创建Finsta是一个简单的过程。但是,在开始添加附加帐户之前,您需要集思广益一个不使用您的真实或姓氏的唯一用户名 - 此外,您要确保不使用真实的照片作为您的个人资料图片。请记住,除非您与朋友分享用户名,否则您的Finsta应该是不可能找到的。


1. Open your Instagram account, and click the three-line icon in the top right.


2. At the bottom of "Settings", click "Add Account".

Click Add Account to make a Finsta on Instagram


Sign up for a new Finsta on Instagram

4. Next, input your phone number.

添加您的联系人以制作Instagram Finsta


Once you input your phone number, a box will pop-up to ask whether you'd like to log into the account you already have. Click "Create New Account" to continue creating your Finsta.


6. Next, add your username.


7. Don't link to outside accounts.






您知道名人也制作了Finstas吗?去年,贝拉·哈迪德(Bella Hadidebekka Harajuku。Instagram类似于普通的影响者帐户,但是,它以贝拉为特征是她创造的角色。

贝拉·哈迪德(Bella Hadid Rebekka)Harajuku Finsta帐户


This Finsta, managed byRiverdale star Cole Sprouse是他张贴拍照的人的照片。虽然他没有像他那样记录自己的生活on his more traditional Instagram,这个帐户仍然表现出他幽默的一面。

Cole Sprouse Camera_duels Finsta帐户


Pammburglar is the Finsta identity of Pam Bump, a fellow HubSpot blogger. Because she loves fast-food, her Finsta name is a quirky combination of Pam and Hamburglar. On her Finsta, she posts photos and videos of events she attends, food, and travel. Along with posting about daily happenings, she also shares plenty of selfies and funny memes.



Finsta Post Ideas



While you might use your professional Instagram to show photos or videos of yourself networking, in the office, or talking about your company, you might want to share a lighter side of day, like lunchtime, on your Finsta.

In the post below, @Pammburglar, noted in the example above, enjoys a ginormous turkey leg.

Pammburglar eating a turkey leg on her Finsta


In this post, @Pammburglar reminisces on the time she was "rejected" as a Starbucks model back in 2014. In reality, she was actually starring in a student produced film that took place at the coffee chain while in college.

这样的怀旧复古的帖子都是funny and interesting to people who have or haven't known you in the past.

帕姆堡(Pammburglar)在《 Throwback Finsta Post》中开玩笑说星巴克试听

Finsta Names


A website calledSpinxooffers a free tool that helps generate potential Finsta names based on your name or nickname, hobbies, interests, or other random words or numbers.


  • JavaPerfect
  • ChellFalls
  • Kingambit
  • RadiantEnjoy
  • VividGiggly
  • SimpleEye
  • Airbiosav

Alternatively, you might brainstorm a unique Finsta account name by considering inside jokes you share with your friends, or TV shows or movies only your good friends know you like. You'll want to avoid using any abbreviation of your first or last name, and try to be as obscure as possible.

For instance, if I were making a Finsta (which, trust me, I'm not), I might call it "Buttercup", the name of my cat (on second thought … a lot of people have heard me talk about Buttercup. So, scratch that).


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Originally published Oct 15, 2019 5:38:00 PM, updated October 15 2019

