
这是一年中最美好的时光 - 当您当前的所有客户都与希望为自己喜欢的人找到一些东西的全新买家加入时。这是holiday season, but only if you managed to make those brand new customers stick around in the New Year. If you’re settling for a bump in sales in November and December, then you’re really missing out on the true gift.

So, how can you make that one-time buyer your new best friend? Let’s take a look.




有时人们问过,也许他们太忙了don’t even know which questions should come first. If you take a proactive position of informing and educating, you can get them the answers they don’t even know they need yet. Start with the questions most people ask when they encounter your company or products.




If you take a few extra steps by folding garments neatly, including decorative packing materials, and maybe even gift wrapping the box, you show that first-time buyer that you really do care about each dollar they spent.

Prep for Returns

You never want to see a purchase come back for any reason, but sometimes it just happens. Maybe the buyer got a wrong size. Maybe the recipient changed his mind. Whatever the reason for a return may be, you want to be as engaging and helpful as possible. If you’ve already made your return policy clear, then you’ve already won half the battle.




记住,首次顾客只会因为给亲人的礼物而找到您,因此提出建议买家可能会发现有趣。借助您已经收集到的数据,您可以通过新的令人兴奋的方式将电子邮件分割。嘿,也许他们永远不需要您的产品,但是如果您给它们留下了足够的印象,他们可能会返回later for other gifts.

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最初发布于2015年12月21日7:00:00 AM,2017年2月1日更新