If you’re like me, you probably use Google many times a day. But chances are, unless you're a technology geek, you probably still use Google in its simplest form.

If your current use of Google is limited to typing in a few words and changing your query until you find what you’re looking for, I’m here to tell you that there’s a better way -- and it’s not hard to learn.

另一方面,即使您a technology geek and can use Google like the best of them already, I still suggest you bookmark this article of Google advanced search tips. Then, you’ll then have the tips on hand when you're ready to pull your hair out in frustration watching a neophyte repeatedly type in basic queries in a desperate attempt to find something. → Download Now: SEO Starter Pack [Free Kit]

The following Google advanced search tips are based on my own experience and things that I actually find useful. I’ve kept the descriptions of the search tips intentionally terse, as you’re likely to grasp most of these simply by looking at the example from Google anyway.


31 Google高级搜索技巧



Example Search:"inbound marketing"

2. Exclude Words

Let's say you want to search for content about inbound marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term广告。To do this, simply use the-sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Example Search:入站营销-广告


By default, when you conduct a search, Google will include all the terms specified in the search. If you're looking for any one of one or more terms to match, then you can use the OR operator. (Note: The OR has to be capitalized).

Example Search:入站营销OR advertising



Example Search:Allintext:佛蒙特州滑雪屋湖

5.文本 +标题中的单词,url等。


Example Search:尼尔钻石肠子:红袜



Example Search:Allintitle:wine club

7. Words in the TItle + Text, URL, etc.

是否想找到一个网页,该网页在该页面的标题中出现一个术语,而另一个术语出现在页面上的其他术语中,例如文本或URL中?输入第一学期,然后输入Intitle:immediately followed by the other term.

Example Search:flu shot intitle:advice

8. Words in the URL

If you want to find pages with your search query mentioned in the URL, typeallinurl:紧随其后的是您的搜索查询。

Example Search:Allinurl:Hubspot博客



Example Search:site:www.smallbusinesshub.com "inbound marketing"

10. Related Search


Example Search:related:visual.ly


11. A Page That Links to Another Page


Example Search:链接:BuzzFeed

12. Similar Words and Synonyms

Let’s say you want to include a word in your search, but also want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms. To do this, use the前面的词。

Example Search:“入站营销”〜专业人士

13. Word Definitions

If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use thedefine:命令。您可以通过按扩音器图标来收听该词的发音。



14. Missing Words

Ever forgotten a word or two from a specific phrase, song lyric, movie quote, or something else? You can use an asterisk*as a wildcard, which can help you find the missing word in a phrase.

Example Search:很多 *一无所有

15. News in a Specific Location

If you're looking for news related to a specific location, you can use thelocation:command to search Google News for stories coming from that location.


16. Specific Document Types

If you’re looking to find results that are of a specific type, you can use the modifierfiletype:。For example, you might want to find only PowerPoint presentations related to inbound marketing.

Example Search:"inbound marketing" filetype:ppt


Want to translate a simple word or phrase from one language to another? No need to go to a translation website. Just searchtranslate [word] to [language].

Example Search:translate krankenwagen to english


Let’s say someone calls you on your mobile number, and you don’t know who it is. If all you have is a phone number, you can look it up on Google using the phonebook feature.

Example Search:phonebook:617-555-1212

(Note: The number in this example doesn't work. You’ll have to use a real number to get any results.)



Example Search:617

20. Zip Code Lookup


Example Search:25 First St., Cambridge, MA

21. Numeric Ranges

This is a rarely used but highly useful tip. Let’s say you want to find results that contain any of a range of numbers. You can do this by using the X..Y modifier (in case this is hard to read, what’s between the X and Y are two periods). This type of search is useful for years (as shown below), prices, or anywhere where you want to provide a series of numbers.

Example Search:president 1940..1950

22. Stock (Ticker Symbol)


Example Search:GOOG

23. Calculator

The next time you need to do a quick calculation, instead of bringing up the Calculator applet, you can just type your expression into Google.

搜索示例:48512 * 1.02


除了普通计算器外,Google还具有内置的小费计算器。只是搜索tip calculatorand you can adjust the bill, tip %, and number of people splitting it.

搜索示例:tip calculator


25. Timer

没有一个计时器dy? Google has you covered. Just type in an amount of time + the word "timer," and the countdown will begin automatically



搜索示例:20 min timer





下次您正在寻找快速天气统计数据或某个区域的预测时,请搜索weatherfollowed by a location. Google will give you both before the first search results.

搜索示例:weather cambridge ma


28. Sunrise & Sunset Times

如果您很好奇何时太阳会升起并在当天的特定位置落下,请使用单词进行简单的Google搜索日出or日落along with the location name.


29. Flight Statuses

If you type in the airline and airplane number into Google, it will tell you the flight information, status, and other helpful information.

搜索示例:BA 181


30. Sports Scores & Schedules

想知道您最喜欢的球队或对决的最新运动成绩和未来时间表吗?搜索一个或两个团队名称,Google将使用Google Sports在第一个搜索结果之前吐出分数和时间表。






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Originally published Apr 23, 2018 11:52:00 AM, updated October 30 2019
