今天早些时候,我了解了一种类型的页面,该页面“几乎是瞬间的”。好吧,有了这样的说唱,我不得不自己对此进行测试。所以,我去了Tasty, a cooking website, on my desktop and on my phone to test the loading times for each. The homepage for both took one second to load and display. That was impressive.

美味的Google AMP主页在移动设备上。


When comparing the mobile homepage and desktop homepage, I saw that the images and layouts were optimized perfectly. This checked off another item on my list.

Tasty Google AMP homepage


And finally, when clicking on a recipe, I was greeted with a video demo, in perfect quality. This was unexpected and entirely welcoming. That was the moment I regarded Google AMP as an awesome tool for sophisticated, compelling websites.

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Google AMP pages can help you design ecommerce pages, compelling advertisements, and thrilling mobile experiences by hosting pages that load almost instantly. For instance, Gizmodo found their pages加载快三倍and Mashable saw a200% increase in average CTR



As a user, my experience with Google AMP pages was spectacular. So, let’s dive into AMPs: How they work, what they are, why they're amazing for businesses, and how you can create one of your own.

与其他放大器不同,Google与网站的许多渠道(例如搜索,AMP缓存和分析)集成在一起。除了能够与Google的频道集成外,您还可以使用Google的AD Suite(ADS,Adsense和Admanager)获利AMP HTML框架。

AMP is a great choice to improve core business metrics, such as the number of conversions on web pages. AMP pages load almost instantly across all devices. AMP also lets you convert your entire website archive in days if you use a popular CMS, such as Wordpress orHubSpot

Another great benefit for businesses using Google AMP is that the AMP framework is used by popular global sites like Bing and Twitter and allows you to create a seamless, native experience. Essentially, if your AMP website content has a link to Twitter, for example, the tweet would embed in your web page and users wouldn't have to leave to see the tweet.

Now that we've covered the basic definition of AMP and why it's great for businesses, let's go more into depth about how AMP works.

How Google AMP Works

In this section, I'll talk about how AMP pages are able to load so quickly. There are seven reasons in total, and you can find an explanation on this page uploaded by aGoogle AMP Developer

1. AMP页面一次加载所有页面的内容。

AMP makes all components of a web page load at the same time. This differs from a non-AMP web page feature of assets loading one by one. AMP pages don't allow any custom JavaScript that could interrupt that simultaneous loading time.



In a non-AMP page, the web browser, like Google or Firefox, doesn't know all the components of a web page until it's fully loaded. In AMP, all external images or site frames must state their size in the HTML. This is so the browser knows how much it will be loading before the download initiates.

This allows AMP to load all of the content of the page without having to wait for other elements or resources to download. This is called "static layouting" and is a crucial element of AMP.

3. The CSS is in-line and size bound.

In AMP pages, only one stylesheet is needed: inline. This removes multiple HTTP requests from the rendering path. HTTP is designed to enable communication between web browsers and servers.

The removal of multiple HTTP requests streamlines the communication browsers and servers needed to have in order to fully load the page. Additionally, inline stylesheets have a data max (50 kilobytes) that allows content to be sophisticated but easy enough to comply with CSS rules.

4. Web fonts are super large, so AMP pages download them first.



5. AMP pages minimize style and layout recalculations.

Each time something on a page is changed, the browser has to recalculate downloading the page. A non-AMP page doesn't load all elements simultaneously, so the browser doesn't know the layout of the page as it's downloading.


But because AMP has the power to simultaneously download content and rendering, it also has the ability to read, comprehend, and implement those changes seamlessly.

6. The power to load images is shifted from the CPU to the GPU for acceleration.


When the CPU makes images, it creates layers, then sends them over to the GPU for further changes. For instance, the GPU can then shrink, enlarge, rotate, or crop images.


When an AMP page starts downloading, it begins to optimize its resources. This is done so the most important components have priority. Ads and images are only downloaded if the user is likely to see them below the fold.

It's important to note that all of the content has already been prepared to download by an AMP page because of the static layout. They only fully download if the page determines that the user is likely to see them.


At this point, you may be wondering how to create one of these AMP pages of your own. Luckily, making an AMP page — even trying it out — is pretty intuitive. Let's go over that process in the next section.

How to Make Google AMP Pages

At this point, we've earned the Google AMP pages are web pages that improve the user experience by using engaging graphics, smooth layouts, and load almost instantly. But is creating an AMP web page as simple as it looks?


我不是一个开发人员,和我的知识coding sphere is very minimal. But when I started toying around with the "AMP Playground," I was able to make a very simple web page.

当您开发放大器页面时,Google提供了工作流程。首先,您构建一个页面,由Google称为“ Hello World”。然后,您整合页面,了解AMP页面的基础知识,优化页面并设置分析跟踪,并为网站的需求和目标设计页面。

Google AMP与CMS平台集成在一起。你可以找到一个这些平台的完整列表

如果您想制作网页,请Google引导您完成整个过程。该平台提供了一个代码模板,您可以将其复制并保存到.html扩展名。它为您提供了一个清单required mark-up that you must include in your page使其成为可行的AMP HTML文档。

The toggle sidebar in the create page has instructions for including images, modifying layout, optimizing for SEO, previews, and final steps before publishing.

If you want a taste of what working with an AMP page will be like, visit the homepage,amp.dev。在那里,您可以像我一样在AMP操场上进行一些试验。在这里,我使用我非常有限的编码知识进行了实验,如下所示,当我将文本添加到空白广告中时:


1. Implement and change header text.

首先,我从给定的样板模板开始。我遵循代码“ ”和“



Then, I moved to the paragraph section. In the code, paragraphs are notated with red "

," and "

." The red is like a signal; It tells the web page what the content following will include. In this case, it was text I changed to"Below is a responsive image. Responsive images are optimized for mobile and desktop."

Changed AMP header and body

3. Modify the buttons to fit your web page's needs.

在学习了如何更改段落之后,我滚动到按钮。绿色文本“ ON”告诉网页,以下短语将是按钮。在这种情况下,该按钮将通过敲击来工作,类型是问候,并且会显示在网页上。

Google amp butons代码We know this by the code, "tap:greeting.show". I modified the white text to change what the button said before making sure that ending, "," was added. This is to signal that I was finished with the first button.

4. Toggle class attributes if desired.

The AMP Playground's code gives you directions for making changes inside of its text. For this step, the text tells you how to toggle a class attribute. If you follow the lines of code, you can figure out how to make simple changes.

Google AMP切换类属性When I switched up toggle attributes, I played with colors and text. Instead of the original red, I changed the toggle to green and switched up the greeting text from "Hello," to "Howdy!".

Class in HTML is used to define the type of attribute if you have multiple. (If you were to list different beverages on your site, you would use "class" to specify the design for wine, water juice, etc). In this case, the class attribute was for a color.

Remember, this is just a blank customization template to get you comfortable with building a web page. You don't need a separate .html file for this, you can work directly in Google. You can also do a trial run for stories, emails, and ads. I loved using this because it was fun, it got me comfortable with using coding language, and the playground interface was easy to follow.

You can use AMP pages to make the customer experience delightful, from beginning to end, like my experience with Tasty's website. How are you going to fit in these pages to your strategy in the future?

cms software


Originally published Jun 4, 2020 4:30:00 PM, updated June 04 2020
