google_search_autofillFirstit was Authorship photos。Now, it's the whole shebang.

是的,没错 - Google Authorship结束了。根据Google+帖子昨天Google网站管理员工具的John Mueller,Google正在从搜索中删除作者资格结果,并且不会跟踪RER =作者标签数据anymore (it'll be treated like any other type of markup on your website, and "won't cause problems," according to Mueller).

And the changes seem to be immediate. This search used to return results that looked like this (pre-Authorship photo removal):

Now resultslook like a throwback to 2011:


But search results won't be exactly like they were in 2011. Users将要请参阅主要结果和侧边栏中的Google+帖子,从它们的连接中查看,结果似乎与作者身份设计非常相似:

Many of us are wondering what gives, Google. Why would the search giant do away with Authorship?


In Mueller's post, he says the reason Google Authorship is getting the boot is because of users. Apparently it wasn't that helpful for users, and even ended up distracting them. And according to their tests, "rEmoving Funterhorhip通常似乎不会减少网站的流量。它也不会增加广告的点击。”

Mueller got more specific about what went wrong with Authorship ina conversation withSearch Engine Land。从三年的测试数据中,Google找到了斧头作者身份的两个主要原因:

1) It had low publisher and webmaster adoption.

In the link above,Search Engine Landshowcases some original data around Authorship adoption. They found that lots of peoplestillweren't using Authorship, or if they were using it, it wasn't set up properly.

但是,如果您曾经设置了作者身份,那就有意义了。虽然有一些易于使用的tools to help you set up Authorship, if you didn't have those tools, it was a hassle and a half to get it set up.

As a result, lots of people didn't set it up properly -- or at all.

2) Users didn't find value in it.

Besides being hard to set up without the right tools, Authorship wasn't getting the results Google hoped. Whenthey announced the removal of Authorship photos, Google said that there was little effect on clickthrough rates with Authorship photos removed.

The combination of low adoption and low impact on search made it clear to Google that Authorship as we know it should go ... but that doesn't mean you're going to stop seeing photos in search anytime soon.

Authorship for Google+ Instead?

坦率地说,整个故事中最有趣的部分是您连接的Google+帖子现在看起来像是作者身份的 - 所以这种更改mightbe an aggressive ploy to get more and more people on Google+. With people trying to get any edge in the rankings they can, some people may default to ramping up their Google+ presence in the absence of Authorship.

So what shouldyou做?您是否应该将Google+加倍以期希望您的网站流量更多?

The biggest thing I'd urge you to do is to不是panic.This does不是spell the end of SEO. This does不是mean your site is suddenly going to tank in the rankings. It just means that you have to tweak your marketing activities.

Maybe you'll ramp up your Google+ promotions and presence, but the core of your marketing will stay the same -- creating content people love on your website. Like with any other distribution platform, Google gets to make -- and change -- the rules of its platform. But if you're focusing the majority of your time on building your marketing for your audience, and then making smaller changes as social networks, search engines, and distribution platforms change their algorithms, you'll weather the storm just fine.

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