Did you know that YouTube currently has2 billion active users一个月,预计几乎会增长3 billion active users by 2025


In fact, the number of channels earning six figures per year on YouTube grew more than40%y/y, the number of channels earning five figures per year on YouTube grew more than50% y/y, and the number of channels with more than one million subscribers grew by more than65% y/y

现在,话虽如此,您可能想知道,"How do I grow my YouTube channel so I can drive more traffic to my website and revenue to my business?"


After looking into the data, we'll dive into our findings to help you better design effective strategies toward connecting with your audience on YouTube.



Why Do Consumers Subscribe to YouTube Channels



And 17% of respondents said they subscribe to YouTube channels because they post funny or entertaining videos.



Data Source


1. Create educational content about your audience's career.

As the survey said, the main reason that consumers subscribe to YouTube channels is that they post educational content about their careers.


So, a great way to grow your channel is to publish the topics that your audience wants to see. For example, at HubSpot, we publish educational videos on YouTube about marketing, sales, service, and general business content.

All these videos help our audience learn and develop in their careers. Of course, we'd like people to use our software to do that, but you'll get value out of the video whether you're a HubSpot customer or not.


Now, let's say that your business isn't exactly geared toward your audience's career. What do you post then?


However, while you'd like people to convert and become customers, your videos should give value away for free and educate your audience. The more they see you as an expert in the industry and the go-to people, the more likely they will be to convert later on.


The third most popular reason that people subscribed to YouTube channels was because the videos were entertaining or funny.

If you're a creator who wants to post fun, interesting, entertaining videos, you can grow your YouTube channel by thinking about an audience who enjoys watching certain entertainment.



The best way to grow your YouTube channel is to know what your audience likes and wants to see. Do they want to see educational content about their career? Or perhaps they're just looking to unwind and watch people clean houses because it's satisfying and entertaining.


5. Reformat well-performing content.


You'll need to rework the information and film a video about that topic, but you're already starting out ahead. You know that your audience likes that content and wants to see it.

Think about your best-performing content from any content marketing channel and reformat it to video.

6. Optimize your content.




You might be wondering,"How do I grow my YouTube channel fast? And how long will it take to grow my YouTube channel?"

According to data, it takes an average of22 monthsfor a channel to reach 1,000 subscribers. Yet, if you don't optimize your videos and have less than 1,000 subscribers, then you'll get less than 10% of the total views on YouTube. That's why it's so important to grow your channel and subscriber list.



Which keywords get a lot of searches, but have low competition? Those are the keywords you'll want to target.


Just like with any search engine, YouTube wants people on YouTube. So one of the main factors the site considers for ranking is watch time.

每当您发布视频时,都必须分析人们观看视频的时间。根据Backlinko的研究longer videos tend to outrank short videos。它是有意义的。你的视频的时间越长,longer your watch time can be.

But, how can you make sure people get past the first few seconds of your video? A great way to do this is to cut extraneous content from your intro. In the first few seconds, a viewer should know what they'll learn and what they'll get out of watching your video.

If you've properly targeted your audience with the right content, that means they'll end up watching your long videos because you've captured their attention.




出版2021年6月8日,7:00:00,updated June 08 2021


Youtube Marketing