通常,当我写博客文章时,我会坐在电脑上,戴上耳机,收听我最喜欢的Pandora车站,然后type until my fingers fall off。希望几个小时后,我的身材很好。

今天有些不同。I'm actually not typing at all -- I'm writing this blog post by "talking it" onEvernote。And it only took me ten minutes.

我想对此进行测试,因为尽管在Hubspot担任工作人员作家,这意味着我有很多时间写博客,但I've also worked at places where I didn't have that luxury. When you're balancing 100 different tasks, it's hard to find time to actually sit down and write. (Or maybe writing just isn't your strongest suit.)

幸运的是,有了一点创造力,您实际上很容易写博客。所以本着元的精神,我要告诉你how to write a blog post没有实际“写”任何东西。在短短30分钟内(我添加了额外的二十分钟,为您提供进口,格式化和编辑的缓冲时间),您应该准备出版的抛光草稿。因此,让我们开始!

How to Write a Blog Post Quickly

1) Download Evernote on your phone and make sure Siri is turned on.

First you need to download Evernote. I use Evernote both on my computer and on my phone -- I'm actually recording this on my phone right now. Evernote is available for both Mac and PC, and iPhone and Android. The voice recording is best done on your phone, as your desktop only records audio files -- not transcripts them. Still, if you want to record on desktop, it's possible. Also, if you have an iPhone, be sure Siri is enabled (Click on "Settings," then "Siri" to enable it).


Next, you open up a new note and start typing. To stay on point, I outlined what I generally wanted to say in the post before starting.



Evernotedoes not record forever (it cuts off after 30 seconds or so), so I would suggest speaking each paragraph in individual recordings. And remember, like您写的任何博客文章,您的口头博客文章都应有一般介绍,几个身体点和一个结论。


好吧…什么地方也不去,所以我要圣art that thought over in this paragraph. As you can see, it's really easy to get off track when you're talking, so if you notice that happening, just cut yourself off and start over. Don't think about what your voice sounds like, just think about the words that you're saying and how they'll appear on the page.没有人会知道您是否绊倒自己的话。另外,您可以稍后进行编辑。

(I'm going to be really grateful for the editing process after this.)

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现在是时候离开你的手机和编辑。Evernoteautomatically syncs your notes on mobile with your desktop, so you don't need to do anything -- just exit out of your note and then head back to your desktop. On your desktop, click "File" then "Sync" to make sure you have the most updated version to work with.


另外,请确保Evernote正确翻译了您的话。有时您可能会认为您说了清楚的话,但是Evernote并没有捡起它。您还需要确保您正在捕获所有可能出现的小型错别字(例如,您的与您)。最后,确保您的概念通过文本清楚地传达 - 有时候,当您说一句话时,听起来很棒,但是当它写下来时并没有清楚地遇到。


Make sure that you're including different section headers to make it easy to scan. You should also add images so that it will be visually-friendly for any social networks that might pick it up. This step helps transform your blog post from the text that you originally said in your phone, into something people can actually read, share, and love.

7) Publish it!

Now, post it!

The time this whole process takes will vary depending on how long you talk and how deeply you edit, but I anticipate most people will come in around thirty minutes once they get in their groove. To give you an idea, I spoke this post in 10 minutes, and added on an extra 20 minutes for formatting and edits.

这个过程对我来说真的很有趣 - 绝对节省了我很多时间。Bonus:随时可以将您释放到博客。有时,灵感会打动您回家的开车或早晨准备时 - 通过此过程,您只需抓住手机并开始与Evernote交谈。您的想法将在纸上没有您实际打字。

And this process doesn't have to be used just to alleviate your personal workload, either. You can also use this technique when getting very busy people (like executives) to blog. So whether you decide to use this process to help you increase your own productivity or as leverage to get your C-suite to blog, these tips will help youcreate a lot more content -- fast。And that's something we all want to do.您是否曾经通过Evernote或其他文本到语音设备录制过博客文章?告诉我们您在评论中的经验。

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