企鹅Doesn't it seem like every time you turn around there's a new SEO update? You keep hearing about hummingbirds and pandas and penguins, but what the heck does it mean? (And what do these animals have to do with search engine optimization?)



1) Create a stream on Twitter.

Twitter非常适合快速,实时新闻,因此要开始,在Twitter上创建bob官网官方网站与SEO相关的术语的流。使用包括“ Google算法”,“ Google Panda”,“ Google Hummingbird”或“ Google Penguin”在内的术语。你可以choose to use terms like "SEO" and "search engine optimization," but you'll most likely get overwhelmed by the flood of tweets coming in. So I recommend you keep it specific and simple.


HubSpot客户,您实际上可以使用HubSpot帐户中的社交收件箱-- once you're in the Social Media tool, search for a person or topic at the top. In this case, I'm going to search for "Google Algorithm."


你r search results will appear as shown below. The section at the top will show you people you can follow who are talking about your search term. The tweets at the bottom will show people who have mentioned your search term.


当您准备根据结果中创建社交收件箱中的流时,单击“使用Google算法创建流” ...或您的搜索词是最重要的。请注意,您还可以看到每小时应该期望多少推文。


2) Subscribe to SEO blogs.

Whenever there is a major SEO change, SEO blogs light up with informational content that helps the rest of the world make sense of it all. Set up your RSS feed -- or subscribe via email -- to make sure you don't miss anything. You may see some articles that delve too much in the nitty gritty for your taste, but that's alright -- ignore those, and just focus on the posts that let you know about new trends and recent updates that impact how you do your job.

If you want to take this a step further, set up a Google Alert for some of the same SEO terms that you used to create your Twitter stream. This will ensure that you find out either immediately, daily, or weekly, depending on your preferences.

这里有一些奇妙的SEO博客,你可以e to start off your RSS feed or email subscriptions:


Google Webmaster Tools不仅是人们确保其站点得到适当优化的一种方式。是的,它可以做到这一点,但是它也有一系列资源向您解释SEO的最佳实践。bob体育苹果系统下载安装您可以找到有关SEO,Google如何爬网的信息,等等。


Google Webmaster Tools can also provide detailed information about your site's performance, including your search queries, internal links, keywords you rank for, and more. For more details about everything you can do with these tools,查看这篇文章

4) Put 15-30 minutes aside each week to learn.


If you want to do deeper dives, you probably need to budget more time for yourself. Either way, block off some time on your calendar to make sure you put the resources you've gathered to good use.

5) Use HubSpot's SEO panel.

If you're a HubSpot customer using the COS blog, you may have seen a recent addition to your blogging tool -- the SEO panel -- which gives you actionable advice on how to optimize your blog content. The beauty of this panel is that as SEO updates are made, the SEO panel will be updated to reflect the most up-to-date information about how to optimize your content for SEO.



6) Join SEO-focused LinkedIn Groups.


我个人推荐这些LinkedIn小组 - 但请继续探索您可能有兴趣加入的其他人:

Alright, your turn -- what other ways do you stay up to date on SEO trends? What's your go-to resource?


最初发布于2014年3月26日上午11:00:00 AM,2019年10月30日更新
