I’m a sucker for a good infographic. Sometimes, it seems like it’s hard to come across a truly remarkable one -- one that’s achieved the perfect trifecta of good design, readability, and reliable data. But when they’re well-executed, infographics work wonders, transforming complex topics and dry statistics into visually enticing content.他们在社交媒体上受到喜欢和分享的3倍,比任何其他类型的内容都多。And, as a result, they can be an excellent tool for driving more traffic to your website.


通常,这里适用于创建任何有效的视觉内容的相同规则 - 由于共享性和内容丰富的性质,它是转换路径。 →立即下载:15个免费的信息图模板

But what are the specifics there? What are the different ways to create the infographics that are going to generate leads? We identified five of our favorite ways to go about doing that, and outlined them below.

5 Ways to Use Infographics to Get Leads From Your Website

1) Represent an offer with an infographic.



For example, let’s have a look at this infographic that was created by HubSpot Marketing Blog EditorCarly Stec

Infographic example

This particular infographic could be an excellent lead generation tool for, say, a comprehensive guide to blogging. While writer’s block is just one pain point in blogging, it’s one that many people experience. Isolating that particular challenge and fleshing it out in a well-designed, shareable image is an excellent way to tease and promote the larger piece of content.

2) Know the design resources available to you.

如果您没有设计师可以使用,请不要担心 - 有很多可用的设计资源,其中许多是免费的。bob体育苹果系统下载安装

其中之一是这个包装五个免费的信息图模板。They're in PowerPoint, and are very easy to customize. Just input the 10 pieces of information you selected in the previous step, and tweak the graphics to fit the data. At risk of sounding like a complete nerd -- this part is really fun.

Otherwise, sites likeCanvaandvenngage都是免费的,易于使用的各种视觉content, including infographics -- both also offer paid upgrades if you’re looking for something a little more advanced. Here’s a silly one that HubSpot Marketing Blog Senior Staff WriterAmanda Zantal-Wiener创建 - 关于她的狗,不用于潜在客户 - 使用前者免费免费:

Lead gen infographic


既然您已经创建了美丽的信息图,则需要一个地方来托管它 - 理想情况下,您网站上的某个地方可以找到它。


That said, the title of this blog post should still be interesting and optimized, primarily for two reasons:

  1. 您希望人们使用正确的搜索标准有机地找到您的内容。
  2. Remember, one of the best things about infographics is how much they’re shared on social media. Having a strong title to go with a shared social post can encourage people to click on it.


接下来,您需要为您的报价创建一个着陆页 - 您可以单击hereto do that in your HubSpot marketing software. That way, visitors can fill out a form in exchange for the content you’ve created, and each completed form is a new lead.

接下来,创建一个呼吁行动(CTA),以插入托管您信息图的博客文章。应该将其超链接到您的着陆页 - 这是一个外观的示例:


不确定如何开始创建CTA?查看this articlewith steps for doing so in your HubSpot software.




您还可以像上面一样添加“ PIN IT”按钮,使用Pinterest的小部件构建器



但是请记住 - 共享性不仅仅是包含一个单击即可轻松发布内容的按钮。尽管这种便利很重要,但内容本身必须值得分享。

So, just to reemphasize, make sure your infographic also meets a high standard of design and helpful information. After all,42%的B2B营销专业人员指出,缺乏高质量数据是潜在客户产生的最大障碍,因此请确保您包含的信息既可靠又有益。


潜在客户生成占许多营销预算的很大一部分 - 实际上,58%的营销人员计划在来年增加他们的

Using infographics for this purpose is one of the most frugal ways to boost your lead generation efforts. And while creating quality visual content can take time, it can also pay off -- so make sure what you’re producing is worth the investment.

How have you used infographics to generate leads? Let us know in the comments.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2014 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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