You only get one chance to make a first impression on your website or blog — which means you need an introduction that stands out. But what do you say? How do you say it? Should it be long? Short? Funny? Serious?

For many of us, the stress of创造出色的介绍drives the dreaded cursor feedback loop: Blink. Blink. Blink. The cursor-on-a-blank-screen sits, waiting for your brilliance but you just can’t find the words. It’s something that all writers — amateur or professional, aspiring or experienced — know and dread. And of all times for it to occur, it seems to plague us the most when trying to write an introduction.


我mean, you already have a blog post you want to write. Can't you just dive in and write it? Why all the focus on getting the introduction right?

Here's the thing: Intros set the stage. They establish the tone and let visitors know what to expect.

而且这并不是所有的不好 - 介绍不必长期或复杂。实际上,大多数人更喜欢它们很快。他们也不必那么困难。

Let's break down exactly how to write an introduction that's short, effective, and relatively painless. And if you're ever having trouble churning out those intros, come back here and re-read this formula to lift yourself out of that writing rut.

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How to Write an Introduction

Writing an introduction that captures your audience can help your website traffic (and ultimately, your business) grow better, but doing it right is just as important. Here's how to write an introduction in three simple steps.

要写介绍,请注意应该实现的目标。这里的主要目标是吸引您的读者 - 大多数时候是一个相对陌生人 - 简洁地让她知道文章的意义。通常,这包括三个关键组成部分:



Step 3) Explain how the post will help address the problem that brought your reader to it.

As a lover of all things meta, I will, of course, use this post's introduction as an example of how to write an intro. It contains different components that create the above introduction "formula," which you can refer to that when you get stuck with your own.

Below, we've gone into more detail on each component.

Writing an Introduction Paragraph


There are a few ways to hook your reader from the start. You can be empathetic ("Don't you hate it when...?"), or tell a story, so the reader immediately feels some emotional resonance with the piece. You could tell a joke ("Ha! This is fun. Let's read more of this."). You could shock the reader with a crazy fact or stat ("Whoa. That's crazy. I must know more!").



Writer's block stinks. Blank screens and taunting cursors — the worst. Who's with me?

2. Present the reason for the post's existence.

Your post needs to have a purpose. The purpose of this post is to address a specific problem — the pain in the butt that is writing intros. But, we have to do it, and therein lies the approach to something important: making writing introductions easier.

Just because you know the purpose of your post, doesn't mean the reader does — not yet, anyway. It's your job to validate your post's importance and give your audience a reason to keep reading.

3. Explain how the post will help address the problem.

Now that the reader is presented with a problem that he or she can relate to — and obviously wants a solution — it's time to let the audience know what the post will provide, and quickly.

换句话说,引言应设定期望。以这篇文章为例。我don'twant the reader to dive in and expect to see a list of reasonswhy介绍很重要。我希望您期望阅读什么makes a good introduction.

But if I hadn't clarified that in the introduction, you might have expected the former. After all, be honest — did you skim over or forget the title of this post already? That's okay. That's why we tell the reader exactly what the post will provide, and why it's valuable.

Of course, there are other valid ways to write introductions for your marketiNG内容 - 不需要为每个内容遵循此公式,因为有些比其他内容更随意。但是,本指南应有助于提供一个可靠的框架,如果您刚刚开始,或者只是单词不流动的那一天之一。

What makes a good introduction?

While format is fundamental to consistently capture visitor attention, it’s also worth considering stylistic frameworks that can help boost engagement from the first moment users land on your site. These include:

1. Telling a compelling story.

Great stories sell books — and they’re also a fantastic way to open a website blog. Storytelling is part of the human experience and if your intro can tee up a solid story, visitors are more likely to keep reading past the first paragraph.

The caveat? Don’t give it all away up-front. Not only should intros be kept short, but the idea is to have people read all the way through to the end. Instead, start with a great hook about something interesting that happened — “The one time I…”, “It all started when…”

2. Cultivating empathy.

We’re also naturally predisposed to empathy, especially when we can relate to what someone else is saying on a personal level.


3. Establishing common pain points.

There’s no trait more universally human than complaining. We do it about small things — like the weather — and big things, like challenges at work or home. This creates an opportunity for content creators: Establish common ground with familiar pain points.

Consider a home maintenance and repair blog. You could introduce homeowners communally dislike — such as clogged gutters or peeling paint — quickly discuss why it’s so frustrating, and then assure readers you can offer a viable solution.

4. Crafting a human connection.

我f you’re running any type of product or service website, expect natural skepticism from visitors. They know you’re trying to sell something and their guard is naturally up, especially against hyperbolic or superfluous claims.

在这里,值得考虑召集公司短缺 - “我们不是最好的,但我们没有所有答案”,然后突出显示bob全站app您与竞争的区别的原因。做对了,您可以诚实地解除愤世嫉俗的用户,建立人类的联系,并鼓励他们考虑您的音调。

5. Asking interesting questions.

You can never go wrong with questions — so long as they’re interesting. Intros that start with “did you know that…” or “ever wondered why…” are great starters if you have relevant information to share.

This can’t be overstated: If your blog doesn’t (or can’t) answer the question you pose in the introduction, choose a different approach. Nothing frustrates visitors faster than discovering that blog intro and body are a content mismatch.

5 Introduction Examples

Curious about what a great introduction looks like in the wild? Let’s break down five great examples.


Photography site PetaPixel offers news, insights, and advice about all things photo-related. In their post “This Free 2.5 Hour Tutorial Covers All Aspects of Wedding Photography,” PetaPixel uses their introduction to highlight the experience of tutorial creator Taylor Jackson, who shoots “60 to 70 weddings every year.”






Greatist是一个健康和健康博客,为读者提供建议和技巧。Their recent starter toolkit post — “Stop Using Your Shoe as a Hammer: 17 Items for Your Starter Tool Kit” helps cultivate a connection with a simple introductory line: “You don’t have to be a DIY pro to need a tool kit around.”


4.The Friendly Teacher

Educational advice site The Friendly Teacher opens her “10 Tips for Organizing Your Classroom at the End of the Year” with a simple question: “What do teachers do in the summer?”

The answer is easy: Relax. But as the post points out, leaving classrooms in a state of disrepair only makes more work for the following year — and she’s here to help with 10 simple tips for pre-summer cleanup. The introduction works because it helps put readers in the right frame of mind — a relaxing summer — and then offers actionable tips to reach that goal.

Bloggingtips.com正是您所期望的:一个专门针对有助于改善网站的有用博客技巧的网站。我n their recent post, “How To Choose A Blog Name – A New Blogger’s Guide to Selecting a Domain Name And URL”, they don’t waste any time getting to the point of their introduction, noting that, “Once you’ve decided to launch a blog – whether for personal or business purposes – one of the first decisions you have to make involves your domain name selection.”



感觉受到启发?好的。下次您发现自己与可怕的眨眼光标面对面时,请使用这些资源并引人入胜的例子来寻找动力并写作bob体育苹果系统下载安装simpler, smarter, and stronger introductions.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in September 2013 and has been updated and for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.


Originally published Jul 1, 2021 6:00:00 AM, updated July 12 2021


Writing Skills