前几天,我正在跑步,听我可信赖的Spotify播放列表。瞧,在我最喜欢的两个泵送果酱之间,我听到了Hubspot Audio Advertisement在我的耳机上滴滴的滴滴。



Below, they share some interesting lessons and takeaways regarding the different platforms and audiences they tested in 2020.

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Advertising Experiments HubSpot Tried in 2020

“While HubSpot has traditionally been relatively direct response-focused (with software signups being the main acquisition goal), one of the biggest takeaways from our advertising in 2020 actually revolves around driving awareness through brand advertising,” sharedRex Gelb, Director, Acquisition Analytics & Paid Advertising at HubSpot.



“对一个人有用的东西可能不适合所有人,因此我们可能只通过[直接响应广告]到达其中的一小部分。”Jillian Hope,HubSpot品牌广告高级营销经理。“但实际上,我们的听众是在听播客,他们正在阅读《纽约时报》或《华尔街日报》中的文章,他们正在观看Hulu,他们全天在做所有这些不同的活动。”

So, by expanding where they showed HubSpot ads, the team hypothesized they could reach a much larger segment of their audience and make new consumers aware of HubSpot.


1. Audio Advertising

“2020年,我们开始翻倍(播客)。It started as more of an awareness play, but we’ve invested in this really neat tool called Podsights,” said Jillian.podsightsis a podcast attribution tool through which the team measures when someone hears a podcast ad and returns to the site, and becomes a lead.

该团队已经测试了一些直接购买的特定播客,例如NPR我如何构建这个规模大师. They’ve also done some national radio buys on NPR and a few Spotify Audio Everywhere ads (for those Spotify users who don’t pay for premium).

2. Hulu Advertising


That’s right — this year, consumers turned on their TV to see some of HubSpot’s first advertisements on streaming channels. The team found that Hulu has high completion rates (about 99%) because the network’s ads are unskippable. “This made it a great tactic for testing out more creative messaging and executions because our audience was tuning into the full ad,” sharedAlicia Collins, Copywriting & Brand Strategy at HubSpot.

艾丽西亚(Alicia)从事HubSpot 2020年品牌广告活动的大部分工作,包括Hulu Push。

3. YouTube Advertising

Video as a whole gave the team more room to deliver value through education, entertainment, and inspiration, especially compared to a display or static social advertisement.

“Because YouTube is a Google-owned property,” Jillian said, “we had the ability to target people who are actively searching for content related to our products, so our ads are relevant to their work.”


“While the algorithm is a bit of a black box, trusting their data ultimately paid off for us, generating some of the most cost-efficient, high-quality impressions and video views, which in turn yielded a great brand lift (as reported by surveys), and a measurable increase in incremental Google searches,” reported Rex.


According to Alicia: “When you're thinking about brand awareness advertising, you have to think about who you're coming in contact。”

Most people who interact with HubSpot’s brand awareness advertisements have never heard of HubSpot — versus those who see the typical direct response advertising. “There's a reason why people are getting targeted with [direct response] ads; they've seen our content, they've been on our website, and they've interacted with our posts.”

The same can’t be said for this new brand advertising push. Alicia and her team are trying to reach a completely new audience, meaning they have to create clear, direct ads that communicate what HubSpot is and who it's for.

艾丽西亚分享道:“ [我们的目标是]引人注目的和引人入胜的,因此人们要么被吸引到点击以学习更多信息,要么只是停下来,然后再看一下。”


说到第二个外观,艾丽西亚只是学会了howdifferent the brand advertising strategy can be. “[It’s a] bit different because, again, people don't see one social ad and immediately remember your brand. It takes like seven or eight impressions for someone to start recalling.”

In her opinion, brand awareness work is unlike a lot of other bottom-of-the-funnel work. “It's not that there's only a science to it, but there's also a bit of an art,” she shared. “It's [all about] trying to find the right balance between solving for the data and the short-term results, and thinking about where you want to be in the long-term.”


In her experience, people who want to invest in new channels and audiences tend to put their money in one place. But Alicia and her teammates have found that no one spends all their time on one channel.

广告实验HubSpot在2020年Hubspot CMS品牌知名度尝试




阅读更多有关开发自己的跨通道或者omnichanneladvertising strategy on the HubSpot Blog.


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Originally published Dec 30, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated January 02 2021

