

Perhaps some people don’t want to show any biases that might deter any potential leads. Perhaps some may want to present themselves as strictly professional. Others may not care about their tone at all, but would rather focus on finding the right keywords to implement throughout their platforms. Some may not even realize just how robotic their brand’s voice really is.
不管怎样,事实的真相是:人性化你r brand is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. People like making connections. They enjoy investing their time and money in people they know are on their side and that they can relate to. So in today’s highly competitive world, it’s definitely in every business’s best interest to find a way to connect to their customers and leads through humanization— no matter what industry you’re in.



In other words, start with creating good company culture. Your CEO(s) and upper management have the potential to spread that culture like wildfire throughout your company, allowing your team to be the true advocates you want them to be.

Then, post about it! If your company did a 5K, post a photo on Facebook of employees happily crossing the finish line. Then make it the cover photo. If your business’s office is festively decorated according to your brand’s colors and theme, post a video tour of it on your website. Or, if your team has recently completed a certification or won an award, talk about it on Google+.



For many businesses, portraying themselves as industry leaders is essential to generating leads and gaining credibility. And while that is certainly a crucial piece of the puzzle, it doesn’t negate the need for a human element. The reality is, you can still have professional, educational or even highly technical content that still incorporates a fun, caring or engaging tone.

Look at Dollar Shave Club (or any of the brands mentioned in Kim Speier’s blog “7 Boring Big Brands That Used Humor to Amp Up Their Marketing”)。

The Dollar Shave Club made an ad that was blunt, witty and silly. But most importantly, it was smart. It made a traditionally “boring” brand approachable, fun andhuman, three things that build trust, credibility and eventually brand loyalty.

3) Speak in Your Audience’s Language


If your company is B2B, communicate to your audience in an educational, informative way. If your company is B2C, strike an emotional chord. The better you are at learning your consumers’ language, the more approachable and “human” you’ll appear to them.


If you’re not already familiar with入站营销,您知道上面的陈述本质上是它的要旨。给您的观众对他们有价值的东西(无需销售),他们会寻找更多。整个步骤旨在通过信任建立关系,该信任基于您提供有用的,可信的资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装



5) Keep an Active Blog on Your Website

This is an easy— and most importantly—自由的way to show a human side to your audience. Not only does keeping an active blog help with boosting your SEO, staying up to date with topics in your industry and becoming more purpose-driven in your efforts, but it also helps with showing your human side.

It allows readers to see that you’re current, active and educated, giving you more credibility. Plus, as we mentioned in the previous tip, it also helps with your inbound marketing by providing readers with information or educated opinions on topics they’re seeking out. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

6) Showcase Your Community Manager

If your business has a community manager or similar role, let him or her (or them) take the spotlight for your company by showcasing them on all your online platforms. Put his or her face on your Facebook page with information about that position and personal interests.

显示他或她的Twitter或电子邮件地址so readers to easily access them with questions or concerns. Giving people a face to your community manager will make them feel more comfortable with your brand as a whole and will help build a strong relationship between you both.

7) Apologize and Say “Thank You” When Necessary



More than that, though, you should be thanking your fans/followers/customers/advocates/etc. often. Something as simple as posting a Facebook status that celebrates reaching 5,000 fans,thanking them专门用于帮助您达到这一里程碑,走很长一段路。

或者,向当前和过去的客户(也许是感恩节)发送电子邮件,以表示感谢他们的业务。这是使观众看到的另一种方式as humans who care about他们作为人类,不仅仅是一家对建立关系不感兴趣的渴望的公司。bob全站app


This isn’t just a tip for upper management, nor is it just a tip for your customer service department. It’s for every member of your team and every part of your brand’s online persona.


如《福布斯》的文章中提到的那样,5 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service” by Sunday Steinkirchner, “In our own business, we value face-to-face interaction with customers, which is often a rarity these days. Whether it’s traveling across the country for trade shows or taking time for a quick coffee or Skype session, our strongest relationships are with the customers we know personally and keep in contact with regularly.”


All in all, humanizing your brand has a multitude of benefits, including gaining credibility and getting your voice heard. Use these eight simple tips to get started today!



