近年来,我们在互联网上看到了视频的力量 - 仅Facebook就会获得eight billion average daily views, 和YouTube's视频平台使青少年成为国家超级巨星(贾斯汀·比伯,有人吗?)。也Cisco report estimatesthat, by 2022, watching video will account for 82% of internet traffic.

分享视频时,营销人员需要考虑各种渠道,例如上述YouTube和Tiktok或Snapchat。还有Instagram电视(IGTV),launched in 2018, is different fromInstagram Stories.


此外,IGTV主要用于smartphones, as the videos are vertical, and users don’t need to rotate their devices to watch. If you're interested in testing out the app for your own business or simply want to know which brands to follow on the app, you're in luck — here, we've compiled all the tips and information you need to get started with IGTV.

There is also a standalone IGTV app that you can download from the app store. To get it, simply go to the应用商店orGoogle Play, search for IGTV, and click Get or Install.

IGTV Video Length

Anyone with an Instagram account can upload an IGTV video.

Unlike Instagram Stories' 15-second video limit,IGTV videos从移动设备上传时,可以长达15分钟,而从网络上载60分钟。

How To Make IGTV Videos

To upload and edit your IGTV video title and description, follow these steps:

1.Open the IGTV app and click on your profile icon. Then, clickUpload Video.如果您尚未获得许可,将要求您允许IGTV访问您的视频库。


2. Select the video you want to upload.


3. Click下一个in the top right-hand corner.


IGTV video screen to add a title and description


Post a video to make yout IGTV content go live



2. When the创建menu pops up, select IGTV video.

创建从Instagram配置文件的菜单屏幕上传IGTV视频3. Select the video you want to upload, choose your preferred cover, and add a title and description.


IGTV Analytics

IGTV provides the following in-app analytic insights for your videos: views, likes, comments, average percentage watched, reach, saves, and interactions.


1. Open your video, and then click the "..." icon at the bottom.


2. Select查看见解.

查看见解tab on IGTV video for viewing analytics

3. IGTV视频见解菜单应出现并包含您的受众分析信息。由于该视频只是一个测试,因此该视频没有分析数据。

Example of IGTV Video Insights analytics screen

The image below displays the IGTV channel preview from popular internet show The Daily Show.

IGTV video posts tab on The Daily Show's instagram profile


一旦您打开IGTV应用程序,视频就会立即开始播放 - 大概希望用户会沉浸在内容中。

IGTV explore page video carousel



To watch an IGTV video within the Instagram app, navigate to a user’s profile, select the IGTV icon, and pick the video you want to watch.

Best IGTV Channels and Brands to Follow

There are hundreds of brands and channels that create impressive and unique IGTV content. If your business is starting from scratch and looking for inspiration, here are a few channels and brands you’ll want to check out:

  • Netflix
  • The Daily Show
  • National Geographic
  • Food Network


While IGTV doesn’t have the same audience reach as Instagram or YouTube, it is still a worthwhile platform to use to reach your audience members, especially if they don’t use other video sharing apps you’re on like TikTok, Snapchat, or YouTube.

Below is a list of IGTV content creators using the platform to create content that appeals to their specific niche.

  • LaBeautyologist
  • Hannah Stocking
  • AskDrJess
  • Huda Kattan
  • 大卫·张

最终,由您决定IGTV是否为您的业务提供宝贵的好处。决定观众在决定时的偏好至关重要 - 他们愿意在IGTV上观看您的品牌,还是在其他地方消费内容?

If you feel your brand does well in relatively unmarked territory, perhaps you want to give IGTV a try. Get out your camera, record some unedited behind-the-scenes looks at your company, and press Post. Your audience insights will tell you soon enough whether it's an avenue worth pursuing.


instagram statistics

Originally published Apr 27, 2021 1:00:00 PM, updated April 27 2021


Instagram Marketing