Think about the last time you flipped through a confusing instruction manual. Where does that piece go? How do these parts fit together? If the instructions are subpar, you get frustrated and wind up looking for an explainer video some random person posted online.

If we can follow the storyline, we understand. If not, we get lost in the chaos. Information design aims to avoid confusion by presenting data in a way that’s easy to understand.

作为营销人员,信息设计使分享复杂的想法变得更加简单 - 无论您是分发annual report或getting buy-in for a new campaign. In this post, we'll walk through the basics of information design, how to put it to use, and the tools you need to start applying it to your work.

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您可能认为信息设计听起来很像data visualization。两者都与图形设计和一组核心集有关design principles, key differences set them apart.

信息设计 data visualization
Tells a story, which gives the data purpose. 以视觉吸引力的方式呈现原始数据,但没有提供目的。
Uses logic and patterns that are easily understood by an audience. Allows viewers to make their own conclusions, and aims to spark a specific reaction.
Provides conclusions, so the viewer doesn't have to make their own assumptions. Constantly evolves as new data becomes available.
Examples:How-to infographics, instruction manuals, or analytics reports that provide conclusions or predictions. Examples:Analytics dashboards, demographic graphs, or performance charts.

Confused? You're not the only one. The nuances between the two can be challenging to discern. The main thing to remember is that information design is about effectiveness and function, while data visualization is more about visual appeal and aesthetics. Both enhance a viewer's ability to comprehend data, but only information design weaves storytelling into the mix.

Luckily, a set of principles exists that will help you turn complex information into attractive, coherent content.

Information Design Principles

Most fields have a set of guidelines to keep processes clear and consistent. For example, writers follow style guides, engineers adhere to code standards, and information designers practice design thinking.

设计思维是一个创造性过程的问题solving that puts people first. LikeUX设计, which considers the users' needs above all else, information design principles are human-centered and give designers a process to follow. The goal is to ensure people don't feel overwhelmed or confused as they navigate information.

While the principles are listed in a particular order below, know that this process isn't always linear. You may have to repeat a step or jump back and forth between two to clarify information. Like all guidelines, you have to find what works for your situation and intention.



Start by getting curious. Ask questions, observe youraudience's behaviors,让人们进行对话,并同情理解他们的真正动机或问题。使用访谈,调查,焦点小组或民意调查来了解人们真正需要的解决方案。目的是了解人们如何与最终设计互动以使其尽可能有效 - 但是知道该设计只会与您收集的信息一样好。

2。Define the core problem.

Once you've collected information from your target audience, you need to synthesize it and define the core problem to be solved. Ideally, you center it around the people you're aiming to help instead of your own needs.


Defining the problem with your audience in mind changes the way designers, writers, and marketers approach the solution. And it often sparks creative ideas, which leads right into the next stage.

3。Ideate and brainstorm.

Not all ideas have the same impact. That's why it's essential to encourage everyone involved in the information design process to flex their creativity in this phase.

Give your tried-and-truebrainstorming techniquesa go, but don't be afraid to experiment with new methods. Techniques like mind-mapping, brainwriting, free association, S.C.A.M.P.E.R, and storyboarding can stimulate ideas. Get as many ideas as you can for both the design and the story right from the start.

Once you've condensed your ideas down to a carefully curated list, map out your story outline to get a feel for how people will interact with and understand your design. This outline will serve as the foundation for the first iterations.

4。Prototype your ideas.

You likely landed on one or two strong ideas for the story and design. The prototype phase is where you expand upon those ideas to identify the best possible solution.

Prototypes are typically low-cost, simplified iterations, so don't spend all of your resources perfecting the first version. Instead, focus on the visual hierarchy to make your story stand out. Then, before moving on to the next step, share the prototype with people involved in the project to make sure the information is accurate, precise, engaging, and easily understood.

5. Test your designs.

When your design is robust enough to explain your idea, it's time to share it and collect feedback. Send it to teammates within your company who may provide insight or gather a group of people in your audience.


Give people a few days to sit with the prototype and gather feedback. When you feel you have enough information, make any necessary tweaks. You may have to repeat this step multiple times because, often, the feedback inspires you to redefine the problem and rethink your story.

Information Design Examples

While there's a particular way to approach information design, the design possibilities are near endless. Let's look at some ways it's used in business and marketing to help spark your ideas.

1。Media Economy Report Vol.13, Bureau Oberhaeuser

Industry trends don't have to be a bore.This reportfrom MAGNA GLOBAL acts as a thought leadership piece to share insights on where the eCommerce industry is heading and how the customer experience is changing. A blend of copy and well-designed graphics gives an overview of forces affecting the industry, highlights key takeaways, and provides predictions on how eCommerce will evolve.



2。Advanced Keyword Research Tutorial, Brian Dean

Information design can go beyond written content. This explainer video from Backlinko gives life to the standard "how-to" post with a visually appealing design, animation, and clear instructions. If you want to experiment with content beyond blog posts, infographics, or reports, a video may be just the content for your next information design project.

3。The Deal Machine, Elisabetta Calabritto


信息设计example: the deal machine


4。Not Another State of Marketing Report, HubSpot


信息设计example: hubspot state of marketing report图像源

5.Click & Collect: Reinventing Online Grocery Experience, Netguru

Case studies are necessary for educating your audience and providing proof that your product or service works. Netguru did a great job creating a case study that's simple to scan and fun to scroll through. Interactive graphics catch your eye and explain how the product works. But my favorite moment had to be learning how the automated guided vehicles work.



Information Design Tools

每个人都有自己喜欢的工具,无论是用于笔记,项目管理,图形设计还是内容管理。如果您的专业是营销,则以下工具可以帮助您整理凝聚力,有吸引力的内容 - 而无需学习复杂的软件。bob电竞官方下载

Certain tools are more intricate than others, though, so loop in your design team if necessary. They are the experts, after all! Here are some valuable tools to consider:

  • Canva: A graphic design platform that is simple for non-designers to quickly get the hang of to create presentations, infographics, reports, and more.
  • Visme: Ideal for both experienced designers and newbies, this graphic design platform gives a variety of templates so you can create videos, infographics, documents, charts, and graphics.
  • Crello:充满时尚模板,Crello是一种图形设计工具,具有用于社交媒体帖子,营销材料,演示文稿等的布局。它还包含一系列免版税照片,因此您可以为信息设计文档增添趣味。
  • Adobe Creative Cloud:Adobe CC是创意者的必备品,可为您的创作提供最高的控制权。Photoshop,Indesign,Illustrator和Premiere提供了有力的工具,可以完全从头开始启动设计。
  • Procreate: This app is for artists who create digital paintings (think animations, graphics, and more). It's more for designers than for marketers, but it's perfect for those who prefer to work by hand before converting their work into programs like Adobe CC.


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content templates

Originally published Oct 12, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated October 12 2021


Design Templates