Some of the greatest discoveries of all time came to fruition at the intersection between two ideas. Think about it: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pajama jeans, and sporks ... just to name a few.

This week, Instagram proved the power of cross-pollinating ideas once more when it宣布在Instagram故事中添加了实时视频,并在Instagram Direct中消失了照片和视频。

If those new feature announcements look and feel a whole lot like the experiences you're used to on Snapchat and Facebook Live, your instincts aren't wrong. Instagram's new features directly reflect a larger shift in the user's desire to share content "freely and in the moment," as explained in theofficial announcement Download our complete guide to using Instagram for business and marketing here. 尽管这些功能将在接下来的几周内全球推广,但我们希望确保您拥有专有技术来开始计划策略马上。在下面,我们将详细研究每个新功能,涵盖您需要了解的一切,如何入门以及这对社交媒体经理和营销人员意味着什么。

What's Different About Instagram's New Features?

要回答每个人都立即问自己的问题:是的,实时内容更新似乎与Facebook Live非常相似。

But there are actually some noteworthy differences that set Instagram's live video feature apart. And from a technical standpoint, Instagram's live content is better represented as a healthy mix between Facebook Live and Snapchat.

关键区别Instagram的现场视频Stories and Facebook Live is that live Instagram video disappearsonce the publisher finishes the broadcast, creating the transient experience offered by Snapchat.

“It’s a bi-directional experience, and you only get that when you’re actually live with someone,” Instagram's Head of Product凯文·威尔told Recode


Wired Staff WriterDavey Albaechoed this in她的回顾of the announcements:

与Instagram Stories, Facebook seems to be trying out a tack it used (to great effect) with messaging, splitting the use cases for Facebook Messenger (a tool for expression, as CEO Mark Zuckerberg explains it) and WhatsApp (a “more utilitarian” messaging app). Similarly, Facebook Live looks to be a more robust tool for archiving important video, while Instagram Stories is for your friends’ eyes only."

As for the introduction of disappearing photos and videos in Instagram Direct, the divergence from Snapchat's functionality is less obvious. In fact,one of the only major distinctions between the two is that Instagram makes it easier for users to continuously senddisappearing给一组朋友的消息, whereas Snapchat requires you to manually select recipients each time.

In other words, the process for sending Instagram's ephemeral direct messages mirrors a "group text" experience, which is informed by the company's knowledge of users' adoption ofInstagramDirect在过去的一年中。自从推出以来,用户在全球的8000万人增长到3亿人 - 其中许多人使用消息传递功能与组线程共享内容,according to the official announcement

Ready to see these updates in action? Let's walk through each step.

How to Get Started with Live Content and DisappearingMessages on Instagram

How to Go Live on Instagram:

1) Open the Instagram app and navigate to 'Your Story' in the top left corner.

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Just like on Facebook Live, comments will appear in a feed at the bottom of the screen during your recording. Here's an example we captured:

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Looking for more ways to inspire your videos down the line?查看“探索”选项卡以查看其他人的现场故事。Simply tap 'Top Live' to watch live stories unfold in real time, and swipe right and left to skip ahead or go back.

Top Live Stories Instagram.jpeg

How to Send a Disappearing Message on Instagram:

1) Open the Instagram app and swipe right to open the camera view. You can snap a photo by tapping the white circle button, or hold the button down to capture a video.


2) To add text or doodle on your photo or video, use the annotation icons in the top right corner.

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(Need artistic inspiration? Check outthis roundup of clever Snapchat drawings。)

3) When you're ready to send the message, tap the white arrow button.

Send Private Instagram Message.jpeg


To select users to add to a direct message, simply tap the circle next to their name to turn it into a blue check mark. If you're creating a group, tap 'Create' in the corner once you're done adding recipients.



5) To view your direct messages, tap the new airplane icon in the top right corner of your feed or swipe left.

A few things to note about sending and viewing messages:

  • A blue ring will appear around a new message in your inbox.
  • In a group message, you can see others' responses, as well as who else has seen them.
  • 要发送响应,只需点击用户褪色的个人资料照片。
  • You'll be notified if a friend replays or screenshots your message.
  • 您只能将消失的消息发送给您遵循的人 - 无论您的帐户是私人还是公共的。

View Instagram Messages.jpeg

So now you know how to get started, but what does this all mean for marketers and the future of Instagram? Let's walk through all of that below.

The Era of Ephemeral Marketing Is Here

As marketers, you already know the importance of catering your social media content distribution to the platform you're publishing on. You might turn to Twitter for snappy, 140-character breaking news, or Snapchat for a selfie of you and your coworker disguised by a funny filter. But the etiquette on Instagram was in a league of its own -- until just recently, at least.

Hubspot的社交媒体营销经理解释说:“每个社交网络都有其不同的因素,Instagram一直是展示您一生中最美丽,策划版本的地方。”玛丽莎Emanuelea post following the announcement of Instagram Storiesback in August.

The introduction of Instagram Stories was the social network's first foray into a more authentic and open sharing environment, as it lowered the stakes for those feeling pressure to produce the perfect Instagram post. Unlike the traditional Instagram post, Stories could be unpolished and even a little silly.

By opening up the platform to live video and disappearing content, it's clear Instagram is making a more aggressive shift towards becoming a network where users have the freedom to share whatever they want -- whether it be raw, picturesque, or somewhere in between.

“我们希望Instagram成为您分享所有时刻的地方,” Weil告诉recode。“[That includes] the more private moments or the inside jokes that are relevant not for your entire Instagram following but for a smaller group of folks.”


"If you're a one person marketing team, managing an ongoing Snapchat presence and an ongoing Instagram Stories presence is a little crazy," noted Emanuele during a Facebook Live recap of the announcements yesterday afternoon. (Check that out below.)

It might not make sense for you to stretch yourself thin across every single platform. Emanuele's rule of thumb: Don't be on a channel just to be on a channel.

So how do you determine which channels are right for you?

“我认为这全都与测试有关,” HubSpot的一位内容和成长营销人员之一解释说Katherine Boyarsky,在同一直播中。她补充说:“我可能不会(我)在Snapchat上赌我们的听众。但是它们是。”

In other words, take what you've learned above and give it a try -- the response might surprise you, or at the very least validate your instincts about your audience's preferences.

And whether these new features are right for you or not, Instagram's announcement signals a larger sea change in marketing.Authenticity and real-time, ephemeral experiences are beating polished and hyper-produced content, and you should be thinking strategically about how to incorporate them into your marketing efforts.

Need help getting up to speed on some of the other real-time advancements on social media? Check outour guide to Facebook Live here, as well as我们的Instagram故事指南在这里。And for more on our reaction to these new Instagram announcements, check out the two-part Facebook Live recap from Emanuele and Boyarsky below:


Part Two:

What questions do you have about the latest Instagram news? Share them in the comments.

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Originally published Nov 23, 2016 6:00:00 AM, updated July 28 2017

