当您尝试grow a following on Instagram,您依靠探索和标签页面来扩展受众并触及。因此,当您的内容突然没有出现在任何地方时,感觉不仅令人沮丧。

If you feel like your posts are receiving fewer likes and comments suddenly, or aren't appearing for certain hashtags or on the Explore page, you might be shadowbanned.


From Instagram's perspective, the objective of hiding"inappropriate" content有意义(尽管其执行一直是批评。)ShadowBanning允许Instagram过滤出不符合其条款的帐户。有些人使用不真实的措施来扩展其Instagram的关注购买追随者或使用数百个与其内容无关的主题标签。如果是这样,Instagram会隐藏这些帐户中的内容,以便将真实和有用的内容促销给用户是有道理的。

While Instagram doesn't openly admit to shadowbanning, they released a statement on theirFacebook业务页面2019年2月,用户与某些主题标签没有出现的内容解决了问题。

他们的陈述至少证实了标签困境是一个真正的问题 - 但许多人推测该陈述是Instagram承认Shadowbanning的方式,而没有真正承认。

Instagram for Business发布的声明在2019年2月在其Facebook页面上暗示了Shadowbanning

It's important to note that Instagram经常更改其算法,因此这些改动可能是您目睹您的下降的原因engagement rate.

但是,ShadowBanning可能是一种真正的策略,旨在将用户的内容隐藏在更广泛的Instagram受众中,如果您被Shadowband handed Bangans,请务必采取必要的措施以使您的内容看到您的内容。

让我们探索如何知道您是否被Shadow Bann,以及我们脱离清单的技巧。

Luckily, there's an easy test to figure out if your account is shadowbanned.

如果一个或两个员工可以看到你的帖子,you might simply be dealing with a drop in engagement. If that's the case, you can take a number of steps to fix this.

看看我们Instagram营销:最终指南for tactical advice on improving your reach and engagement.


Instagram Shadowban Test

There is no foolproof test to tell if you've been shadowbanned on Instagram. While there are tools that advertise they can do exactly that, these tools are not reliable. Instead, try the steps below.



查看以下标签“必须follow”的消息。由于用户报告了最近使用此标签的帖子,因为不符合Instagram的社区准则,因此Instagram可能会隐藏您的内容(即使您的标签是notin violation of any guidelines).

Message that posts using hashtag mustfollow have been hidden could mean youve been shadowbanned on Instagram for using that hashtag

Image Source

Check Instagram Insights.

看着Instagram Insights, if you notice a sudden and sustained drop in engagement, then it's possible you've been shadowbanned. One of the best metrics to look at is percent of accounts reached that weren't following you.

Take a look at the difference in "discovery" of the two posts below. This blogger duo went from reaching over 70K accounts, 32% of which weren't following them, to reaching a little over 40K, of which only 4% weren't already following them. This drop cued the bloggers in that their account had been shadowbanned.

Drop in discovery revealed in Instagram insights showed that Instagram account had been shadowbanned

Image Source

如果您相信自己已经被阴影了,请放心 - 我们为您提供解决方案。

Why am I shadowbanned?

There are a few potential reasons your account could have been shadowbanned. To ensure this doesn't happen again, let's explore some actions you might have taken that led you to being shadowbanned.

1. You use bots or another automated "Instagram growth" tool.

如果您自己没有努力工作,那么您就不会真正地增长关注。Instagram对此感到皱眉 - 例如,在上面的声明中,他们鼓励用户制定着专注于与合适受众联系的策略。使用机器人是一种垃圾邮件策略,可能会导致Shadowban。

2. You use broken hashtags.

Occasionally, a popular hashtag will become overrun with inappropriate content. When this happens, Instagram can remove the hashtag or limit its use. If you use a broken hashtag, it will prevent your other hashtags from ranking, and could also result in a blocked account.


When users repeatedly report an account, Instagram will assume your account is posting inappropriate content or violating their terms of service. They might disable your account, or they could shadowban it.

4. You've been posting, commenting, engaging, or following people too quickly.

Instagram places time constraints on how often you can follow, unfollow, like, comment, or post within an hour or day. This makes sense — if you're following 80 people within an hour, it's likely a bot doing the work, not you.



To get your account back to normal, you'll want to reverse the damage. Here's how:

If you use a bot or another automated service, stop and delete it immediately.

To make sure the accounts aren't still attached to you, go to your desktop Instagram and click "Edit Profile", and then "Apps and Websites". If you see any of your bot accounts in the Active tab, click "Remove" to remove them from your account completely.

Click Remove buton next to bot or other automated service in order to get unshadowbanned on InstagramImage Source

Remember, it's better to have 100 followers who love your brand and purchase your products, than 1,000 followers who never buy from you or interact with your content.

Don't use hashtags that have been banned.

Take a look atMarkitor的2021年禁止主题标签列表,并确保从您的内容中删除所有破碎的主题标签。这是列表中的一些:


Moving forward, be selective and careful with the hashtags you choose, and when in doubt, take a look at the hashtag's page — Instagram will likely post a message like, "Recent posts from #summer2020 are currently hidden … ", which will indicate to you that the hashtag is no longer in use.


人们从usi报道全部48小时休息ng their Instagram accounts can reset the system and get you back on track, and it's worth the temporary social media cleanse anyway, isn't it?


阅读并关注Instagram的Terms of Use,社区Guidelines, 和Recommendation Guidelines. Some notable takeways from these documents are:

  • 仅共享您创建或有权共享的内容

  • Don't post content that's false or misleading

  • 分享适合任何人看到的内容

The Foolproof Way to Avoid the Instagram Shadowban

The simplest way to avoid being shadowbanned on Instagram is to post helpful, authentic content, and abide by best practices when growing your audience. It will take longer to do this, but slow and steady wins the race — and doesn't get shadowbanned.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

instagram statistics


Originally published Jul 15, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated July 15 2021


Instagram Marketing