Since the dawn of Stories features across social media platforms, many brands have asked, "Should we make Stories with or without sound?"

While some people love to get the full experience of sight and sound while they watch Stories on various platforms, others watch this type of content when they're on-the-go.

Because many mobile users are often in public, standing near people, or even in at school or work when they watch Story content, they might choose to watch with the sound off.


But, what about Instagram? Are people turning off their sound to watch Stories on this platform? Or is it still worth creating Stories that rely on audio elements?

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This question is such a highly debated topic that I decided to ask consumers to weigh in.

To do this, I used Lucid software to ask over 350 people the question, "How often do you watch Instagram Stories with the sound on?"


在Facebook之后,Instagram的所有者宣布85% of its own platform's userswatch videos without sound, you might think that many Instagram users also watch content -- like Stories -- without audio. But, then again, if you're aSnapchat userwho's more accustomed to watching videos with the sound on, you might assume that everyone else has a similar preference.

但是,当它来到了民意调查,the results were a fairly mixed bag.


Lucid Survey: Do you watch Instagram Stories with the sound on or off?





For example, if you interview someone, you could include a "Sound On" disclaimer, or subtitles that appear at the bottom of the video, This way, viewers will either be able to read from the subtitles, or they can return to the Story when they're able to turn on their sound.

To give you a visual example, here's what an Instagram Story with subtitles might look like:

InstagramStory with closed captioning for those who can't watch with sound on





Starbucks uses Stories to share customer testimonies, new product launches, and other interactive content. These aspects of promotional content are not only interesting for viewers and prospective customers -- but additionally -- they don't require sound.

在一个例子中,星巴克要求观众猜测哪种饮料正在回来。在故事的下一页中,该品牌分享了最佳的基于文本的答案,并揭示了S'mores Frap和Image。为了添加一些额外的互动性,观众可以对他们喜欢哪种类型的S'mores Frap进行投票,并猜测视频中显示了多少个S'mores。


Harvard Business Publishing




In the example below, the publication shows users a burn-out checklist which they can screenshot and check off. The story then gives you advice on what to do if you checked any of the boxes.



At HubSpot, our social media team will occasionally post Stories with sound, but usually, they leverage quizzes, polls, and short blurbs of text to tell a compelling story without sound. Here's a recent example where our Instagram Story highlights a new DM feature on the platform:

HubSpot Soundless Instagran Story


How to Create Engaging Silent Content


To get started, it can be helpful to熟悉所有沉默但仍在吸引人的功能you can use on Instagram Stories. Then, if you're interested in branching out with silent content on other platforms, check out this great创建无声视频的指南.

Need more examples of soundless content?点击这里对于无声视频示例的摘要。



Originally published Feb 4, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated November 05 2021

