Having a Company Page on LinkedIn is essential. It gives you the opportunity to take part in conversations important to your brand, engage with and grow your audience, and leverage your current employees to spread your mission.

On November 13Th,LinkedIn重新推出的公司页面作为Libob全站appnkedIn页面,添加客户重视最重视的新功能。如果您今天登录LinkedIn,您会发现一些明显的区别。UI更清洁,更易于导航 - 此外,看起来更深入一些,您会发现有许多新功能旨在帮助您利用LinkedIn发展业务。

Understanding these new LinkedIn updates will help you take advantage of all that LinkedIn Pages has to offer, and find success on their platform. Here’s what you need to know about the new LinkedIn Pages.




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LinkedIn Pages also now enable you to participate in conversations important to your success. For example, you can now associate up to three hashtags to your LinkedIn Page. This lets individuals dive into topics that you’ve associated with your company. With this update, you can now associate your brand with various trending topics, and more easily take part in that conversation.

LinkedIn页面的另一个更新包括能够在LinkedIn中本地共享不同媒体类型的能力。现在,您可以将PDFS或文档直接上传到LinkedIn页面帖子中,为您提供一个很好的机会,可以分享可用于推广整体品牌的品牌故事。例如,在Hubspot,我们可以分享我们的Customer Code直接在我们的LinkedIn页面上。


LinkedIn的本地视频解决方案为营销人员提供了更多理由倾斜视频。这些视频将在LinkedIn Newsfeed中自动播放,并且将在此停留的时间不仅仅是从bob官网官方网站另一个平台(例如YouTube)链接的视频。考虑使用视频来讲述快速客户成功案例,或真实地推广您的产品或服务之一。


Your success is tied to your ability to understand your audience. The more keyed into the unique challenges and needs of your audience, the stronger your content will be, and the more it will resonate with your audience.

为了帮助您确切了解哪些内容引起了观众的共鸣,LinkedIn页面现在提供“内容建议”。有了内容建议,只需选择您的受众,您就会收到他们感兴趣的主题和文章列表。根据这些主题创建原始内容,或者分享您的受众已经感兴趣的文章。此更新比以往任何时候都更容易在LinkedIn上活跃 - 吸引到页面的流量并增加您的追随者数量。

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Once you start creating and sharing content that interests your audience, you need to determine whether or not your content strategy is successful. LinkedIn Pages now give administrators stronger visual analytics that can be used to further understand your success on their platform. You can filter your dashboard by any time frame to determine how you are performing over time, and adjust your strategy accordingly. All admins will receive a monthly summary email, providing them with the demographics of people visiting the site and which content they are interacting with.

Engage with your people.

LinkedIn经常被认为是个人可以找到下一份工作的平台,而公司可以吸引新的人才。没有足够注意如何利用当前员工发展品牌。Employees generally have ten times the reachof a company on LinkedIn, making them a great resource for expanding your brand’s reach.


With the updates to LinkedIn Pages, admins will now receive a notification every time their company is tagged in a post. These posts can easily be shared to your LinkedIn Page, making it easy to fill your page with content, expand your reach, and humanize your brand.


