It’s simpler than you think to master content marketing on LinkedIn’s platform. Deciphering when to share and what features to use can be overwhelming at first, but it will become second nature with a few guidelines in your marketing toolkit.


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The good news is you can leverage LinkedIn for content distribution without having to pay for it. Check out our video on how to build our content strategy on LinkedIn:

Regardless of what medium you’re using, there are a few tips that will ensure yourLinkedIn marketing努力尽力而为。




It’s easy to create a post and then move on to the next project, but using LinkedIn for marketing shouldn’t be a one-way street. If you’re fortunate to have users commenting on your post, interact with them. Respond to questions and comments, ask for feedback, or ask questions that spark discussion.


Yes, social media marketing is about promotion, but you can promote yourself and brand without taking a hard sell angle. Producing good content with an authentic voice will perform better than a hollow sales pitch. People are smart, and can spot dishonesty quicker than you may think.

4. Use hashtags.




6. Offer exclusive content.

It can be tempting to publish the same content across multiple platforms, but that would be a mistake. Provide your LinkedIn audience with exclusive content that they can’t find elsewhere. It’s not uncommon to have the same followers on several platforms, so you don’t want to bombard them with duplicate content.

7. Observe and adjust.

Don't get discouraged if your posts don’t initially get the level of response you hoped for. Make adjustments and continue to improve with each new post you share.


One of LinkedIn's most underutilized features is the “LinkedIn Status Update” (also called your “Network Update”) in your LinkedIn Profile. This is one of the best ways to stay in front of your target audience on a consistent basis. And when used correctly, these little messages pack a big punch.

Your status update “block” is a white box located just below your picture on your homepage. Whenever you share an update, your message is then broadcast to all of your network connections.



LinkedIn status expanded with all options


Tips for Sharing Updates on LinkedIn

  • Share links to interesting articles, websites or videos.使用抓住读者的单词并鼓励他们单击链接。
  • 将文档附加到您的状态更新中。您的听众可能会喜欢收到清单,白皮书或案例研究。求职者,这是您简历的好地方。
  • 提及可能有助于您的某些联系的人或情况。For instance, “I just met with @AlexPirouz from @Linkfluencer and found out they've just won the readers choice award from Anthill Magazine.” The “@” before an individual or company name allows the reader to click through to that person’s LinkedIn profile or company page.
  • 谈论您参加或参加的活动。这可能会鼓励您在那里学到的知识的参与和/或问题。


  • 谈论您吃早餐(或您的猫)的东西。LinkedIn是一个professionalnetwork. Before you post, make sure that what you're sharing is relevant to your audience and provides value. While your pancakes this morning may have been delicious, this isn't the place for it.
  • Being a spammer.虽然每天在Twitter上发布20次可以接受,但LinkedIn的景观有些不同。为了避免作为垃圾邮件化,请尝试将您的更新限制为每天不超过几次。
  • Talking about sensitive topics.我太尴尬了,什至无法考虑,更不用说分享了一些我认为发布为状态更新的项目。如果您的母亲不希望您谈论它,请不要将其包括在您的状态中。
  • Continually pitching products and services.这需要人们回到大newspape的日子bob官网官方网站r ads and screaming radio messages. This is not the purpose of社交媒体,特别是LinkedIn。
  • 当没人看时,不要打扰发布。The update you posted at 11:30 p.m. on Friday probably won’t get much traction. Try to align your posting schedule with the business hours in which people in your industry operate. Of course, this varies if you have a global audience.



LinkedIn文章由G + T创意撰写


I decided to test it out by publishing one of my articles, "5 Things All Great Leaders Have In Common." Given that it was my first time publishing on the platform, I had no idea what to expect. However, what happened next totally blew me away ...


在几个小时内,该文章就流行开来 - 获得了7万多次观看次数,11k+股票和近500条评论。多年来,我撰写了数百篇商业文章,但它们都没有实现这一文章的曝光和互动。


And while the article continued to gain traction as time went on, I couldn't help but think that it was too good to be true. Unable to shake this thought, I decided to publish a few more articles over the coming weeks. Whilst none of them achieved the level of exposure my first article received, each article has now reached 10k+ views, 1000+ shares and 100+ comments on average.



  • 目标观众:考虑的大多数connections are like-minded professionals, it's easy to select topics that will resonate. This type of shared interest provides an opportunity to create a two-way dialogue where everyone is sharing their expertise and strengthening their relationships.
  • 更多暴露:Every post you write and publish prompts a notification for your connections. This is a great way for you to showcase your thought leadership on your chosen topic and add value to those within your network.
  • 在creased following:If your connections enjoy your content enough to like it or share it, that can open doors to a whole new audience. And if your connection's network sees your posts and finds value, there's a chance they will follow you to keep up with your contributions.


  • 定义您的目的:What is your outcome in publishing content on LinkedIn? Who is the main target market you’re writing the content for? What are the main challenges they face within their role or industry?
  • Brainstorm topics:一旦您了解了为什么要写内容(以及为谁编写内容),请尝试根据观众的挑战提出一些工作标题。
  • Narrow your focus:一旦您创造了积压的想法,就该磨练一个想法了。选择您认为与听众最相关的一种并获得写作。如果您需要指导,请参阅this resource from LinkedInfor tips on how to write effective long-form content.
  • 选择图像:挑选一个引人注目的封面图片以伴随您的帖子。bob全站app(如果您很难看图像,请查看这些免费的库存照片网站


If you're a video marketer, you can alternatively publish pre-recorded or live video content on the platform. To upload a video, all you have to do is go to your status box and upload a file you've created. If you'd prefer to do something a bit more interactive, like a Q&A or a live stream, you can now use LinkedIn Live.

Here's agreat example of a video最近在社交平台上发表:

Harpreet Singh announces The Future of Work Podcast in a video on LinkedIn

Key Benefits of Publishing Video on LinkedIn

  • 目标观众:与状态更新和长期出版类似,您可以为您的品牌或平台上的帐户遵循的内容提供内容。
  • 更多暴露:与许多其他平台一样,LinkedIn的算法旨在向用户展示其网络中用户多样化的内容。当您在LinkedIn Live上启动流时,您的关注者可能会收到通知或在他们的供稿上弹出。同样,当您上传视频时,它可能比基于文本的帖子更多地捕获用户的眼睛。
  • 在creased following:Similarly to other content strategies, those who like your videos will share, comment, or engage with them, which could cause their own followers or audiences to see your content.
  • Co-branding opportunities:Know a thought leader, or want to partner with another non-competing brand in your industry? Video is a great place to do this. When you feature a Q&A with an expert or a co-produced film on your LinkedIn, then tag the affiliated influencers or brands, their networks will see it as well. Not to mention, those involved with the video will probably share it to ensure their work goes noticed.


  • Brainstorm ideas:在开始生产某些东西之前,您应该与团队合作,建立一个视频想法,该视频想法将吸引您的受众,提供宝贵的信息,并可以根据您的预算可扩展。
  • 创建录音环境:一旦有了一个想法,创建一个可以拍摄的环境,同时还投资于可能需要的任何设备,例如相机或照明。
  • Go live on LinkedIn or pre-record your video:To go Live or record a video through LinkedIn directly, go to the app and click the camera button in the status bar. From there a camera screen will open where you can start recording. To upload a video you've already recorded, simply go to the status bar on the app or desktop site and click the photo icon to add a video file.


How to Execute a LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy

Now that we have discussed the two main strategies you can use to distribute your content on LinkedIn, let’s discuss best practices for executing that content. Although each industry is different, keep in mind that the right frequency can make a difference.

Step 1: Plan Your Content in Advance

在order to achieve optimal results, you need to plan the content you are going to share. Here are some tips for how to plan more effectively:

When you have a plan, you not only save time, but you are able to focus your energy on finding the right content for your audience.


When sharing content, the goal is to identify a frequency that allows you to stay top-of-mind without overwhelming your audience. To help you achieve this balance, here are the publishing guidelines I follow:

  • Status Updates:2-3 times a day.
  • Long Form Publishing:1-2 times a week.


Step 3: Utilize Content Creation Templates

Your content needs to have a purpose and an outline. Are you writing a blog post, or a case study? Will you be promoting content on LinkedIn, or publishing it there?

this collection of content creation templates, you can pick and utilize the template that most closely aligns with the content you're creating and promoting on your LinkedIn account.


Step 4: Follow Up With Generated Activity


话虽如此,现在是时候进行对话了。如果人们正在查看您的LinkedIn profileor requesting to connect, consider striking up a dialogue with them. By uncovering what interested them about your profile, you can then begin to uncover potential opportunities for collaboration.

The Benefits of LinkedIn Content Marketing





Originally published Nov 17, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 17 2021

