


虽然您可以造型面包屑,但它们倾向于在使用它们的网站上看起来相同。这很简单example of breadcrumbs from the HubSpot Knowledge Base:


Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of the acclaimed尼尔森·诺曼集团,曾经自1995年以来推荐面包屑导航, and makes a strong point for their usefulness and efficiency: "All that breadcrumbs do is make it easier for users to move around the site, assuming its content and overall structure make sense. That's sufficient contribution for something that takes up only one line in the design."


Breadcrumb Navigation Tips and Examples


BreadCrumb Navigation具有线性结构,因此您仅在网站的层次结构有意义时才想使用它。如果您的较低级别的页面可从不同的着陆页访问,则使用面包屑导航只会使读者感到困惑,这些读者继续从不同的起点访问相同的页面。此外,如果您的网站相对简单,只有几页,则可能不需要BreadCrumb导航。


Your breadcrumb navigation is a secondary tool to your primary navigation bar, so it shouldn't be too large or prominent on the page. For instance, onDHL'swebsite, their primary navigation bar is large and recognizable, with columns like "Express" "Parcel & eCommerce" "Logistics", etc. Their breadcrumb navigation is the smaller section below that reads, "DHL Global | > Logistics | > Freight Transportation". You don't want your users to mistake your breadcrumb navigation as the primary navigation bar.


3. Include the full navigational path in your breadcrumb navigation.

I Googled "Elon University Non-Degree Students" to reach this landing page, but埃隆很明智地包括完整的导航路径,包括“家庭”和“招生”。如果您忽略了某些级别,您会感到困惑,而面包屑路径不会那么有用。即使用户没有在主页上开始,您也想为他们提供一种简单的方法来从一开始就探索您的网站。


4. Progress from highest level to lowest.

您的面包屑导航读取至右读,最接近左侧的链接是您的主页,而最接近右侧的链接是用户的当前页面。尼尔森·诺曼(Nielsen Norman Group)的研究found users spend 80% of their time viewing the left half of a page and 20% viewing the right half, making a strong case for left-to-right design. Plus, the link closest to the left will appear as the beginning of the chain, so you want it to be your highest-level page.


To avoid confusion, you'll want to remain consistent with your page and breadcrumb titles, particularly if you're targeting certain keywords in those titles. You also want to clearly link your breadcrumb titles to the page. If the breadcrumb title doesn't have a link, make it clear.雀巢有效地标记其面包屑标题以匹配页面标题。例如,“影响力和承诺领域”在面包屑导航中与页面上的读物相同。

雀巢还做得很好,将链接与具有不同颜色的非链接区分开来 - 链接是蓝色的,而非链接仍然是灰色的。

example of breadcrumb navigation on the nestle website

6. Get creative with design.



an example of breadcrumb navigation on the target website



Eionet, for instance, could do without their "You are here" text. While meant to be helpful, the text clutters the page. With the right design, a breadcrumb navigation should be noticeable enough without an introduction.

an example of breadcrumb navigation on the eionet website


There are a few different types of breadcrumbs you might use -- location-based, attribute-based, and history-based. Location-based breadcrumbs show the user where they are in the site's hierarchy. Attribute-based breadcrumbs show users which category their page falls into. Finally, history-based breadcrumbs show users the specific path they took to arrive at the current page.

Bed Bath & Beyond使用基于属性的面包屑导航来向用户显示其产品页面属于哪些类别的用户,因此用户可以单击“厨房”或“小型设备”以仔细阅读类似物品。这种类型的面包屑导航对床浴和超越客户最有效。当您创建面包屑导航时,请考虑对网站访问者最有用的东西。

an example of breadcrumb navigation on the bed bath and beyond website

9. Know your audience.

面包屑导航中的最佳实践敦促网络设计人员将导航放置在页面顶部 - 但是苹果, one of the最有价值的公司有史以来,通过将面包屑导航放在其站点的底部来违反这种逻辑。最终,您了解听众至关重要。苹果的客户通常是精通技术的,如果需要的话,他们可能会找到导航。考虑您的客户的需求,如果不确定,请实施A/B测试。

Apple iPhone X网站上面包屑导航的一个示例

Breadcrumb Navigation in HTML and CSS

面包屑不仅有用 - 它们也很容易使用一些HTML和CSS代码添加到您的网站上。

Let’s start with the HTML, which we’ll use to make the links themselves. The easiest way to do this is to organize your links in an unordered list (

  • )包含面包屑系列中的链接,直到最终项目表示当前页面。

    Here’s an HTML template for breadcrumbs that you can use:
