

What could have caused this disappearing act? Was it the content of the proposal? Did the client get cold feet?



It's possible ... right?


The issues illustrated above don't occur because of the method of proposal delivery -- though email is probably not the best way to communicate something of such importance to your business. Rather, the problem begins during the sales process.

For starters, if you are simply responding to the client's comment -- even if they seemed earnest in their request -- that they would love to see a proposal, you're wasting time. From the beginning, you're putting your agency in a position of lower authority, which will destroy any谈判权力您最初有。此外,您很可能几乎没有深入了解客户的挑战,需求和目标是 - 或应该 - 导致一项提案,该提案几乎没有机会转换前景,因为它与痛苦点无关。




1) Understand Your Ideal Client

第一步是确定要使用的客户端类型的属性。通过创建一个ideal client profile这与您最好的客户类型相吻合,您将能够筛选那些只是购物,会感到不高兴甚至更糟的潜在客户,这会使您的团队成员不高兴。

By focusing on the right type of client, you'll better understand your target prospects, and you'll increase sales and retention.

2) Create Qualifying Questions

If you understand your ideal client, you'll be able to create questions that help you to discover who you should spend time with and who you shouldn't. These questions can be used in lead generation forms, an intake questionnaire, or during a more formal meeting to discuss a future relationship. (Here's a list of26个合格问题to get your started, or you can review these销售资格框架在建立自己的之前。)

These questions should move your conversation to the point where your team feels confident it can help the client overcome her challenges, providing value to the client in ways beyond simply producing work.

In addition, you should see the client's interest and trust in your abilities increase during the process. Her tone and line of questioning should change from "Can you do this?" or "Do you have experience in this?" to "How would you overcome this challenge?" or "What has successes have you seen with other brands?".



Finally, you should create a simple建议模板you can use to reduce the time it takes to create the document.

Many agencies spend countless hours writing up details on the client's challenges, the prescribed strategy, and why their agency is the right partner. While there are many differing opinions on how long and in-depth a proposal should be, the basis is that the proposal should be a written confirmation of what you have discussed. And that the client should understand this isn't a document that will outline how exactly you will solve their problem because 1) you don't know enough about the brand, its competitors, its problems, etc., and 2) you don't give away your agency's strategy prior to even winning the account.


You should only send proposals to prospects you are certain will sign a contract. (And you should make sure you are sending it to the people who actually have the authority to sign on the dotted line.) If you're not confident, then you need to do more work to nurture the prospect to the point where they are actually ready to review and sign a contract.

(Check out these提案工具使其易于自定义,跟踪和管理流程。)

How to Present a Proposal

最后,当您准备移交提案(甚至更好的是合同)时,请不要通过电子邮件发送电子邮件 - 至少直到您准备好进行审查之前客户端。

Before you even begin writing the proposal, schedule an hour meeting with the prospect to review the proposal in-person or over the phone. Make it clear that the proposal document is not the first step in the sales process, rather the last. The proposal should confirm and clarify the client's understanding of the relationship, provide timelines and legal terms, and serve to inspire any final questions before beginning the first step in a new partnership.


Fewer Proposals, More Contracts

Defining your own sales process, rather than letting prospects control it, is the first step to improving your proposal win rates and the types of clients your agency works with. According toVantage Point绩效和销售管理协会的研究,销售过程定义的公司的收入增长比没有正式流程的公司高出18%。



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