宣布哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)作为王室高级成员“走开”后不久Madame Tussauds Wax Museumalso made news by removing Harry and Megan from a wax display of the Royal family.

But, the famous wax museum's publicity stunt isn't the only example of a brand that's leveraged a news event to gain awareness or viral attention. In fact, this tactic has been used by marketers throughout the 2000s. It's often called"newsjacking."

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bob官网官方网站News Jacking是一个品牌或公司提到或创建围绕一个主要,讨论的新闻项目的广告系列时。这与宣传特技略有不同,因为新闻项目被利用在营销中,而特技表演可能会在公共场所或营业地点承认新闻。bob官网官方网站

为什么品牌选择newsjack而不是创造bob官网官方网站ing a totally original storyline for their campaigns? It's simply because this strategy helps them get discovered by adding or piggybacking off of larger conversations happening online.

在2010年代初期,我们经常在大型电视活动中看到新闻劫持的尝试,例如bob官网官方网站超级碗或者Academy Awards。But, as marketers more frequently use social media and online channels, we're seeing brands identify newsy topics faster and newsjack through a variety of content.


If so, one great way to learn how to newsjack is to watch how other brands have done it.

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Prepare your blog team for newsjacking withthese six free blog post templates,包括专门为新闻劫持的及时清单和清单。bob官网官方网站

Examples of Newsjacking

To help you get inspired, here are a few examples of brands that successfully took on newsjacking and some takeaways that you can keep in mind in 2021.

1. Google的搜索年份

2020 was a difficult year for many people, defined primarily by the global pandemic caused by新型病毒covid-19。The spread of COVID-19 led to a global health crisis, governmental shutdowns, and theworst economic recession since the Great Depression

But 2020 also marked a contentious U.S. election amidst a civil rights movement, major climate catastrophes such as the fires in California and Australia, and deaths of prominent figures such as Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Alex Trebek. With the challenges that 2020 brought, some thought the year would never end.

The Newsjacking

每年12月,Google分享#YearInSearch, featuring the trends and events that shaped the year. This video promotes Google's brand as well as its featureGoogle Trends,可以帮助用户查看和分析Google搜索数据的公正样本的工具。

Because of the unique events in 2020, #YearInSearch was a poignant recap that tackled the topics the swept the world. According to快速公司bob全站app,2020年的搜索活动与往年的活动不同,不仅仅是内容。“对于初学者来说,搜索视频的2020年是用诗人撰写和说的诗Kofi Dadzie,位于波士顿的加纳美国人。该视频今年还具有原创歌曲,而不是使用预先存在的歌曲。那首歌被称为“在一起”,是由格莱美奖得主制作人创作的Peter Cottontale,通过合作Cynthia ErivoChance the Rapper。”

Google is drawing from the news in a macro way and connecting the year's stories to its product. Instead of highlighting search features or ad capabilities, Google leans more into the sentiment that we share when we take to the web: Our thirst for knowledge. Combining this sentiment with artistic contributions, Google is able to craft a compelling narrative that's not easily forgettable.

2. Aviation Gin's Rebuttal to Peloton

2019年12月,锻炼自行车公司bob全站appPeloton发布critically panned commercialthat begins with a husband giving his wife a Peloton for Christmas. As the commercial continues to the optimistic sounds of the song,“她走了,”the wife, coined as"Peloton Wife"在社交媒体上,电影每天锻炼一年。在广告结束时,她与丈夫分享了视频 - 似乎是下一个圣诞节。

Here's the commercial, which is titled"The Gift That Gives Back":

The commercial was heavilycriticized and mocked整个社交媒体,因为它enforced dated gender norms反对身体积极性because many people believe that a husband buying a wife a workout deviceinsinuates that she's out of shape

The Newsjacking

经过Peloton广告(并立即批评),互联网,演员和Aviation American GinownerRyan Reynoldsimmediately castMonica Ruiz,又名“ Peloton妻子”,在一本广告中,她的续集是Peloton广告的续集。在广告中,幽默的标题"The Gift That Doesn't Give Back,"鲁伊斯坐在酒吧,茫然地凝视着相机。当她的支持者为她提供更多的杜松子酒时,她毫不动摇地s饮,并补充了航空杜松子酒的光滑味道,并发表了评论:“顺便说一句,你看起来很棒。”

While the ad doesn't directly mention the workout bike company, Reynolds says Aviation Gin's commercial was a direct response to Peloton. In fact, Reynolds initiallytweeted the adwith the caption, "Exercise bike not included," and later explained that he hired the Ruizjust a "few hours"原始广告发布后。

"I've been there as an actor, where you do something that doesn't quite work . We got ahold of her and within 36 hours, we shot, chopped, and put out this commercial," Reynolds explained on今晚秀

Shortly after its launch, Aviation Gin's commercial went viral, receiving over7.2 million YouTube views55.6 thousand retweetson Twitter. It's also been noted by a number of publications including MarketingLand and AdWeek.



后一场法律战,爱尔兰的快餐连锁店called Supermac's,麦当劳失去了独家巨无霸商标。虽然这家快餐店仍然可以继续使用巨无霸冠军在欧洲的三明治中ruling notedthat any other company could also use the term "Big Mac" on its menus or marketing assets.

The Newsjacking

Burger King通过推出少量的营销内容来讨论自己的巨型Mac式产品,从而充分利用了竞争对手的法律滑倒。

例如,Burger King released European menus促进了自己的"Big Mac-ish"sandwiches, as seen below. It also offered alimited-time flame-grilled Big Macthat it claimed was bigger and tastier than the McDonald's menu item.

Below is the Burger King menu which highlights its Big Mac-ish items and the Big Mac copy.


Image Source


4. Microsoft Teams's Deal With the NBA

COVID-19 stalled the sporting worldas many local governments shut down and health organizations recommended social distancing. Sports organizations were faced with a challenging pivot in order to abide by these guidelines and keep athletes and audiences safe. Fans were left wondering how this shift would affect the sports they knew and loved.

当很明显,许多体育组织都会以零或减少的球迷出勤率开始季节时,问题就会变成如何影响在家中观看的球迷以及球场或场上的球员的体验。毕竟,players feed on the energy of their environment,运动和体育游戏一样多。

The Newsjacking

微软团队saw this situation as an opportunity to promote its“一起模式”feature, which pulls virtual participants out of the boxy digital screens and into a "virtual reality" where they're together. By partnering with the NBA, Microsoft Teams was able to simulate the experience of a crowd in the stands with virtual attendees.




Throughout President Donald Trump's time in office, the administration hastightened border policieswhile continuing to建造金属墙at the U.S. Mexico border. This has continued to fuel debates about whether the United States, a country that washistorically founded by immigrants, should have such tight border policies and a wall.

当特朗普政府的隔离墙资金要求导致该辩论引起了人们的关注longest government shutdown ever,从2018年12月22日到2019年1月25日。

The Newsjacking


Rather than pivoting their strategy or adding routes to other locations, AeroMexico went to a rural United States town, DNA-tested residents who were in favor of the border wall, and offered them flight discounts based on the percentage of Mexican descent that was revealed on their DNA tests.

然后,Aerome tooko随后进行了一个广告,显示每个人对移民法,墨西哥和墙壁的看法。

During the commercial, which showed AeroMexico interviewing the residents, a cameraman asks each of them, "Would you consider going to Mexico?" Their discomfort with the idea of traveling south becomes apparent when they answer with statements like, "No way!" and "Let those folks stay on their side of the border."

It then showed their surprised facial expressions when they all found out about their Mexican heritage. Lastly, the commercial notes how most of them were interested in taking the discounted flight to Mexico once they were offered it.

"Many Americans don't like Mexico. But … according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mexican immigration goes as far as the 1800s, settling in on the south -- meaning that a big percentage of descendants in the U.S.A. don't even know it yet," noted AeroMexico's Clio award submission.

"Without a significant budget, our strategy was to take advantage of the media coverage that President Trump's government shutdown had. Therefore, we focused all of our PR resources on spreading our video on social media,"提交添加了

根据Clio submission竞选传开,接收超过1.6billion impressions. It also resulted in a33.7% increase in ticket salesbetween the U.S. and Mexico.

This campaign and commercial is a great example of how a company entered a political debate and made a point in a clever way. It also shows that they are proud of their business and those of the Mexican heritage because they're willing to offer giant discounts, even to immigration critics, with Mexican descent.

The commercial and campaign were so fascinating and thought-provoking that it even won a2019 Clio奖

6. Calm's Election Ads

Emotionally draining news cycles that include contentious elections are not ideal conditions for advertising, which often aims to create positive sentiment and association.

The Newsjacking

Viewers across the U.S. watched CNN's election coverage, which was sponsored byCalm,冥想应用。除了其赞助外,Calm还进行了几张30秒的广告,并在选举之夜和之夜进行。

Calm's missionis to "make the world happier and healthier," and what better way to do that position its product during a time where people are feeling anxious?

Calm didn't use any election messaging in this campaign campaign, instead showing calming ads which served as a stark juxtaposition to the end of a stressful election season.

calm's meditation ad campaign during election

Image Source

According to Katie Shill, Senior Director of Brand Marketing at Calm, in aninterview with Ad Age, the campaign was successful. "We saw positive ROI on TV, a really big spike of organic growth that's really sustained since the election night, and a ton of social conversation and PR coverage, too." She continues to say that it was "a super smart media buy that sparked social conversation that also sparked an amazing wave of PR. We showed up at the right time with the right message, and it paid off."

7. Gillette's "The Best Men Can Be"

In 2018 and 2019, the #MeToo movement led to a number of high-powered, and sometimes well-trusted, men getting accused or charged for sexual assault and harassment. High-level men who incurred allegations included film executiveHarvey Weinstein和ex-Good Morning America co-hostMatt Lauer

This movement was marked by the #MeToo social media trend, started by civil rights activist Tarana Burke. The movement encouraged women to spread awareness of how common sexual harassment, misconduct, and assault was by sharing stories along with the #MeToo hashtag.

The Newsjacking

Gillette, which has always positioned its shaving products as, "The Best a Man Can Get," wanted to reposition its take on masculinity in light of the #MeToo movement. To do this, they aired an intense Super Bowl commercial that digs into toxic masculinity and the negative stereotypes related to manhood.

The commercial begins with visuals of men looking in the mirror, with soundbites of news reports related to bullying, toxic masculinity, and the #MeToo movement. When the ad cuts to an old Gillette commercial showing a strong man, a narrator asks, "Is this really the best a man can get?" as a young boy breaks through a screen showing the old Gillette commercial while running from bigger male bullies.

The commercial goes on to show different aspects of toxic masculinity, such as texts from male bullies saying phrases like "FREAK!", a male executive touching a woman's shoulder in a meeting and stating, "What I think she's trying to say is…", and young children fighting as their father's say, "Boys will be boys."

Suddenly, the narration says, "Something finally changed -- and there will be no going back," as the ad cuts to clips of news coverage following the #MeToo movement.



While the commercial highlighted a controversial item and allowed the company to take a progressive stance on it, it still came with some mixed reviews due to its sensitive nature. Although it has both positive and negative reviews, it's important to include on this list so that marketers can learn both the positive and impacts of newsjacking strategies.

Many who saw the ad felt that Gillette was desperately leaning into a sensitive movement to benefit its own brand.

“吉列(Gillette)运行广告动机的一部分可能是,最近有研究表明,千禧一代使用企业社会责任吸引了品牌,”福布斯邮政。"In this case, it appears Gillette will learn a lesson about what not to do as pertains to corporate responsibility efforts."

Meanwhile, some still identified how it was a solid step forward in marketing.


"Once again, the country seems divided. This time, it’s not a border wall or a health care proposal driving the animus, but an online ad for a men’s razor, because, of course," theWired文章指出。“但是在争议​​之下,这更重要的是:真正变化的迹象。”

All in all, it's important to look at both the pros and cons of this example. Although Gillette's commercial was high quality, made valid points, and stirred emotions from viewers, it's important to keep in mind that this is a large company still aiming to succeed in a society that is much different than when its company began decades ago.

8. Oreo's Area 51 Tweet

In the fall of 2019, social media users were buzzing abouta bizarre plan to raid Area 51, 一种highly classified government basewhich conspiracy theorists say is the home of testing extraterrestrials.

The Newsjacking

Oreo went to Twitter and simply joked, "What flavors do you think they're hiding in #Area51?" Thousands of users, and even other brands, replied and shared the tweet.

Oreos Newsjacking Tweet


While other brands on this list have embraced newsjacking with high-budget campaigns or commercials, Oreo shows that the strategy doesn't have to get too complex, time-consuming, or costly for marketers.

Newsjacking Takeaways for 2022


But, before you attempt to newsjack, take time to consider the news item and make sure that your strategy will be tasteful or informative, rather than offensive. For example, if you make a funny reference about a bizarre trend like the Area 51 raids, you might be seen as funny or memorable. However, if you post an insensitive campaign or comment about a controversial topic -- such as immigration, you might be seen as out of touch.



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最初出版于2021年3月11日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年12月14日

