It's one thing to read thought leadership on where a certain industry is going, or to talk about theoretical best practices in a given role or situation. It's another thing entirely to get tactical, practical advice on what to do今天about a具体的problem -- delivered by someone who's actually been in your shoes.

Agency leaders get plenty of the first type of guidance through industry publications and events. But when it comes to the second bucket, they're often out of luck. Unless you have a group of networking contacts to talk shop with, you're often left flying blind, potentially doomed to repeat the exact same mistakes peers at other companies have made countless times.

需要一些战术建议吗?代替您花费网络和建立个人联系干部的时间,以代替您的个人联系,Drew McLellan的播客是下一个最好的事情。

每一集Build a Better Agency" affords listeners a sneak peek into the world of someone deeply entrenched in the agency world, and the conversation always ends with at least one tactical takeaway.

We’ve partnered with Agency Management Institute by becoming the presenting sponsor of the Build A Better Agency podcast because we’re confident that the insights and real world examples in every episode will help our agencies grow and profit.

Here are a few of my favorite episodes, sorted by the issues discussed. Take a listen if you're grappling with the same problems.

1)Defining Your Agency

  • 客人:Jami Oetting
  • Listen if: You can't quite seem to get your content off the ground



  • 客人:Peter Levitan
  • 听如果:You're not getting new business as often as you'd like

Sales doesn't always come natural to agency leaders, but learning how to effectively pitch and win new clients is critical for survival. Discover some of the mistakes you could be making when it comes to selling your services, and learn a few practical ways to differentiate yourself against competitors.

3)How to Do Website Development and Still Make a Profit

  • 客人:布伦特·韦弗
  • 听如果:您几乎准备发誓网站重新设计,因为它们是如此痛苦

网站大修从来没有像一开始一样容易 - 但是它并不需要像最终变得昂贵,耗时和痛苦一样昂贵。关键在网站项目开始时通过扎实的发现来探索未来的障碍。了解如何做到这一点,并为自己节省头痛。


  • 客人:n/a-这一切都吸引了
  • Listen if:您已经准备好认真提高代理商的游戏

You might think that your agency is dominating, but could you be leaving opportunity on the table? Take your rose-colored glasses off and get practical tips on how to assess whether or not your agency is best-in-class -- and if not, how to get there.


  • 客人:Aaron Agius
  • 听如果:You're having a hard time standing out


如果您聆听其中一个情节,请让我们知道您在评论中的想法。如果您正在寻找更多建议或个性化的指导,请前往Agency Management Institute's website并仔细阅读他们的内容,研讨会和远程教练选项。


2017年5月9日出版5:00:00,updated May 09 2017


Podcast Suggestions