
And the workplace isn't insulated from the realities of our global situation.


其他同事由于居住地区的焦虑而越来越焦虑。正如我们所有人都可能证明的那样,“工作”和“家庭”生活之间的界限正在迅速减少。(我目前在相同的spot I do my afternoon yoga, after-work 'happy hour' with friends, and nighttime movie-watching.)

Of course, many of our remote life challenges are insignificant compared to the pandemic sweeping the globe — but the risks posed to mental health aren't minor at all.


For instance,19% of fully-remote employees say loneliness是他们远程工作时最大的挣扎 - 如果这似乎没什么大不了的,请考虑孤独proven as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day

幸运的是,您可以采取一些策略来减少在家工作时焦虑或悲伤的水平。为了探索在家工作时保护我们的心理健康的选择,我与之交谈Dr. Willard,心理学家,顾问和作者谁专门研究正念和积极的心理学。



1. Practice mindfulness to focus on the present moment and feel calm during times of stress.


当然,这通常使自己适合morestress and anxiety, not less.


Instead, Dr. Willard suggests, "Between calls, give yourself a break by taking five breaths, or looking out the window and noticing a few beautiful things. Sip your coffee with all five senses. Notice five sounds you hear. All of these kinds of things reallysettle us down and bring us into the present."


另外,威拉德博士提到,当我们受到压力时,我们的看法常常被扭曲。如果您发现自己不知所措,例如“什么时候结束?”或“我会被解雇吗?”,尝试添加声明,"I'm having the thought that ___."

这可以帮助您获得一些视角,并了解您的想法可能会使您进一步陷入焦虑或压力 - 但实际上可能不会扎根于现实。

Lastly, if you有兴趣尝试冥想,看看像冷静的或者Prezence, which break meditation down into easy-to-digest categories like "5 Minutes for Sleep" or "2 Minutes of Breathing".

2. Combat virtual meeting fatigue by alternating with phone calls or reading实际的books or newspapers.


如果您觉得自己在虚拟会议周围疲惫不堪,那不是(我建议阅读本文for more information on 'Zoom fatigue' and how to minimize it).

幸运的是,威拉德博士有一些他建议打击“虚拟会议疲劳”的关键点 - “我认为稍微出去或远离计算机 - 例如,也许每20分钟,您需要20秒在远处看20英尺 - 可能有助于减轻虚拟会议的疲劳。”





Ultimately, practicing gratitude can be critical for maintaining perspective and finding joy in difficult circumstances.



Additionally, if you're feeling overwhelmed with a sense of什么时候结束?威拉德博士说,对未来的一点点考虑并不是一件坏事:“在早晨设定合理的目标,并考虑在此之后您要做什么,可以帮助您提高幸福感。为什么not计划假期?即使您不确定何时接受它,研究表明它实际上会增强您的心情。”

4.联系朋友和家人,限制社会media consumption, and set boundaries with people in your life.

Whether you're working at home for the time being or your full-time job is remote, it's critical to figure out positive, healthy ways to maintain strong relationships without feeling pressure toover-maintain them.

例如,尽管您可能渴望进行社交互动,但感觉自己需要成为一个支持系统可能会变得繁重全部your friends and family. If that's the case, Dr. Willard urges, "Set negative or positive boundaries with roommates, family, partners, parents, or others in your life."



  • 即使有一段时间您没有与之交谈的旧大学室友或同事,也可以获取多个文本主题。
  • 散步打电话给某人。
  • 尝试写明信片或与朋友建立笔式关系。
  • Block unhelpful people on social media.
  • Join online AA groups, support groups, meditation groups, spiritual gatherings, or partake in online yoga.

Finally, if you're feeling overwhelmed in this moment, Dr. Willard suggests remembering the CALM acronym, which can help ground yourself and relax tension in your body — all you need to do is squeeze and release the muscles in your Chest, Arms, Legs, and Mouth, which are areas where we tend to hold a lot of tension.

Finally, it's critical to remember that the stress and anxiety we feel due to full-time quarantine is temporary.

As Dr. Willard told me, "The people who cope best are those who maintain perspective and remind themselves, every day, that this will end. We don't know when, but we know it will. This right now is the longest slog, and there will be more and different requirements in the future. And the world will look a little different, but this 'stuck in our house, six-feet apart at the grocery store' thing will end."

remote sales

online sales

最初出版于2020年5月14日上午7:00 am,更新于2020年5月19日

