The emphasis that publishers are placing on their email lists is stronger than ever.HubSpot’s Publishing Benchmarks Report表明,B2B中有64.6%和48%的B2C媒体公司依靠电子邮件横幅广告和新闻通讯赞助来进行货币化。bob官网官方网站原因很清楚:电子邮件仍然是吸引观众的最直接方法之一。VentureBeat的研究shows thatemail marketingdelivers the highest ROI of all marketing channels.

跳入并做更多的“有效的内容”似乎很诱人 - 更频繁地发送电子邮件。但是多少太多,多久一次?只需查看显示广告发生的事情,作为参考点:research says消费者可能会忽略任何看起来像广告的东西。如果您不小心,您的电子邮件广告系列可能会发生同样的事情,并且观众将您调整出来。

So how do you create a perfectly timed and perfectly positioned email campaign? The answer is as simple as it is complex: you need to listen to your audiences, between the lines of what they’re telling you upfront. What triggers yield high unsubscribe rates? At what times of day will audiences ignore your messaging? Here are some tips for answering these questions.


1) Optimize Your Open Rates



确保您的订阅者在一天中的一次,并具有与之共鸣的价值主张。例如,《纽约时报》has achieved a 70% open ratewith its email newsletters. How? The media leader is向其每个客户群发送量身定制的目标消息。当他们想看到时,受众正在收到他们想要的信息。


许多电子邮件marketers treat unsubscribe rates as routine costs of doing business. But you should pay attention to the people who are opting out and the campaigns that are triggering them to opt out. Why?

Even though some list turnover is normal, an unsubscribe isa sign that your email campaigns aren’t providing value(or enough value). It’s important to understand the reasons behind these trends so that you can take steps to improve.

很容易忽略他们的退订率,并专注于其他优化。不要陷入这个陷阱。您需要卷起袖子并弄清楚确切地what’s going on. Here are some tips to guide you:


Look at the quality of your lists。也许您的订户处于休眠状态,最后决定取消订阅。牢记这种潜在的趋势,数据中的关系可能是漏斗而不是趋势。理智通过在广告系列之间进行交叉启动的读取器数据来检查您的指标。


This approach will not only reduce unsubscribes: it will treat the underlying issues, which are engagement and relevance of your messaging. Know what pushes people to disengage so that you can take preventative measures.


When you send an email campaign, you want your subscribes to do more than just read (or skim). You want them to take action by responding to ads, reading articles on your site, and maybe even clicking some social share buttons. The big question: what’ going to perform and what CTAs fit the context of email and newsletter marketing?

回答这个问题的最佳方法是向您的CTA a/b。您的订阅者提供什么优惠,锚文本和信息?是什么激发了他们想要学习更多的about a topic or advertisers? For instance, you may want to test CTAs that send audiences directly to advertiser offers or to learn more about a section of your publication.

Tracking links can help you uncover what your audiences care about and what incentives you should be promoting as a result. This vantage point will help you create higher quality, more tailored, and more relevant CTAs. In addition to creating great newsletter content, you can make sure that your CTAs are tailored to the right context and audience.

The Bottom Line

From your audience’s perspective, quality trumps quantity. But publishers also need to produce content, and send emails, at scale. Optimization is essential: focus on making the most out of every interaction that you have with your email list. This process will ensure that you deliver the most compelling value proposition possible, both to your advertisers and to your readers.


Originally published Sep 22, 2015 7:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


Email Lists and Segmentation Email Marketing Tools