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Welcome to the world ofpublic relations

公共关系定义了公司如何与人交流 - 客户,合作伙伴,记者,慈善bob全站app家,政客和公众。bob综合博彩下载所有企业都需要公共关系,无论其规模或行业如何。

为什么?因为如今,客户想信任他们与之开展业务的品牌 - 没有什么能像公共关系那样建立和促进信任。

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Public relations (PR)is the practice of leveraging media channels to promote your organization and cultivate a positive public perception. PR is also the process of managing your organization’s brand and communications — especially in times of crisis.

PR is how brands manage the spread of their information, so it’s similar tobranding。主要区别在于,PR专注于沟通和声誉,而品牌依赖徽标,网站和营销材料等视觉元素。


Media: Owned vs. Paid vs. Earned

我们将不久将审查的公共关系类型可以分为三个主要类别:owned, paid, and earned media。Each type works towards the same goal of building a positive brand reputation, but they use different strategies to get there.

Your PR strategies should include all three, as they all provide different ways of reaching, engaging, and building trust with your audience.

Owned media

Owned media is defined as any content that your business controls. It’s often the go-to strategy for businesses looking tobuild a PR campaign

Rightly so, as it’s arguably the most important type of PR-related media that you should be focusing on. This is because you have total control — unlike the other two media tactics.

Owned media includes:

  • Social media posts
  • 博客content
  • 网站副本
  • 电子邮件新闻bob官网官方网站通讯

Owned media acts as a “home base” for your PR activity. When people write about your brand or products, they’ll likely reference (i.e. link to) your owned media in their coverage.

Paid media

It’s not uncommon to pay to promote your content in the marketing world … and it’s no different when it comes to PR.

Paid media refers to paying to make your content visible. It’s standard practice to promote owned media.


  • 社交媒体广告
  • Influencer marketing
  • Pay-per-click (PPC)

Putting some funds toward boosting PR content is becoming increasingly popular. Since the majority ofsocial platforms are reducing organic reachfor business accounts, paid media is a fantastic way to make sure your content gets in front of the people you want to see it.

Earned media

获得媒体促进conversat使用的策略ion around your brand. It’s essentially word-of-mouth and is arguably the best PR tactic to build your reputation.

Earned media is the hardest type of PR media to obtain. It takes a lot of effort, consistency, and hard work to establish it — hence why it’s “earned”.

Earned media includes:

  • Mentions in industry news and reviews
  • Praise from customers on social media
  • 搜索引擎上的高排名

All of these media avenues provide ways to use PR to build brand awareness, generate leads, and convert those leads into paying customers — similar to your marketing. Now, let’s discuss the difference.


People don’t buy products, they buy brands. For this reason, using PR and marketing in tandem drives the best results: typically, someone connects with your brand as a result of your PR efforts and converts into a customer as a result of your marketing tactics.

Studies show that brand consistency canresult in a revenue boost of over 20%。You could be seeing similar results by combining your PR and marketing strategies.

Now, let’s discuss the types of PR you may leverage as you promote your organization and build and manage your reputation.


Business events are opportunities to market your products or services and gain exposure for your brand. Whether hosted or attended by your company, events are also important sales opportunities. Events give you a chance to meet prospective customers and delight current ones face-to-face.

Speaking engagements at events are also helpful for boosting brand awareness and sharing unique thought leadership or data-driven information that can help elevate your brand.

Community Relations


Corporate and Social Responsibility

Corporate and social responsibility is similar to community relations, but it places a greater emphasis on ethical business practices, environmental responsibility, and philanthropy — locally, regionally, and globally. This is a critical area of PR as it directly affects public perception of your brand.

Crisis Management


Manage, plan for, and communicate during your corporate crises with this free crisis management communication kit.

Crisis management is an important function of PR and should be handled quickly, consistently, and strategically.With certain PR tools, crises can be averted through monitoring online chatter and quality-checking any marketing or promotional material that may be misunderstood or misconstrued.

Employee Relations

Employee relations, also known as internal PR, is the practice of communicating with and cultivating a positiveemployeeperception of your company. This process may include dedicated employee newsletters or communications, employee perks and benefits, free training and skill-boosting opportunities, employee appreciation events, and working with unions or employee groups.

Employee relations not only keeps your employees motivated, hard-working, and loyal, but it also encourages them to advocate for your business — which can bring in both customers and more high-quality employees.

Media Relations

Media relations refers to building positive relationships with journalists, publications, and other news outlets. This process typically includeswriting press releases, organizing press releases, and scheduling interviews. Not only does this gain exposure for your business and products but it also encourages the media to market your brand for free.



Social media is considered both an earned and paid PR tactic. For most companies, social media can be a helpful PR (and marketing) tool —it’s an effective way to amass followers, convert customers, share your content, and resolve crises.

Whether you’re sharing a post with your audience or interacting with a single customer, your social media activity is open to the public. That’s why it’s critical to have a social media strategy that keeps your communications consistent, positive, and accurate.

Now, let’s talk about the who’s responsible for these different types of PR: yourPR manager

What does a PR manager do?

PR managers are responsible for building, executing, and monitoring your PR strategies and tactics. They typically handle crisis communications, write press releases, and lead a team of other PR professionals who manage your brand’s public presence.

Let’s discuss the skills and tasks your PR manager(s) will master.

PR Manager Skills

成功的公关经理具有一组特定的技能 - 下面,我将介绍一些重要的技能。

Great communication


Writing skills

PR managers should also be able to communicate well in written form.

Since PR managers are responsible for writing press releases and company-related news, strong writing skills will help convey the appropriate message to promote your company. This is especially useful for online PR where you’ll need to create blog posts, website content, and press releases to gain coverage.


Similar to marketing, creativity goes a long way in the public relations world. Great PR managers are creative and know how to create a strategy that stands out from the crowd, which is important because a unique story or perspective will drive PR coverage.


Public relations is a social industry, and people might be talking about your brand without directly mentioning it. Good research skills will help PR managers find and leverage these opportunities.

PR managers will also need to do lots of research when planning your PR strategy. Because they might need additional information, statistics, and data points to boost the power of their owned media, strong research skills are essential.


The day-to-day tasks of your PR manager can vary depending on your industry, active PR campaigns,PR team size, and other factors. However, here’s what they often include:

  • 撰写新闻发布以宣布与公司有关的新闻bob全站appbob官网官方网站
  • Creating fact sheets and media kits about the company to send to media teams for brand-building
  • Giving media training to both in-house and external teams
  • Attending and speaking at industry events and representing the brand at trade shows, recruiting events, etc.
  • Finding and analyzing media coverage and promoting that content through owned and paid media channels

Public relations managers are also responsible for tracking and measuring their PR efforts. The following key performance indicators (KPIs) can help your public relations manager(s) analyze and improve your PR strategies.



Backlinks help you find where and in what context your brand has been mentioned. With backlinks, sites who’ve mentioned your brand have linked to your website, making it easy for readers to click-through and visit your website (and easy for you to track).

But, it’s not just new traffic you’ll benefit from when collecting backlinks — you could see a rise in your SEO rankings, too.

2. Brand Mentions

Brand mentions occur when someone mentions your brand. This metric is important because it helps you measure awareness of your brand.

You might see brand mentions in traditional news coverage, on other business or personal blogs, in reviews, or on social media. Some mentions may be tagged or hyperlinked, and some may not link back to your brand or website — which means you have to go looking for them.查看PR工具部分for some helpful software tools.

Note: It’s important to read brand mentions for context. Remember, you want people to be sayinggoodthings about your brand, and it’s not always easy to understand the value of coverage until you read the entire piece. (I talk about测量情绪below.)


While the volume of new customers coming directly from your PR activity isn’t the easiest to measure, it is definitely worth investigating.

You can discover where your customers came from by either surveying customers after they purchase and asking how they heard of you or by using a tool likeGoogle Analytics了解客户的转换路径(又称他们的购买路线)。

Note: While this is an exciting metric to track, don’t feel disheartened if you don’t see an influx ofconversion-readysite traffic. Remember, the goal of PR is to raise brand awareness, spread the ideas of your internal thought leaders, and communicate the ideas of your brand — those new site visitors could always return and make a purchase in the future (now that they know about your brand because of your PR).



It’s ranked from 1 to 100 (with 100 being the highest) and is a valuable measure of how your website compares to your competitors’. The higher your domain authority is, the better your website will rank in search results.

域权限由三个主要因素组成:链接到您的网站(反向链接), links from your site to other, well-ranked websites, and the age of your site. While you can’t magically make your website older, you can leverage PR to attract backlinks and place links in your content.

Moz offers a free toolto check your domain authority, page rank, and other important website measures.

5. Sentiment

Sentiment, which is a synonym “viewpoint,” “opinion,” or “attitude,” measures how your brand is mentioned. While brand mentions and backlinks typically improve your brand awareness and SEO, sentiment is what sets apart the positive mentions from the negative one.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “没有宣传不好的事情。” While I can’t agree or disagree, I’d say that it’s at least good practice to be aware of negative press. Tracking sentiment can help you understand what your audience is saying about your brand and whether or not you need to address any problems or concerns. Check out the PR tools section for some helpful tools.

6. Site Traffic

站点流量is a sign of successful PR efforts. If people are hearing about your brand through earned media and heading to your site, your PR efforts are reaching your audience.


7. Social Media Engagement

社交媒体参与encompasses a few types of activity: views, impressions, likes, shares, and comments.

This information shows the level of brand awareness and engagement among your audience members. It also tells you when your audience is most active, i.e. when should be posting and interacting with your followers.


Social shares are different than social media engagement. Social shares refer to when your audience shares something fromyourwebsite or blog on他们的social media.


当看着社会股票,工资attention to which type of content is frequently being shared. This will give you an idea of what your audience enjoys the most and what kind of content to create more of.

Now, let’s review a handful of PR SaaS tools that can help you implement your PR strategies and track the PR KPIs I’ve mentioned above.

Public Relations Tools

We’ve rounded up a handful ofhelpful PR toolsto help you execute your PR campaigns and measure your impact and performance.


Brand24helps you monitor online mentions about your brand, product, or service, and measure the results of your PR campaigns. Slack integrations and a notifications system will help you react in time to prevent a PR crisis.

Agility PR Solutions

Agility PR Solutionsis a paid tool that provides powerful yet easy-to-use solutions for your media database, monitoring, and analytics. These solutions help identify and connect with influencers, capture coverage, and measure impact.


ANewsTipis a media search, monitoring, and relationship management tool. You can use it to search media mentions by keyword or handle, reach out to journalists and influencers all over the world, and create a media database ofimportant PR campaigncontacts. It offers both paid and free plan options.


报道书is a paid tool that helps you find and collect any coverage of your PR content. It’s a great tool for PR agencies who are building coverage reports for their clients.

Covered Press

Covered Pressis a paid tool that streamlines press tracking, reporting, and analytics, combining three important tools into a single, all-in-one PR platform. It also offers white-label reporting so publicists can brand their own analytics portals and reports for clients.


Flaunteris a paid tool that gives you media access to brand content and PR samples. As a business, it’s a place to publish high-quality brand and product imagery so journalists, influencers, and bloggers can share it.

Google Alerts

Google Alertsis an easy-to-use, free tool that allows you to set up email alerts for certain keyword mentions. When a name, keyword, or link is mentioned online, Google sends you a digest email alerting you of the mention.



Monitor Backlinks

Monitor Backlinksis a free tool that helps you track who’s mentioned your brand in coverage and included a backlink to your site. It’s also valuable for monitoring anddisavowing bad backlinksand keeping your website’s SEO and domain authority at its peak.

Muck Rack

Muck Rackis a paid tool that allows you to discover and contact members of the media who might be interested in covering your PR story.

PR Fire

PR Fireis a paid tool helps you distribute your press release to journalists and receive a report of their performance and reach. It’s ideal for in-house teams who’re doing their own PR.




TweetDeckis a free tool (created by Twitter) that monitors Twitter activity. You can set up Twitter streams that track certain keywords, accounts, trends, or other filters.

Start Building Your Public Relations Strategy

With all these tactics, tools, and strategy-building tips, are you ready to start turning the wheels on your new PR strategy? I hope so! I can’t wait to read about your brand in the news.

However, there’s one thing you should keep in mind: PR is an ongoing, iterative strategy — not a one-off task. (In fact, the best PR involves multiple tasks, tactics, and strategies.) Just like marketing, it can take a while to see results.

But with a solid strategy and a commitment to spreading the word about your company, you’ll soon see more mentions, backlinks, and general buzz. And that’s a great way to build a memorable brand.


Originally published Aug 6, 2019 5:53:00 PM, updated February 04 2021


Public Relations