As HubSpot's remote population has grown from a handful of folks to over 300 in the past few years, we've learned a number of lessons on how to pivot in-person communications into a virtual environment.



But, with remote working on the rise, conference calls are no longer the only option.

如今,有很多选项可在虚拟会议平台(例如Google Hangouts,Zoom,Webex或上举办会议。



How to Host an Inclusive Virtual Meeting

1. Have ground rules in place for your first meeting.

无论是你的first time managing a remote team或者您的团队突然在家工作,虚拟会议通常是每个人的新环境。因此,重要的是要为会议如何运作以及您对与会者的期望制定一些基本规则。


  • Video:鼓励与会者使用的视频会议s as this allows us to better engage with each other through non-verbal communication.
  • Audio:Generally speaking, it's best practice to stay muted in a virtual meeting unless you're presenting or answering a question. This prevents background noise from becoming a distraction and creates a signal (unmuting) when someone has something to say.
  • Engagement:Be clear about how you expect participants to engage in meetings (see Tip #3 for more details).
  • Etiquette:有意呼吁满足礼节期望。出现的一些常见的是使用电话,不得不离开桌子,检查通知或在会议期间进食。如果您对会议礼节有具体的期望,请与与会者提前明确有关此事。
  • 设置舞台:If you're meeting with a larger group, it can be helpful to set expectations on a starting slide that attendees will see upon entering the meeting.

For instance, at HubSpot, I often present with this slide at the beginning, so my attendees know ground rules for the meeting:


2. Take some time to break the ice.

Virtual environments can be intimidating, especially if you aren't accustomed to them or if you're meeting with folks you're unfamiliar with. To warm things up, we recommend与破冰船开始会议。It's a great way to test that everyone's audio works properly and it's an even better way to learn more about each other and get everyone feeling comfortable before jumping into the agenda.



Mix it up:如果您有时间,请尝试混合一些独特的破冰船,以更好地了解彼此(看看一些our suggestions here)。

Pass the microphone:当每个人都期望其他人跳入时,我们都可能熟悉这种尴尬的沉默。为此解决,鼓励团队在自己的回答后彼此“传递麦克风”。



It's not always obvious how folks should provide feedback or answers during a virtual meeting. To keep the conversation flowing, determine a structure for how you expect participants to engage during meetings, and be upfront about these expectations at the start of the meeting.

A few of our favorite strategies are:

举起虚拟手。许多虚拟会议平台具有非语言反馈工具,使参与者可以表明他们有一个问题,例如,Zoom的“raise hand“ 特征。对于大型会议,请人们使用这些工具来指示他们何时有问题或输入,然后主机可以直接致电。这也可能是一个很好的方法,可以使小组回答并扩展问题。


Use the chat feature:有关快速问题,您可能会要求人们在聊天中输入答案(例如,Google Hangouts' Chat feature)。这使您可以快速听到大型团体的答案,并使每个人都可以从彼此的答案中学习。此外,正如我们的APAC客户成功培训师Mariel Argonza指出的那样,这也是将使用英语作为第二语言的与会者包容的好方法。


跳入:Depending on the size of your meeting and psychological safety of your attendees, you may opt to have folks simply jump in with their feedback and questions. As the facilitator, it's important to be cognizant of participation in order to ensure that one individual isn't dominating the conversation.

Example: “Can anyone tell me the definition of Inbound Marketing? Feel free to jump right in.”

4. Ensure every attendee is on the same page.


  • Virtual Whiteboard:许多虚拟会议工具都有内置的本机白板工具,该工具将允许与会者白板的想法,并保存其白板图像以备将来使用。
  • 分享您的屏幕:Looking at an email you need help with or struggling to explain a glitch you're seeing? Use a screen sharing tool such asZoom's Screen Shareso that your attendees can see what you're seeing from your point of view.
  • JamBoardGSUITE的一部分,Jamboard允许您使用虚拟白板,插入图片和文本,并保存/共享白板以备将来使用。
  • LucidchartLucidchart是一个视觉生产力平台,可帮助个人清晰地理解和分享思想,信息和过程。
  • Miro:Miro is an online whiteboard tool that allows distributed teams to collaborate virtually from wherever they may be seated.

5。Stay on track with a clear agenda or slides.




提出问题:在虚拟的环境中,您可能并不总是会发现困惑的外观,人们可能不会感到舒适地打扰您以进行澄清。因此,有意问您的参与者 - 您对我有什么问题?停止比平常等待问题的时间更长。





Plus, when you find something that works for you, share it with others so that we can all learn together.


remote sales

online sales

Originally published Jul 22, 2020 8:00:00 AM, updated July 22 2020

