2017年3月,流行的社交媒体应用Snapchat的母公司Snap Incbob全站app.,went public。To meet revenue expectations, they opted into a self-service ads model, as opposed to direct sales.

It's no question Snapchat is a popular platform — in the U.S. alone,8730万人使用该应用。鉴于此,营销人员可能会很好奇使用Snapchat实现营销目标以及平台上可用的广告选项。

在这篇文章中,发现使用Snapchat所带来的好处,该平台是否可以帮助您实现业务目标以及我在平台上的实验中进行的案例研究。 Download our free Snapchat guide to learn how to use it for your business. 

Advertising on Snapchat

While it is not as new and emerging as TikTok, Snapchat is not exactly a B2B platform, so you may be skeptical about using it to meet your marketing goals.


许多人可能将平台与Facebook进行比较,但是两种产品之间存在显着差异。尽管Facebook的广告和定位工具更强大,但Snapchat的Creative Studio强调了设计。尽管Facebook的业务经理最初会感到压倒性,但Snapchat提供了一种工具,可以指导您完成广告系列的启动和运行过程。



1. The largest audiences on Snapchat globally are females between the ages of 13-17 and males between 25 and 34.


2. Snapchatters hold$4.4 trillionin global spending power.


spending power



Snapchat has unique AR tools that set it apart from other social media apps. If you leverage this in your Snapchat Ads strategy, you’ll meet a significantly large audience desire and stay up on the trends.

4. Snapchatters are可能性增加63%比非少量车在上个月通过移动设备购买了产品。


5. Snapchat广告有高5倍ad awareness than other mobile video ads.

This statistic shows that the video you create on Snapchat can attract more customers than the ads you make on other platforms.

Let's go over an experiment I ran for my business on Snapchat to test out the platform.

42 Agency: A Snapchat Case Study

When I first started exploring Snap Ads, I was a little skeptical whether or not it could work for 42 Agency. Snap is not exactly a B2B platform, and, to my knowledge, didn't have deep targeting options for companies working on Demand Generation or Growth projects.


I was impressed with the targeting options available on Snap Ads. Snap has similar categories to Facebook, available from Experian & Datalogix (income, occupation and such), albeit not as exhaustive as Facebook. However, these targeting options are available for the U.S. only. Along with Advanced Demographics, Snapchat's ad targeting includes options for TV viewing, purchase behavior, lifestyles, and more.


In this case, the "Swipe Ups" measure click-through rate. Rather than using a click-through link, Snap's product urges users to "Swipe Up" from the bottom to view the destination URL. In my opinion, this creates higher intent and less risk of mistaken clicks than Facebook or Twitter mobile ads.

If you’re still on the fence, here’s a summary of when you should consider using Snapchat and when your marketing efforts may be best spent elsewhere.


There is no right or wrong answer to the question of whether or not you should advertise on Snapchat, as most businesses can find success on the platform. You can easily segment your audience, upload your assets, set a campaign goal, and drive results. In addition, it’s less risky than TikTok simply because of the variety of advertising options available.


Given this, there really is no set rule for which businesses can and cannot advertise on Snapchat. However, it is essential to the companies that do advertise on the platform to consider the following:

  • If your audience isn’t younger Gen Z or older Millennials, your audience likely won’t be on the platform. However, if you do, you’ll expose your content to an audience with significant purchasing power.
  • Snapchat是一个注重视觉的平台,如果您无法创建独特的品牌资产,例如图像和视频,那么很难满足受众的期望。
  • 如果你没有一个现有的社交媒体marketing strategy for other platforms, it may not be best to focus your efforts on the platform as it is more unique than Instagram or Facebook.



free guide: how to use snapchat for business
Snapchat for Marketing Guide

Originally published Nov 23, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated November 29 2021


Snapchat Marketing