A big part of every marketer's job is understanding how and why our prospects behave the way they do. We do our keyword research, we develop buyer personas, and we track where people are most likely to click on our site pages.

但是故事还有更多。怎么样呢您的前景行为背后的心理学?如果您可以预测或告知他们的行为,然后将您的营销以这些信息为基础,将有多有用? 单击此处以下载我们有关营销心理学的免费介绍性电子书。

Armed with a few social psychology lessons, you can get pretty darn close. In this post, I'll tell you about eight social psychology theories that can be applied to marketing to help you reach your target buyers more effectively.

8 Social Psychology Lessons Applied to Marketing


When a person receives a gift, she often experiences warm feelings toward the gift-giver and wants to give something back. This, in a nutshell, is the principle of reciprocity.

这就是行动中的外观:英国的行为见解团队发现11% of people愿意捐赠一件价值的薪水,当他们在被要求捐款的同时被赠送给糖果的小礼物,而刚刚要求捐款的人中有5%。

What This Means For Marketers


2) Foot-in-the-door Technique

In theirfamous 1966 experiment,弗里德曼(Freedman)和弗雷泽(Fraser)派人到周围,要求人们将一张小卡放在家中支持安全驾驶的窗户中。两周后,另一个人要求同一个人在他们的前院里放一个大号标志,主张安全驾驶。结果是:现在有76%的人同意第一个请求的人现在遵守了更具侵入性的请求,而从未被要求在窗户上放有标志的人中只有20%的人只是被要求贴上一个大标志他们的院子。


What This Means For Marketers

Don’t ask someone to buy your product or set up an hour-long demo call when they visit your site for the first time. Make a smaller request instead; for example, asking to set up a quick 15-minute call to discuss something indirectly related to your product or service, like a consulting session. Think: Small requests before larger requests.


公用事业软件公司bob电竞官方下载bob全站appOpowerwanted to encourage people to reduce energy consumption at home, it told people, “your neighbors are reducing their energy use” and compared energy usage numbers within neighborhoods. This tactic led to a 4% reduction in household usage, as opposed to simply using the slogan “save energy to save money," which did not produce a reduction in household usage.

Peer comparison is connected to the theory ofsocial proof,这是通过发现其他人在采取一定行动而产生的积极影响。这种影响可以使某人相信他们应该采取同样的行动。

What This Means For Marketers

In emails and landing pages, show prospects how many people with the same profession have downloaded this certain ebook or template. For example, you could place a ticker beside your social sharing icons showing how many of their colleagues have shared this post to their networks. This peer comparison should encourage both the downloading of the offer but also social sharing. (Check out this post for more ideas on how use social proof on your landing pages.)

4) Environment Effect

Meredith and Wheeler(2008)found这不同的投票环境影响people voted. For example, 56% of voters voted for a pro-school budget increase when voting in a school, compared to 53% of voters who voted in a location that wasn't a school. When reproduced in a lab, these results were found to be statistically significant when reproduced in a lab (64% versus 56%).


What This Means For Marketers

When setting up sales calls for a product demo or price negotiation, schedule the call when the potential buyer is in an environment that he or she would be using the product -- usually the office, and not at home.

5) Mere Exposure Effect


What This Means For Marketers

Expose your marketing content to your buyer personas regularly bymaking sure they rank well in search. To succeed, you'll need to get to know your buyer personas like your best friends so your content ranks for a variety of topics they're searching for. The more exposure to your brand's content, the more likely they will feel positively toward your brand.

6) Warm Environments and Product Valuation

该理论称为temperature premium effect是身体温暖会引起积极的情绪(或“情绪温暖”)。一项由The Journal of Consumer Psychology发现激活积极情绪的温暖温度实际上可以提高消费者的产品估值。处于温暖状况的参与者愿意为笔($ 8.72)支付比处于凉爽状况的参与者(7.72美元)(7.20美元)。

What This Means For Marketers

This is relevant to companies that have storefronts. When choosing your store atmosphere, it may be better to set the ambient temperature on the warmer side (although an optimal temperature has not been recorded in a study to date.)


In one实验, children who had an interest in drawing were placed into three different experimental conditions: regular rewards, surprise rewards, and no rewards. After the experimentor left the room, the children were observed to measure the percentage of time they spent drawing after receiving their rewards (or lack thereof). Children in the surprise rewards condition drew 18% of their time alone, compared to 13% for those that received no rewards, and 5% for those that had regular rewards.

研究得出的结论是Xped Rewards减少了任务的动力,但惊喜奖励增加了同一任务的动力。预期的奖励会减少内在动机,而Urprise奖励也保持了内在动机,同时也可以增强情绪。

What This Means For Marketers

Try providing your potential customers with surprise coupons or deals, rather than a promotion that exists weekly and at the same time each week.

8) Scarcity

Thescarcity principlegoes back to the simple formula of supply and demand: The rarer the opportunity, content, or product, the more valuable it is to a consumer. Worchel, Lee, and Adewole (1975)asked people为他们的学习评价巧克力曲奇。他们将十个饼干放在一个罐子里,另一个相同的饼干在另一个罐子里。两鸡肉罐中的饼干收到了评分twiceas high as the 10 cookie jar even though the cookies were exactly the same.

What This Means For Marketers

Scarcity is especially powerful for event marketing. If you’re looking to increase ticket sales, it might be worth sending a personalized email to people who haven’t registered yet to remind them that there are only X number of tickets left since so many people have registered. The same could be done for a webinar, or anything that has a limit on the number of registrants allowed.

Which psychological theories do you use in your everyday marketing? Share them with us in the comments below!



Originally published Nov 6, 2014 12:00:00 PM, updated August 27 2017


Marketing Psychology