So, you've developed an amazing site. You've put together some seriously valuable content, iterated on the design, and gathered a ton of feedback. Now, you're finally feeling ready to share it with the world.

And as soon as you publish your new site for the world to see, all of your content will immediately start showing up in Google, right?

Well, maybe. It takes a little more than just hitting the publish button. To get your site listed on search results, Google needs to "crawl" and "index" your content. This happens automatically over periods of days or weeks, but if you're a site owner, youcanmanually submit your site to Google and accelerate this process.



How Google Finds Your Content

Google, in its own words, uses a huge set of computers to crawl billions of pages on the web. This crawler, called theGooglebot,从本质上讲,从以前的爬网生成的网页URL列表开始Google搜索控制台。在爬行过程中,Googlebot(也称为蜘蛛)寻找新网站,对现有页面的更新以及任何破裂的链接。

If new pages are within your sitemap, Google will discover them and crawl the content and then potentially list the page within search results based on its evaluation of 200+ criteria.

一旦爬行过程完成,所有结果都将被馈送到Google的索引中,并将相应地列出任何新网站或更新的内容。在结果处理过程中,Google查看页面上的信息,例如标题标签,元描述,ALT标签等。如果您在页面上具有动态内容,则GoogleBot可能无法读取它,并且会爬网版本 - 建议您优化您的默认版本以供搜索。

As a result of Google's crawling, you may never need to submit your website as it will be discovered automatically. The downside to this approach has always been that it's reliant on Google's timeframe to crawl and index your site content, which may not happen as quickly as you would like.



If no content is indexed yet for a site, Google will let you know that your search did not match any results.

如果找不到内容,your next step should be to create a sitemap that can be submitted to Google.

If you want more information about如何创建站点地图, take a look at this post.

自动(HubSpot的客户:你的站点地图generated and maintained. Simply go to to see it.)

How Long Does It Take for Google to Index Content?

我的前同事凯西·亨利wondered this very question and ran a test to see how long it took Yahoo! and Google to crawl and index content. The results? Well, they were staggering.




On the other hand, if you're launching a new website, or adding a number of new pages to an existing domain, it may be worth submitting an updated sitemap. According to the same study, Henry found that after submitting an updated sitemap, the average time it took for a bot to visit the page was 14 minutes, compared to Yahoo!'s 245 minutes. In other words, your new page can start generating organic traffic and conversions on the same day.



How Do I Submit My Site to Google?

To submit your website to Google, you can either add an updated sitemap to your Google account, or submit an indexing request for the desired URL through Fetch as Google. Both processes require site owners to register with Google Search Console.


If you have a brand new site ...

If you're launching a website for the first time, you should first verify you own the site within Google Search Console. Then,在这里提交-- select the "submit a sitemap" option once you land on this page.


与web域已经启动了,你仍然可以submit new pages for Google to index and rank them accordingly. Anyone used to be able to do this with a page they wanted crawled, whether they owned the page or not. Now, just as you would when launching a brand new website, you must be the URL's owner to ask Google to re-crawl it.


Submit an Updated Sitemap

First, you can submit an updated sitemap to ensure it gets listed as quickly as possible. To submit an updated sitemap, log in to Google Search Console and select "Add a Property."


Once you're there, you can submit your updated sitemap for Google so it can begin crawling it as soon as possible.


Fetch as Google

Fetch as Google允许您在Google看到的网站上查看网页。作为站点所有者,您还可以使用此工具在获取它们后重新索引单个URL。为此,请登录Google搜索控制台,然后选择您当前使用Google列出的属性。





As you can see above, two sample Fetch requests have been listed below the Fetch bar. The status of these fetches is "Partial," but once these fetches are complete, Google will assess their eligibility for reindexing. If the URL you've fetched qualifies, you'll see a "Request Indexing" option appear where the red box is in the screenshot above. Select this option, and Google will begin the process of re-crawling and reindexing this webpage.


根据上述说明,您可能想知道您是否需要提交更新的站点地图或索引请求every time您发布了一个新页面。如果您要更新您希望Google快速识别的重要内容,那么您肯定可以这样做。但是请记住,Google还可以自己重新爬行页面,可以在您定期创建和更新内容时让此过程在后台工作。

Canva HubSpot Website Ebook


最初发布于2018年7月30日8:00:00 PM,更新于12月4日2020年


Technical SEO