
The shoe brand is a global company that's been around since 1966, using their tagline "Off the Wall" as an ode to their first core audience: skateboarders. But who else do Vans appeal to?

Looking at their Instagram, you can gather a few clues:

vans instagram

From skating to lifestyle and even surfing, Vans has a different Instagram account for each of their target audiences — and each account is just different enough to resonate with its specific consumer. This approach shows the company's deep understanding of marketing to multiple target audiences. Take thisInstagramaccount geared towards women:

vans girls instagram

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The account is packed with relevant campaigns and content for their female buyers.

Understanding target audiences can lead to more successful campaigns for you, as customers will feel as if they connect with your brand. Let's get into target audiences and how to identify yours.

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A target audience is a group of consumers characterized by behavior and specific demographics, such as female extreme athletes between the ages of 18 and 25. Target audiences are a pillar of most businesses influencing decision making for marketing strategy, such as where to spend money on ads, how to appeal to customers, and even what product to build next.

目标audiences are used to define the buyer persona of a business, as well.Buyer personasare a representative overview of a business's ideal customer, drawn from data that makes up a target audience. Some of these demographics and behavior areas are:

  • 地点
  • 年龄
  • Gender
  • 就业
  • 收入


When talking about a targetaudience,这是一个有用的区别,不要将术语与目标混淆market。虽然类似,但它们的差异是营销人员的关键。

Essentially, you can describe your targetmarket通过找到目标audience。If a target market was "marketers aged 25-35," the target audience would then be something like "marketers living in Boston, Massachusetts aged 25-35."


Types of Target Audience

We've briefly gone over the attributes that make up a demographic. There are plenty in the marketing world — all helpful in locating the correct audience.

When we talk about types of target audiences, we're talking about more ways to define who you're creating a campaign for. You can segment your audience into groups or define them further using categories such as:

  • 购买意图 - 正在寻找特定产品并希望在此之前收集更多信息的人群。一些例子包括消费者购买新笔记本电脑,车辆,服装或电视。这些数据是必要的,以了解如何更好地将消息传递给受众。
  • 兴趣 - 这是关于人们所处的数据,例如爱好。了解这些数据有助于您以相关的方式与观众联系,并发掘购买者的动力和行为。例如,喜欢公路自行车作为业余爱好的消费者可能对春季天气温暖的新公路自行车最感兴趣,而且公路赛车季节开始。

For example, if you find that a large number of potential audiences are interested in traveling, you can figure out a way to work that message into your marketing campaign to appeal to more potential buyers.

  • 亚文化 - 这些是认同共享经验的人群。一个例子是特定的音乐场景或娱乐类型。人们通过亚文化来定义自己,公司可以利用这些文化来了解他们与谁联系。

An example of reaching a subculture is thinking of how they relate to your business, especially if you have a large potential audience. For instance,Netflixmarkets to theirsubcultures, people who watch specific types of content, using social media accounts that are directed to thosesubcultures

As you've probably guessed, coming up with a target audience involves some research, which goes into fleshing out who you want to reach and how you can get there in a way that stands out from competitors.


1. Use Google Analytics to learn more about your customers.

Google Analyticsis such an expansive tool, and is great for obtaining demographic details about your audience, as well as their interests. Recall from above that this is critical information that helps locate a target audience.

With Google Analytics, you'll be able to see website insights, and it's broken into different sections, like age, gender and location. These sections are labelled clearly on the dashboard and provide colorful graphs for you to interpret.

google analytics

Above is an example of the age overview in the Audiences portion of Google Analytics. Notice the breakdown of the numbers and how the graphs give you an excellent visual. This tool can be a great asset into getting a really great insight into who’s visiting your website and how your content fits into their lives.


有了读者角色,您将永远不会忘记自己为谁写的人。关于读者角色的好处是,您应该将它们紧密地对齐buyer persona; they should be nearly identical.

This is because your blog should contain content that'll be useful for your readers. Marketers probably want to read blogs about digital media, for example. It builds the reputation of your company to consumers.

The difference between areaderpersona and abuyer角色是readerpersona generally focuses on the challenges your persona might face. How can you write content that solves those challenges with blog posts?


3. Look at social media analytics.

When are your followers most engaged with your social media channels?

Is it when you post a funny meme on Instagram or create a poll on Twitter? By taking a look at these questions, you can get a couple of clues into what content your audience is interested in, thus, filling in one of the parts needed to find a target audience.

Every social channel is different and has a different audience, so looking at your analytics across all platforms are important. For example, Twitter tends to have a younger audience, while Facebook tends to have an older one. On the same note, Twitter is based on short-form content, while on Facebook, you can post long-form content and videos.

Instagram is a visually-based social media platform, so content that's graphically stunning would thrive on the channel. Knowing these things, you can begin to plan your strategy accordingly.

Analytics can tell you who is looking at your profile. What's more, they can tell you what's working and what's not working, content-wise.

By posting content your audience is more interested in, you can gain followers that are in your target market.

4. Use Facebook Insights.

If you have a Facebook page, this tool is golden for you. Facebook gives every Page a huge set of insights, for free. These insights work similarly to Google Analytics — you'll receive critical information needed to create a target audience.


facebook insights

Other areas Facebook focuses on include interests and integrations with other social media platforms, like Twitter. The insights report tells you the lifestyle of your audience, such as if they purchase items online.

Insights like these can help you far into your campaign planning, past finding a target audience, so it's a worthwhile tool to check on every now and then.


Monitor your best- and worst-performing content areas on your website. Your website can be the introduction to your company for a lot of your target audience, so sprucing up what interests them is a great way to attract more audience members.



Interacting with social media followers is so important, because they're your audience. When you create your buyer persona, they're the users you should look to. If you don't have social media accounts yet, remember to keep this step in mind.

Ask your followers what they want to see, use tools like Instagram Stories and replies to get their response for how/what you're doing. Whatever engagement you get, positive or negative, can influence how you attract more audience members.

例如,尝试发推文邀请CTA的内容,例如"Send us a picture of your favorite outfit to wear with our new hats!"这唤起了回应,您可以分析语言并模仿观众的响应。

1. Target

目标differentiates its content based on social platforms. For example, check out its Twitter account. The language is relaxed, it engages users, and is generally geared towards a younger, millennial crowd. This is becausemost of Twitter's users are younger

target twitter

Alternatively, check out this Facebook post, a partnership with Jessica Alba, an actress who is focused on her family.


For campaigns, they might focus on a specific audience over another, or for social media channels in general. Target found their target audiences and how they're represented differently and used that to their marketing advantage.


与上面的示例类似,让我们看一下基于植物的食品公司,bob全站app灯光食品。On Instagram, Lightlife posts high-quality images of recipes using their products. Occasionally, they work with Instagram influencers in the same market.

lightlife instagram但是,在Lightlife的Facebook上,他们在视频内容上进行了大量投资。这可能是因为已经证明了video content on Facebook performs extremely well。Lightlife最有可能针对喜欢在Facebook上观看视频的受众,而在Instagram上,它们最有可能不仅针对美食家,而且针对其行业的影响者。

3. Apple Music

让我们看看如何Apple Musicis reaching their target audience.

On Twitter, the streaming service prides itself on being free of ads, most likely to sway potential audience members away from similar streaming services that don't provide the same benefit. They post playlists and other content that's only reachable by visiting the website.

apple music twitter但是,大多数Instagram内容都是视频。似乎Apple Music正在使用他们的Instagram发布订阅的摘要和其他优质内容。

Though it's clear that the two platforms have different content strategies, the content itself is in the same realm, just with a different focus. From this, we can infer that Apple Music likes to stick to a formula based on where their content types perform best.

例如,如果苹果音乐发现他们的强度rview previews perform best on Instagram, that's likely why their Instagram is mostly video content. This shows that diversifying content doesn't have to be a vast change like Target and Lightlife, it can still be subtle and work.

If you have multiple target audiences and only one marketer, don't feel as if you have to focus on every audience at once. You can target one audience per campaign to make sure you really get it right.

目标audiences are meant to engage consumers and give you a good idea of how to market to them. If Vans' way of creating multiple accounts fits your business, go for it. If you have a singular audience, you can still benefit from knowing everything you can about them.


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Originally published Jan 21, 2020 4:30:00 AM, updated October 08 2020