

-Tomasz Tunguz

Tomasz Tunguz是Redpoint Ventures的合作伙伴,也是Google的前产品经理,最著名的他的数据驱动博客文章在初创公司面临的关键问题上,包括筹款技巧,初创企业基准,管理最佳实践和团队建设见解。他几乎所有的写作和思想领导力都围绕一个关键主题:您如何更快地成长?

Recently, Tunguz joined HubSpot CMO Mike Volpe on增长秀to chat about why he takes the time to blog everyday, the compounding returns of content marketing, and two things that can help almost any business grow faster. Below is an excerpt of their conversation. If you'd like to listen to it in full,listen to the podcast on iTunes

Q: You have quite a successful career as a VC, but you blog almost daily. Why do you bother blogging? Don’t you have way more important things to do?

A:有两个主要原因。首先,我想鳍d a way to differentiate myself in the ecosystem. The venture world has become increasingly competitive and I thought that blogging might be one way to do that. I hold Fred Wilson and Chris Dixon in high regard -- they had both broken out doing that -- so I wanted to see if I could do the same.


Second, I was getting a lot of questions from entrepreneurs like “Hey what should these metrics be,” or “What are other companies doing?” I was running the analysis myself and sharing it with the entrepreneur who asked the question, but then I thought it might be a whole lot more helpful to share my analysis with the ecosystem. That way, everyone could benefit.



When I did the analysis that showed that more than half of the traffic to posts on my site come afterwards, that’s an indicator to me that what you really want to be writing is content that has value over extended periods of time. That way, it's going to appear in search results and get people to come back. Evergreen content is what will make sure people keep coming back, helping you build a following and a business.


A:Churn matters almost more than any other metric. That is the single biggest determinant of a businesses' capital efficiency and how quickly it can grow. Think of it like you are filling the bucket and the bucket isn’t leaking at the bottom. It also tells you a lot of other things about the business, like there’s really good product/market fit, the users really value the product, and you're creating a sustainable and defensible business.



If you can "borrow" money from your customers to help your business grow, you’re going to grow significantly faster. You’re also going to have a lot more predictability in your business because you’re not waiting until the end of each month to know whether or not a customer is going to renew and whether or not they are going to pay you. To get all of the money upfront, you get a lot more predictability in your business and you're basically financing your growth for free.

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