The Top 20 LinkedIn Pulse Articles of All Time





But that's been plenty of time for the platform to enjoy a veritable landslide of digital musings from ninjas and gurus from here to world's end. As with any open content platform, there's going to be some hogwash to sort through, but LinkedIn does a nice job at surfacing the good, relevant stuff into your News Feed.


So, here are the top 20 LinkedIn Pulse articles "of all time" as ranked by LinkedIn Pulse, themselves.


Views:2,867,000 喜欢:27,655 Comments:3,345

“除了增加心脏病,抑郁和肥胖的风险外,压力还会降低您的认知表现。但是,幸运的是,除非狮子在追逐您,否则您的大部分压力是主观的,并且在您的控制之下。高级表演者的应对良好。strategies that they employ under stressful circumstances. This lowers their stress levels regardless of what’s happening in their environment, ensuring that the stress they experience is intermittent and not prolonged."


#2:6推动人们的有毒行为:如何在自己身上识别他们并改变他们,凯西·卡普里诺(Kathy Caprino)

Views:2,791,840 喜欢:3,995 Comments:923

“人们相信生活中发生的一切都是对他们的直接攻击或以某种方式对他们的直接攻击。People’s reactions to you are about their filters, and their perspectives, wounds, and experiences. Whether people think you’re amazing, or believe you’re the worst, again, it’s more about them. I’m not saying we should be narcissists and ignore all feedback. Isaying that so much hurt, disappointment, and sadness in our lives comes from our taking things personally when it’s far more productive and healthy to let go of others’ good or bad opinion of you."


#3:11 Simple Concepts to Become a Better Leader, Dave Kerpen

Views:2,721,388 喜欢:26,915 Comments:7,498

"The world is more complex than ever before, and yet what customers often respond to best is simplicity -- in design, form, and function. Taking complex projects, challenges, and ideas and distilling them to their simplest components allows customers, staff, and other stakeholders to better understand and buy into your vision. We humans all crave simplicity, and so today's leader must be focused and deliver simplicity."


#4:咖啡因:成功的沉默杀手Travis Bradberry博士

Views:2,073,439 喜欢:5,391 Comments:2,677

"Drinking caffeine triggers the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline is the source of the “fight-or-flight” response, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight or run for the hills when faced with a threat. The fight-or-flight mechanism sidesteps rational thinking in favor of a faster response. This is great when a bear is chasing you, but not so great when you’re responding to a curt email. When caffeine puts your brain and body into this hyper-aroused state, your emotions overrun your behavior."



Views:2,023,066 喜欢:12,360 Comments:4,809

“有能力的人最终做得很好,但分心于他们的最高贡献点,我将其定义为人才,热情和市场的交集(在Harvard Business Review文章 ”对少的纪律追求"). Then, both the company and the employee lose out."


#6:我从沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)学到的三件事,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)

Views:1,924,957 喜欢:11,641 Comments:4,368

"He says a shareholder has to act as if he owns the entire business, looking at the future profit stream and deciding what it’s worth. And you have to be willing to ignore the market rather than follow it, because you want to take advantage of the market’s mistakes -- the companies that have been underpriced."


#7: 10 Things to Do Every Workday, J.T. O'Donnell

Views:1,873,362 喜欢:9.686 Comments:3,196

"You don’t wait to do the work until you get the dream job -- you do the work in order to get the dream job."


#8:成功的人永远做的一件事,伯纳德·马尔(Bernard Marr)

Views:1,850,236 喜欢:9.948 Comments:3,123

“您可能会说,每一次失败经历都会增加对成功的渴望。真正的成功不会被击败 - 他们对失败负责,从中学习并从更强大的立场开始。”


#9:停止使用这16个术语来形容自己,杰夫·哈登(Jeff Haden)

Views:1,744,502 喜欢:7,360 Comments:3,329

"Do you describe yourself differently -- on your website, promotional materials, or especially on social media -- than you do in person? Do you use cheesy clichés and overblown superlatives and breathless adjectives? Do you write things about yourself you would never have the nerve to actuallysay?”


#10:会员营销:增加销售额,使您的流量获利,弗兰克·拉瓦内利(Frank Ravanelli)

Views:1,738,515 喜欢:682 Comments:86

“无论您从哪个角度来看会员营销,都需要记住其黄金法则:成功=流量 *转换率 *收入。”



Views:1,597,550 喜欢:12,447 Comments:1,486

"When your sense of pleasure and satisfaction are derived from comparing yourself to others, you are no longer the master of your own happiness. When emotionally intelligent people feel good about something that they’ve done, they won’t let anyone’s opinions or accomplishments take that away from them."


#12:我在简历上看到的最大错误以及如何纠正它们,拉斯洛·博克(Laszlo Bock)

Views:1,593,501 喜欢:10,423 Comments:3,016



#13:9真正自信的人的素质,Dharmesh Shah

Views:1,536,671 喜欢:12,683 Comments:4,527

"First things first: Confidence is not bravado, or swagger, or an overt pretense of bravery. Confidence is not some bold or brash air of self-belief directed at others. Confidence is quiet: It’s a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard."


#14: 8 Things Productive People Do During the Workday, Ilya Pozin

Views:1,533,591 喜欢:10,160 Comments:2,420

“虽然没人喜欢承认,但纯粹的懒惰是失去生产力的第一大贡献者。实际上,有许多节省时间的方法 - 例如,举行会议和电子邮件 - 实际上只是摆脱真实做的方法工作。 ”


#15: 10 Reasons You Have to Quit Your Job in 2014, James Altucher

Views:1,464,370 喜欢:8,271 Comments:2,736

“人们花费他们所制造的。如果您的薪水增加了5,000美元,您会为汽车的功能额外花费2,000美元,您有外遇,购买新计算机,更好的沙发,更大的电视,然后您问,'所有的钱去了吗?即使您现在不需要以上所有内容,您还需要一件事:薪水的另一件事,所以回到公司赌场,再尝试以薪水轮盘赌。In other words, don’t stay at the job for safe salary increases over time. That will never get you where you want -- freedom from financial worry. Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind."


#16: Stop Using These 30 Phrases at Work, Bernard Marr

Views:1,351,228 喜欢:3,808 Comments:7,626



#17:凯西·卡普里诺(Kathy Caprino),您永远不应该做的前五件事

Views:1,350,900 喜欢:6,804 Comments:2,474

"Literally the biggest lesson I’ve learned in business is that success is all about relationships. It’s truly about who you know, and how they feel and think about you (and how you make them feel). I’m not saying that your amazing talent and skill aren’t important. Of course they are. I am saying that we don’t thrive and succeed alone. We need other people. And these people are not just our former bosses -- they are people who reported to you, teamed with you, shared coffee and drinks with you, took training sessions with you, got yelled at alongside of you, and weathered tough times with you."


#18: How I Hire: Focus On Personality, Richard Branson

Views:1,325,996 喜欢:14,992 Comments:4,497

"Some managers get hung up on qualifications. I only look at them after everything else. If somebody has five degrees and more A grades than you can fit on one side of paper, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the right person for the job. Great grades count for nothing if they aren’t partnered with broad-ranging experience and a winning personality."


#19: The Most Important Interview Question of All Time - Part 1, Lou Adler

Views:1,287,366 喜欢:7,170 Comments:1,987

“成就背后的细节是世界卫生大会t's most important. This is what real interviewing is about -- getting into the details and comparing what the candidate has accomplished in comparison to what needs to be accomplished."


#20:人们总是忘记在面试中问的三个问题,詹姆斯·凯恩(James Caan)

Views:1,242,923 喜欢:3,805 Comments:1,307



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