Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of making an impact on social media is coming up with something profound to say, especially in a 280 character Tweet. Crafting one often leaves us staring blankly at that little blinking cursor, hoping for a way to rephrase the Tweet to let up some characters for an image, a link, or that ever-essential hashtag.

Unsurprisingly, a Twitter bio is equally challenging. You mean to tell me that Ionly有160个字符可以向Twittersphere解释我是谁,我做什么?

Check out our free professional bio templates + example gallery for more  inspiration. 

这似乎没什么大不了的,但请记住这一点:您的简历是人们决定是否在Twitter上关注您的主要事物之一 - 因此您写的内容需要计算在内。这里有几个快速步骤可以提供帮助:

正如我们已经提到的,靠在幽默quick way to show off your personality and make you seem relatable to audiences. To give you some inspiration, we’re taking a moment to highlight 31 high-quality, and sometimes amusing, Twitter bios that get the job done.

31 of the Funniest Twitter Bios We Could Find

1. @twitter

twitter profile bio

Why this works:

You can't have a list of great Twitter bios without including Twitter's Twitter bio. It reads, "what's happening?!" which is a clever play on the words displayed in the draft box before you type a Tweet. It's humorous because Twitter is a busy and active platform, so it's not uncommon to long on to the app, see a storm of tweets about something you don't yet understand, and internally say, "What's happening?!?"

2. @TheMikeTrainor

来自@TheMikEtrainor的有趣的Twitter Bio

Why this works:

Comedian and writerMike Trainormakes my inner seven-year-old want to ask him to pull my finger. Also, imagining Mr. Trainor saying, “He who smelt it,” while looking as dapper as he does in his profile picture is a little slice of added amusement. Plus, we can't help but love this bio's self-deprecation, in its allusion to the fact that one of his shows is "still airing somehow."

3. @topicals

topicals twitter profile bio screenshotWhy this works:

滑雪ncare can sometimes be intimidating as there are a wide variety of products to choose from.

Topicals'主要目标是通过创造有趣且令人兴奋的使用产品来消除潜在的焦虑,他们的Twitter Bio确切地告诉我们:“ Funner Flare-Ups的护肤品”。

4. @UberFacts

Funny Twitter bio from @UberFacts

Why this works:

UberFactsfills our brains with seemingly unnecessary information all day, every day. Though with the rise of popularity in bar-hosted trivia nights and games likeTrivia Crack, I wouldn’t say we’ll never need to know things like this:

5. @FranksRedHot

Funny Twitter bio from @FranksRedHot

Why this works:

If you’re as big a fan ofFrank’s RedHot就像我们一样,那么您知道实际上有多容易,但是 - 哎呀 - 在所有事物上都有[东西]。当然,作为营销人员,我们同意该品牌也可以将其放在Twitter上。

6. @MikeIndustries

Funny Twitter bio from @MikeIndustries

Why this works:

Mike Davidson, former VP of Design at Twitter, is a connoisseur of sorts — and while he has an impressive background, we do enjoy his present credential of, "Currently chillin'."

We also can’t help but wonder: Does the Twitter bio 160 character limit have to do with the aesthetics of a Twitter page’s design? Is Mike Davidson to blame?

7. @LabMuffin

labmuffin twitter profile bio exampleWhy this works:

Dr. Michelle Wong’smission is to educate the public on the chemistry behind beauty products to help consumers make informed decisions. When you read her Twitter bio, you get a straightforward understanding of what you can expect to see in her Tweets.


8. @SocialDriver

social driver twitter profile bio

Why this works:

Social Driveris an agency that helps businesses with their marketing and communication needs, from websites to brand messaging to content creation. Their Twitter bio reads, “Experience digital with us,” and it works because it tells audiences what they can expect from doing business with them — a partnership that brings results.

The bio also includes a unique business hashtag, #BeADriver, letting users know that they can join in the conversation in their own Tweets.

9. @Arbys

Funny Twitter bio from @Arbys

Why this works:

Arby's puns its slogan, "We have the meat.", by replacing meat with tweets. This is a great way of reminding people of your slogan while making a funny joke about the platform you're on.

10. @BlkGrlSunscreen

black girl suncreen twitter profile header

Why this works:

Black Girl Sunscreentargets an audience often left out of sun safety discussions. Its Twitter bio is short and sweet and gets straight to the point: "Revolutionary SPF for all people of color."

11. @popchips

@popchips的有趣的Twitter Bio

Why this works:

We wish eatingpopchipswas in our job descriptions — since, when they’re around, we certainly eat them like it's part of our collective responsibilities.

12. @sweetestsara

Funny twitter bio from @Sweetestsara

Why this works:

Sara Rubin是BuzzFeed的前制作人。您可以在某种程度上感谢她的许多精彩的BuzzFeed视频,您看到在社交媒体周围流传,爱情痴迷。如果您看过她的任何视频,您就会知道她是一个总体可爱和异想天开的角色 - 更不用说,笨拙地尴尬和anxious, like a good handful of us.

Her Twitter bio is just as imaginative and adds a touch of fantasy that I think provides a welcomed breather from some of the more serious Twitter bios out there.

13. @youtube

YouTube Twitter个人资料有趣的简历

Why this works:

YouTube’s推特bio is an excellent example of a humorous statement that gets the job done straight away: “Like and subscribe.” If you watch videos on YouTube, you’ve likely heard content creators say those words because it helps them generate engagement on their channel.

You can’t like and subscribe to accounts on Twitter, but those familiar with YouTube will know that the bio is asking you to follow and like their Tweets.

14. @JamieAmacher

Funny Twitter bio from @JamieAmacher

Why this works:

Some people aim to save neglected pets.杰米·阿马赫(Jamie Amacher)旨在节省被忽视的室内植物。纽约州布法罗(Buffalo)居民(和我在Mainstreathost的我的同事),Amacher知道将植物活在室内的重要性,尤其是因为在美国东北部,我们在冬季在外面没有看到很多植物的生命。

I must say, it’s a noble act; sacrificing a Twitter bio front-loaded with accomplishments. for the sake of our forgetful nature and thirsty houseplants.

15. @Canva

canva twitter profile business bio exampleWhy this works:

Graphic design takes skill, but it’s a huge part of marketing.Canva将自己作为解决这一挑战的解决方案,是一种易于使用的设计工具,用于创建信息图表,电子邮件模板,传单 - 实际上您可能需要的任何营销材料。它的Twitter Bio专业地传达了这一点,以吸引观众:“惊人的简单设计”。

16. @Pepsi

Funny twitter bio from @Pepsi

Why this works:

It's pretty funny to imagine a social media manager getting distracted from their job duties because the product they're supposed to be marketing is just so delicious.


Funny twitter bios from @arnettwill and @BatemanJason

Why this works:

First off, it’s clear to me that BFF Twitter bios are the BFF necklace of 2017. ActorsWill ArnettandJason Bateman为所有Twitterland看到他们的BFF-DOM骄傲,但这并不是他们第一次彼此相爱。2013年,看到他们在2013年的一个阳光明媚的下午在街上漫步,同时与附近的狗仔队玩得开心:

19. @JohnCleese

Funny twitter bio from @JohnCleese

Why this works:

John Cleeseis an English writer, actor and tall person (according to他的网站)。由于他也是喜剧演员,我们被允许发现他在Twitter简历中提到他仍然活着的幽默感,这与谣言相反。另外,他正在做“愚蠢的步行”his app,我们邀请您亲自看到它有多愚蠢。((Monty Python球迷,欢喜)。

20. @TheOnion

来自@theonion的有趣的Twitter Bio

Why this works:

洋葱is probably the most well-known and popular satirical news site. They publish gag headlines and goofy articles for the sake of humor. In this bio, they sarcastically claim that they are the opposite of a joke site by calling themselves the, "America's Finest News Source."

21. @Lesdoggg


Why this works:

What do we love about comedianLeslie Jones'推特bio? It's simple and to the point. Plus, we can't help but snicker at the humor in its simplicity — she lets us know about her line of work, without any jokes. That's okay; luckily, her on-screen work and actual tweets provide plenty of hilarious fodder.

22. @APStyleBook

AP Style Guide twitter bio example

Why this works:

如果您写很多书,您可能会熟悉AP样式书。作为复习,它是由在美联社工作的记者创建的英语写作和语法指南,但在许多不同的行业中都使用。它的Twitter Bio上写着“一套完整的产品,可帮助您保持风格,无论是在台式机,笔记本电脑,智能手机还是平板电脑上。”


23. @shondarhimes

Funny twitter bio from @Shondarhimes

Why this works:

对于我们许多人,Shonda Rhimesis a legend — and our Thursday nights would be so much less interesting without her. She's the writer behind such hit shows as "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scandal," and yes: People love to tweet their plotline opinions to her. She stops that madness with a concise, funny quip in her bio: "It's not real, okay?" Yes, Ms. Rhimes.

24. @Charmin

Funny Twitter bio from @Charmin

Why this works:

Charmin, as we know, sells toilet paper. We’re all adults here, and we all know what it's used for. Charmin’s Twitter bio is entertaining because, considering its industry, the brand gets the awkwardness out of the way immediately, letting us all know that, hey, quality toilet paper is a good thing ... and a good bathroom trip — or, "the go," as it's called here — should be enjoyed.

Plus, who doesn't enjoy a good, TP-related riddle?

25. @comedycentral

Funny twitter bio from @ComedyCentral

Why this works:

因为我们看到你在那里做了什么,所以Comedy Central. Also, this:

For some of us, cheese is always the answer, no matter what the problem.

26. @YourAwayMessage

Funny twitter bio from @YourAwayMessage

Why this works:

Are we the only ones who remember the days of AOL Instant Messenger, a.k.a., AIM? Think back, if you can, to a time before Slack, Twitter, and even Facebook -- and maybe, just maybe, it'll all come back to you.

如果看this bio(及其随附的个人资料图bob全站app像)使您对怀旧的感觉有压倒性的感觉,然后您已经知道为什么它很有趣。还记得目标概况吗?和次要的?和离开消息?

Also, the location being “the den” is on point. If this doesn’t hit home for you, view这篇BuzzFeed文章,或继续下一个!

27. @TheEllenShow

Funny twitter bio from @TheEllenShow

Why this works:

Ellen DeGeneresentertains us on social media, television, real life, etc. She’s just plain amusing. So it should come as no surprise that her actual bio on Twitter is pretty darn amusing. According to her bio, she has a second job as an ice road trucker — hmm — and her tweets are both real, and spectacular. Well, she’s not lying about her tweets. After all, see below. So, what does that tell us about her second job? We buy it.

28. @Alexa99

Funny twitter bio example from amazon @Alexa99Why this works:

This is the official account of the Amazon Alexa voice assistant. The bio is funny because it reads as if a robot wrote it. For those who have an Alexa, they might also know that Alexa is bad at puns and tells bad jokes when asked. So, her interests, along with the sci-fi Star Trek, make sense for her.

Because she is a robot, the most hilarious thing in this bio is how it ends with "Tweets and opinions are my own."

29. @tomhanks

来自@Tomhanks的有趣的Twitter Bio

Why this works:

Fame didn’t get toTom Hanks' 头。就像我和我一样,他是一个普通人,体重波动。有时,他获得了人们的认可 - 其他时候,不是很多。为此,我们说:“推文,汤姆。”

30. @aparnapkin

来自@aparnapkin的有趣的Twitter Bio

Why this works:

ComedianAparna Nancherla’s推特handle (@aparnapkin) is seemingly a play on her name, which is silly enough on its own. Based on her bio I’d be willing to guess that her Twitter feed is equally as amusing.

31. @notzuckerberg

Funny Twitter bio from @NotZuckerberg

Why this works:

In case you haven’t already guessed, this is NOT Mark Zuckerberg. But that doesn’t stop@notzuckerberg(又称A.,Twitter用户@AfterThatsummer)从推特上好像他是“ Zuck”。

The fake Mark Zuckerberg is pretty funny, as proven by his Twitter bio and tweets like this:


It's true — exercising humor while also tweeting as a responsible business is often a fine line to walk. But as these examples show, it's possible to be both self-deprecating and funny on social media, as long as it aligns with your brand.

As the examples show, it's possible to craft a relevant bio on Twitter that can be humorous, and still let users know what to expect from your profile.

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Originally published Aug 11, 2021 1:45:00 PM, updated August 16 2021

