
在上面的示例中,ABC Freeform,使用玩家卡将观众带入万圣节精神。

Twitter卡are easy to implement and can振兴社会策略with an app almost一半its users open every day (that’s roughly 150 million people). Learn how to use them to your benefit, below.

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The different types of Cards note the structure of the tweet. A Summary Card, for example, will include a small photo, a title, and brief summary of the content it’s teasing. Summary Card with Large Image has the same setup, just with a larger image.

应用卡从Play商店或App Store中获取应用程序的特色图像和链接,以获取推文。玩家卡推文将自动播放视频,并在推文底部链接到您的网站。


How to Use Twitter Cards


Summary Cards, for example, are a great way to highlight new blog posts or share articles, introduce a new sale on your products, and promote testimonials on your website.

This Summary Card by TechCrunch is promoting a recent blog article, using all of the attributions of a Summary Card: thumbnail image, description, and title. And the most important part: a link to TechCrunch’s website, ready to increase that lovely website traffic.




想想交通you can generate from a potential audience of 330 million. App Cards grab their information directly from the App Store or Google Play, so make sure the app you’re promoting is public before creating the Card.

球员卡自动播放视频在一个循环n timelines and feeds, so users don’t even have to leave the app to interact with rich multimedia, and your content gets views. Player Cards give your brand image a boost of promotion to a vast audience.



meta name =“ twitter:card” content =“摘要”/meta

You can only have one Card per page.

To test your tags, test run the URL through Twitter’svalidator tool.请注意,如果您使用的是玩家卡,则在此步骤之后,您需要要求批准白名单。为了完成此操作,“请求批准”按钮将出现在验证器工具上。


Once you’ve tested in the validator or had your Player Card approved, tweet the URL and you’ll see the Card appear below your Tweet.


元标记出现在网页的源代码中;它们是用来描述网页上内容的文本片段。这些元标记用于告诉搜索引擎卡上的内容,可以为您优化网站流量。添加正确的标签对于SEO。These元标记are used to describe the card type and username of the website. The third is for the Twitter User’s ID and can be interchanged with the second:



Example code for 'Summary Card with Large Image'


In this image:

  • twitter:creator was used for the @username of the content creator
  • twitter:title was used for the title of the content (which has a max of 70 characters)
  • Twitter:描述最多有200个字符,并描述了内容
  • content =需要在描述前面,而Twitter:图像用于告诉Twitter图像的URL


With all this talk of maximum optimization, you’re probably wondering what types of photos are best for Twitter Cards. Do they have a specification? I’m glad you asked.

Twitter卡图像大小:对于摘要卡,图像必须至少为120 x 120像素,但不能超过1MB。对于带有大图像的摘要卡来说,这是相同的,但最小的照片尺寸为280 x 150像素。App卡需要图像为800 x 320像素,并且玩家卡必须具有3.0级,尺寸为640 x 480像素,每秒30帧。




Twitter Card Examples

1. Summary Twitter Card example

如果您将时间表向下滚动约五秒钟,则会遇到促进的Twitter卡,如果您正在寻找使用Twitter卡的新方法,它们非常方便。例如,让我们看一下Merriam-Webster(值得您关注的帐户 - 是的,他们是“字典人”)。

这是摘要卡的美丽用途。标题少于70个字符,描述很吸引人,图像大于120 x120。此摘要卡在时间轴上跳出您,使您想阅读过去7天使用的流行单词的回顾。




Did you know World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) knows their way around an App Card?

To promote their app, WWE used this amazing App Card to highlight champion Kofi’s five must-watch matches, curated by Kofi himself. The stunning graphic is an amazing image to use on Twitter because it stands out on timelines, especially on timelines with darker modes turned on.

4. Player Card example

Cartier is embracing the Player Card with this commercial promoting their new digital series.

In the fast paced commercial, the team at Cartier uses video clips old and new, but all are optimized with a clear video format. Even the black and white snippets hold up very well.

Twitter卡在您的听众身上跳出来,对我们来说很幸运,它们很容易使用。。content marketingobsession.





Twitter Marketing