Hashtags wereinitially introducedto Twitter to make it easier for users to keep track of certain types of content on Twitter and find the people and topics most relevant to their interests. Today, hashtags have become a cultural phenomenon -- they're on almost every social network and used in everyday conversations.

While hashtags are fairly widespread, lots of marketers still aren't using them properly. Simply including a hashtag in a tweet does not ensure that it will be successful -- it's a bit more strategic than that.

To help avoid making silly hashtags mistakes in your own marketing, let’s take a look at the top ways people and companies use them wrong. If you’re currently doing some of things on this list, it’s probably time to sit down and rethink your hashtag strategy.

1) Your hashtags are too long and confusing.

The purpose of creating hashtags and including them in your tweets is to encourage other Twitter users interested in the same topic to contribute to the conversation. Since you are only allotted 140 characters on Twitter, if your hashtags are too long, other Twitter users will not have enough room to add their own content to the tweets ... which could actually discourage them from including your hashtag altogether. So if you want people to use your hashtag, keep it short, sweet, and memorable.


由于主题标签通常用于增加与品牌的参与度和/或对特定事件的认识,因此只有在人们知道它存在的情况下,主题标签才有用。结果,如果您希望使用特定广告系列的标签使用标签,那么在任何相关的营销材料和渠道中宣传主题标签是一个好主意。没有额外的促销,没有人会知道您正在使用哪个标签 - 或者首先是否有主题标签。

3) You don’t consider if/how people are already using the hashtag.

搜索是很重要的to see how a hashtag is already being used on Twitter before you include it in any of your tweets or build a campaign around it. Depending on what you find, you may need to revise your hashtag.


The other reason to search for a hashtag before including it in any tweets is to avoid getting yourself into trouble by using a charged hashtag that already has a specific meaning attached to it -- which brings us to our next point.


只是不要尝试使用其他流行且敏感的主题标签来推广自己的内容。结局不好。The extra exposure will not be worth the backlash and outrage that you will garner.

作为一般的经验法则,无论您认为自己是多么聪明,如果您发现自己打字了与讨论负面新闻有关的标签,请停止您在做的事情,然后在做某事之前先离开Twitterbob官网官方网站你会后悔的。劫持负面故事的主题标签可能会引起您的注意 - 但不是出于正确的原因。

5) You're adding hashtags to unrelated tweets.

This tactic可能导致您的帐户被搜索甚至暂停过滤。即使您没有受到Twitter的惩罚,这些类型的行为也不会使您成功。您不会看到合适的人看到的推文 - 您只是在垃圾邮件。如果人们看到您只是在垃圾邮件和快速回报,而不是与他们进行有意义的互动,他们将不想参加对话。

6) You're using too many hashtags in your tweets.


In fact, the effectiveness of your tweet decreases when there are too many hashtags in a tweet. According to a HubSpot study, posts with two hashtags receive the greatest percentage of retweets, and that percentage starts to decrease for tweets with three or more hashtags. (鸣叫此统计数据)


The moral of the story: fewer hashtags can get you better results.


推特can be a snarky place -- and as a result, it is really important to consider all of the ways that a hashtag could actually be used before creating a campaign around it.

Once a hashtag is created, how the hashtag is actually used is determined by the Twittersphere -- regardless of the creator's initial intent. Many companies have failed to consider the negative ways their hashtag campaign could be spun or used to inspire negative responses from Twitter users, and paid the price in the form of hundreds of negative tweets about their brands using the promoted hashtag.

因此,请务必确保与部门或公司以外的人一起检查您的主题标签 - 它可以使您免于尴尬。bob全站app


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Originally published Jul 29, 2014 12:00:00 PM, updated July 28 2017


Social Media Fails