
So which kinds of visual content works best on social media? The best answer: a variety. Finding clever and creative ways to mix up your visual content will boost your fan interaction and help your build your brand's identity on social.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create a series of visual social media posts quickly and effectively. I'll also offer a few ideas to help you get started creating inspiring and effective visual posts.

10 Ways to Mix Up Your Visual Content on Social Media


Every social platform has different首选图像尺寸for its posts. Always have these guidelines in mind when publishing visual content to different channels to ensure the images are showing up, look good, and aren't getting cut off. (单击此处学习如何为Twitter,Facebook和LinkedIn制作完美的帖子, including image dimensions.)


2) Plan visual content for every day of the week.

发布到多个社交媒体平台可能很耗时,因此制定详细计划并坚持下去很重要。许多品牌问:我应该多久发布一次到每个平台?尽管这个问题的答案因情况而异,但以下是每日帖子频率recommendedby Buffer对于任何内容类型:

  • 推特:每天14次。
  • Facebook:每天两次。
  • LinkedIn:Once per day.
  • Google+:Once per day.

your Fans and followers are44% more likely在包含图片的社交媒体上参与内容, so be sure you focus a chunk of your effort creating visual content like designs and photographs for these posts.


3) Use consistent design templates.

模板是一种聪明的设计解决方案,也是巨大的节省时间。创建要用作模板的主要设计(或下载HubSpot的60个免费自定义模板之一), and then save it, use it, and reuse it to create multiple designs.


A consistent color palette is another important way to maintain consistency in your designs. Canva CEOMelanie Perkins suggestschoosing two to four colors to use consistently throughout all your social posts.

4) Share quote graphics and industry tips.

报价图形和行业技巧是为您的社交页面增添个人风格的好方法。它们可以帮助您的粉丝与品牌背后的含义和信息联系起来,而不仅仅是您的产品。这是两个示例Dove's Facebook Page



5) Use visual content to link to your blog.

Blogs are a valuable tool to build your brand’s public profile and make your company more accessible. But good content needs to be shared, and social media is the fastest bridge to get your fans there. Use visual content as a hook for your blog. Lululemon Athletica does this consistently onits Twitter page



信息图表是您视觉内容策略的强大补充 - 您知道吗publishers that use infographics grow in traffic12% morethan those who don’t?使用图表来教读者ab的见解out their interests, industry, or to track the work that your brand is doing. Here's an example fromFairtrade's Facebook Page


The key to great infographics is to use as little text as possible, add interesting icons and use colors to make your information stand out. (了解有关如何在此处创建惊人信息图表的更多信息.)

7) Create visual posts for hashtag campaigns.

Hashtag campaigns boost user engagement by starting a conversation around a particular topic. In order to maximise the chance of getting your content shared, create visual posts around a theme and assign that theme a hashtag. For example, check out the user engagement on two of耐克的Facebook帖子for its#findgreatness活动:

耐克 - 社会阶段

Using only a text overlay and Nike’s logo, this is a great example of visual posts that are simple, yet effective. (单击此处以获取更多设计布局想法.)


We’ve all heard the old adage “a picture speaks a thousand words." Add photographs to your visual content strategy to break up your design posts. Ben and Jerry’s uses this approach clevely onits Facebook page:They break up its design content with (rather enticing) pictures of ice cream.

本和杰里斯 - 社会群体

You can make your images pop by应用照片过滤器. Like your other brand elements, make sure you apply the same filter consistently across all images to maintain consistency.


幽默使您的品牌成为人类因素,同时使您的内容更加共享。幽默的内容可能与某些品牌相比更重要,但是在有效使用时,您的粉丝肯定会得到良好的回应。Nutella and Pringles很好地利用了幽默 - 这是一个社交帖子的一个例子,展示了他们轻松的一面:

pringles-nutella-cocial posts

这些视觉注意简单——他们的乐趣ny because they're simple, clear, and digestible. Avoid overcrowding humorous visual posts with text or too many graphic elements.

10) Acknowledge company milestones.




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Visual Content