
“理解”是一个强大的词。搜索引擎寒冷ithms change at such a rapid tick, it's hard to keep up with the best strategies to optimize your blog to rank on the first page of SERPs. But this change is a biggie, so hang onto your keywords for this one.

Human search behaviors have changed, and so have the technologies used to interpret and serve up search results. Optimizing blog content to rank for long-tail keywords is no longer the best way to rank in search engine results -- and your blog architecture has something to do with that.

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正如我们之前提到的:人们搜索的方式发生了变化,进而开始改变SEO和Blogger创建内容的方式。这是一个基本的底漆 - 但是有关更多详细信息,请阅读我们的最新信息研究and博客文章关于搜索的演变。

People are submitting longer, more conversational search queries.


如果您选择第二种选项,那么您是大多数:64% of searches是四个或更多的单词,我们看到了越来越多的这些长期对话搜索查询,这些查询可帮助人们找到所需的确切信息。

This is, in part, due to the rise of voice search. Between Siri and Google Assistant,20% of mobile Google searchesare conducted via voice search, and thanks to the rise of Amazon Echo and Google Home devices, this percentage will surely be on the rise.

But voice search isn't the only reason people are submitting longer queries. For one, there's a lot of content out there -- and quality is greatly outweighed by quantity. People are submitting more detailed queries to sort through the junk get the information they need, faster. People are also更多地浏览内容-- often relying on the headers of blog posts or Google's featured information to get simple answers to questions quickly.


Search engines are better at providing exactly what searchers want.

Google's algorithm is constantly evolving to provide the best possible answers to searchers' queries.Some of these changesinclude penalizing too many irrelevant internal links, interpreting conversational queries as an entire thought instead of individual keywords, and using machine-learning to serve up more accurate interpretations of specific terms.

What all of this means: Google is helping searchers find the most accurate information possible -- even if it isn't exactly what they searched for. For example, if you searched for "running shoes," Google will now also serve you up results for "sneakers." This means that bloggers and SEOs need to get even better at creating and organizing content that addresses any gaps that could prevent a searcher from getting the information they need from your site.


Topic clusters help more pages rank to give searchers better answers.

大多数博客目前结构(包括ding our own blogs, until very recently), bloggers and SEOs have worked to create individual blog posts that rank for specific keywords. The result is disorganized, and hard for the user to find the exact information he or she needs. It also results in your own URLs competing against one another in search engine rankings when you produce multiple blog posts about similar topics.

Here's what our blog architecture used to look like using this old playbook:

Old structure-2.png

Now, in order to rank in search and best answer the new types of queries searchers are submitting, the solution is to use the主题群集模型:选择您要排名的广泛主题,然后根据与该主题相关的特定关键字创建内容,以相互链接,以创建更广泛的搜索引擎权威。使用此模型,这是我们的博客基础架构现在的样子 - 由与该主题相关的博客文章包围的特定主题,通过超链接通过Hyperlinks连接到集群中的其他URL:


This model uses a more deliberate site architecture to organize and link URLs together to help more pages on your site rank in Google -- and to help searchers find information on your site more easily. This architecture consists of three components -- pillar content, cluster content, and hyperlinks:

Cluster model-2.png

接下来,我们将深入研究支柱内容 - 代表主要主题博客作者和SEO通过创建更具体的群集内容来进行排名。

What Is a Pillar Page?


支柱页面广泛覆盖了一个特定的topic, and集群内容should address a specific keyword related to that topic in-depth. For example, you might write a pillar page about content marketing -- a broad topic -- and a piece of cluster content about blogging -- a more specific keyword within the topic.

Pillar pages are longer than typical blog posts -- because they cover all aspects of the topic you're trying to rank for -- but they aren't as in-depth. That's what cluster content is for. You want to create a pillar page that answers questions about a particular topic, but leaves room for more detail in subsequent, related cluster content.

For example, here's our pillar page aboutInstagrammarketing。It provides a thorough overview of how to use Instagram, and it's hyperlinked to specific pieces of cluster content -- like this blog post abouthow to write good Instagram captions。In this case, we're trying to rank for topics related to Instagram. The pillar page serves as a 101 guide to Instagram marketing, and the piece of cluster content dives into one specific aspect of Instagram marketing -- writing great caption copy.



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The first step to creating a pillar page is to stop thinking about your site in terms of只是keywords. Start thinking about thetopics您想排名先排名 - 然后,头脑风暴博客主题想法基于与更广泛主题有关的更具体的关键字。


For example, in our case, "social media" was too broad of a topic, but "Instagram captions" would have been too narrow. "Instagram marketing" is broad enough that we're able to link many more blog posts that dive into Instagram in greater detail, but still specific enough that we could write a comprehensive pillar page about it.

Pillar pages should answer any question or query a searcher might have about a topic -- which will make them want to click on your pillar page when they enter a Google search term that your page ranks for. Then, they'll click into your pillar page to get the answers to their questions, which will link out to more specific pieces of cluster content hyperlinked on the pillar page.



These paragraphs cover aspects of Instagram marketing, and these hyperlinks direct to more specific pieces of cluster content related to the topic. Make sense?

如果不是,请不要担心 - 我们将教您更多有关支柱页面以及如何尽快构建它们的信息,将会有更多的杀手。潜入我们的latest research要了解有关这种新方法来组织和构建内容的更多信息,并观看下面的视频,以了解主题群集和支柱页面如何运作。

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最初于2017年9月6日上午6:00 am,2022年1月13日更新


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