您可能知道它是火腿。或培根(拼写为“ BACN”)。我想电子邮件营销人员有一个penchant for meat products.

莫st people, however, just call it graymail.

Never heard of it? I hadn't either, until a coworker casually dropped it in conversation and left me with a few dozen follow-up questions. Here's what I learned.

What is graymail?



ISPs know these messages are graymail based on recipient engagement -- or lack thereof. So if you open an email from a retailer -- and then never open or engage with their subsequent 50 or so emails -- it's a good sign that it's graymail.

Over time, ISPs learn what you consider graymail based on your actions -- and the actions of all recipients across email sent from that domain -- so it gets smarter with categorization.


Again, graymail isn't spam. It's content that's perceived as spam-like, in that recipients often don't want the email and may mark it as spam out of annoyance -- but it doesn't meet the legal definition of spam.

It's also not the same as graylisting, a term you may have heard a few times. Graylisting refers to the idea that ISPs might not deliver an entire batch of mail all at once if they don't trust your IP. So let's say you just got a new dedicated IP and want to send out 100,000 emails -- they might accept some of those emails, graylist the others, and send the remainder when they know it's safe to deliver messages from you.

Graymail and graylisting, however, aren't directly related -- they just both have gray in the name.


So you've got all this graymail out there -- where does it go?

A lot of companies have come up with products specifically to address graymail. That's what Gmail's Priority Inbox is, for instance. Hotmail actually helped coin the graymail term and created a product to address it, as well.



Graymail is another reason to do what good email marketers already do: focus on segmentation, personalization, and engagement. You should:

这样,Graymail实际上是伟大的for email marketers -- because it sets aside marketing emails for a time when recipients are in the mood to be marketed to. And when they're in the mood and have the time to consume marketing emails, they have all of those messages at their fingertips. It's a better experience for the recipient and, thus, a better result for the marketer.

anatomy of a five-star email ebook



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