

但四天后,这种情况得到了phone call from this same vendor asking them why they hadn't paid their fees yet. Perplexed by the call, the university told them they had just transferred the payments to their new bank account.

The vendor had no idea what they were talking about.


最终,大学发现了​​该电子邮件,要求他们将付款转移到新的银行帐户实际上是欺诈性的,并且是一种流行的网络攻击形式,thousands of businessesfall victim to every year — phishing.

Improve your website with effective technical SEO. Start by conducting this  audit.  这些凭据的示例包括密码,信用卡详细信息,银行登录信息和社会保险号。

Most cyber criminals deploy phishing attacks through email, like the picture below, but some have also started to exploit social media, messaging apps, and text message to steal people’s personal information.

近年来,网络钓鱼实例数量增加了 - 实际上,已经结束了仅2020年3月就报告了60,000个网络钓鱼网站. This cybercrime could wreak havoc on your brand and bottom line.

So how do you defend your customers and employees from phishing without making them your brand’s first line of defense?

Here are three shields you can leverage to protect your brand from these prevalent attacks.

How to Protect Your Business From Phishing Attacks


DMARC(基于域的消息身份验证报告和符合性)是一种尖端的电子邮件身份验证协议,它利用其他两个身份验证协议,SPF(发送者策略框架)和DKIM(Domainkeys已确定的邮件)来验证从您的域和块中派发的合法消息欺诈性电子邮件出现to be sent from your domain.


DMARC is the only technology that can ensure your "header from” address (what your users usually look at first when they see your emails) is trustworthy.


当公关dmarc是如何工作的otecting against phishing



Additionally, email service providers will regularly send you forensic DMARC reports, showing you which emails are authenticating, which ones are not, and why.


According to PhishMe, a phishing defense solution, companies who train employees to identify and report attempted phishing attacks only have a5%的网络钓鱼易感性率。


Poor Spelling, Grammar, or Writing




每当您看到怪异或缩短的URL时,请确保将鼠标悬停在它上面,以查看Landing Page的网址是不同还是假货。

Mismatched Sender Address

即使网络罪犯可以完美地模仿您品牌的声音,格式化,徽标,地址和联系电子邮件地址,但他们仍然存在您无法复制的特征 - 您的发送者地址。

Cyber criminals will usually create a lookalike sender address or just use a string of characters in hopes that you won’t check it. To verify a brand’s sender address, check out the sender’s domain in the email’s “from” header and see if it matches the brand’s domain.

3. Invest in email security software.

如果您的公司有资bob全站app金,则电子邮件安全软件bob电竞官方下载证明点and梭子鱼are the most reliable and effective lines of defense against phishing.


But since email security software can identify unusual traffic patterns and monitor fishy URLs, it can effectively detect, block, and respond to these sophisticated threats before they reach your customers and employees’ inbox.


Arm yourself with DMARC, thorough employee training, and the best-fit email security software for your specific systems and situation, to shield your customers, employees, and brand from phishing attacks — no matter how enticing the bait is.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in December, 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Improve your website with effective technical SEO. Start by conducting this  audit.  
SEO Audit Slide

Originally published Aug 21, 2020 6:00:00 AM, updated August 21 2020


Cyber Security