
However, as we (and search engines) have become smarter about how we optimize forSEO,一切都开始改变。为什么?因为如今,重点应该更多地关注质量和转换,而不是单独的音量。




如果您有1,000个人从您的网站上访问您的内容,您的内容排名却只有2个人转换,那么您有1,000个人来您的网站真的很重要吗?SEO的目的不仅仅是吸引人们满足您的内容。这是关于吸引人们的内容who find it relevant to their interests and needs.

假设您是B2B业务,为营销人员销售分析软件。bob电竞官方下载您可以采用两种方法。您可以尝试一般创建有关分析的内容,也可以使您的内容更具体地针对marketinganalytics. In the first case, you may attract more people who are interested in all kinds of analytics: marketing analytics, sales analytics, etc. (That is, if you can rank for the head term.) In the second case, you would attract people who are more relevant to your buyer persona.



When you're creating your SEO plan, one of the first things you need to do is keyword research. But instead of basing this process on search volume, think about how likely you are to actually rank for and convert on the keywords you're selecting.

How much content are you going to create around those topics? How much content do you already have on those topics? How are you ranking now for related terms? Create your plan not just around what keywords make the most sense for your business to rank for -- but how you can invest in the time and resources it takes to have a strong SEO strategy in place.

3) User Experience

Fun Fact: Did you know that if someone comes to your site through a search engine and bounces to another site soon after, it doesn't actually help your SEO?

如果我之前提到的1,000个人来到您的网站 - 但是意识到您的内容并没有帮助,有趣,易于阅读等。-您并没有为帮助您的SEO做很多事情。搜索引擎现在足够聪明,可以识别和奖励产生良好内容的网站。他们会关心这一点是有道理的 - 他们想为用户提供最佳的搜索体验。

Think about these questions the next time you're creating content. What does your site visitor do once they're on your site? Are they engaged with your content? Do they click around? Do they look at various content offers you've created? These are all important questions to ask about your visitors that matter far more than going after keywords of a certain search volume.

4) Writing for Your Buyer Persona

Above all, your number one rule when optimizing for SEO is creating content for your buyer personas. If you can create content that will get a lot of people to your website -- but they aren't necessarily part of your target audience -- it doesn't help you grow your business.

Whether you're working on a large marketing campaign or simply writing a blog post, you always need to have your buyer persona in mind. What problems do they face? What are they trying to accomplish? What could help them do their jobs effectively or more efficiently? Your buyer personas are the key to improving your conversion rates.

就像我之前说的,它不是that search volume is the new dark horse of SEO. It's not. But you should use it more to guide your SEO strategy than define it. The most important things to focus on are choosing topics that you can write to at a sustainable volume, improving your site conversion rates, and writing quality content that addresses the needs and interests of your buyer personas.

free guide: common seo myths

Originally published Apr 11, 2014 8:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017


Measuring SEO