Welcome to 2020. In a recent survey conducted by HubSpot Research, 63% of marketers responded that they are looking to make a website upgrade this year. Are you?

屏幕截图2020-03-17,上午9.52.40The discussion of web strategy can take many directions, from copywriting to conversion paths. When we consider website optimization and overall web strategy, accessibility should be one of your main objectives in 2020 and onward.




继续以透明度领导。网站距离漂亮的在线手册已经走了很长的路要走 - 做对了,现在它们是建立潜在客户和客户信誉的最佳工具。用户想感觉自己可以控制自己的网站体验,因此,通过共享更多而不是更少来帮助他们到达那里。面向公共的定价页是一个很好的例子。使您的定价容易为您的客户提供,可以使您的品牌信誉,并有资格/取消潜在客户的资格。此外,通过将其包含在主要导航和主页上,帮助他们快速找到定价。使您的定价易于理解,并有明确的行动来完成销售。

One B2C company that sets the standard for this is the clothing companyEverlane。On all of their product pages, they have a section that looks like this:


This honest and revealing approach to their pricing builds trust in their brand and makes the customer feel more in charge of their purchasing decisions.

Product reviews are also a valuable tool; your prospects generally trust other customers' opinions, so use that to your advantage. By proactively disclosing this and other information, you get to lead the narrative and tell your story your way.




移动使用率继续上升,包括在过去一两年中企业对企业的巨大转变。现在来自移动设备的整体网络流量现在代表52% of web traffic worldwide。At HubSpot, 46% of our blog traffic comes from mobile.


I'm not suggesting you create less content; instead, focus on clarity and conciseness. Bite-size information is always best for grabbing attention and enticing your audience to read more.

Slack has done a great job with this.Their mobile site is fast, beautiful, has concise messaging, and features custom smart CTAs for whichever type of phone operating system you are visiting the site from.

Slack Mobile网站

As you start to think more about mobile, you also have to focus on accessibility.

At HubSpot, accessibility is a focus in 2020.我们在网站上运行HubSpot CMS,这使每个营销人员都可以轻松创建和编辑内容,并且我们正在努力提高所有人的网站访问性。

为了帮助我们,我们与克里斯蒂娜·马隆(Christina Mallon)进行了交谈,这是可访问性的设计负责人Wunderman Thompson。Christina started her presentation with “What if I told you that your marketing content was excluding an audience of roughly 61 million people in the United States?四分之一的人生活在美国。”


如果你正在寻找一个起点,我试试ng theWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)为了确保您的网页设计和内容生产过程包含在内。

Be mindful of font and type size to help drive better user experience. Ensure hyperlinks are easily identifiable. What types of content could you add to consider more users? Maybe you could add subtitles to your videos for the hard of hearing. Or, perhaps you could add a page reading feature to your blog. Making experiences accessible for those who need it makes them better for everybody — design for the edges and the rest falls in.


俗话说,这与你无关。停止强迫您的网站访问者沿着您希望他们采取的转换路径。一个经典的例子:您访问一个网站,唯一的呼吁是“联系我们”链接,它将您发送到表单并(可能)进入空白。相反,问问自己 - 最适合您的听众?他们如何以及何时想与您互动?

Start by making the effort to understand users' intent. Different visitors are looking for different types of information based on their familiarity with your business and position in the buyer's journey. Perhaps it's educational resources or a support center for customers, or maybe it's someone who was referred to you by a friend and is ready to talk to your sales team.

You should be able to create a general website map that connects the most appropriate calls-to-action for different sections of your site, and you can run experiments over time to optimize the best user experience and conversion rates for your business on specific pages.

通常,同一页面上的不同访问者有不同的喜好或需求,因此不要将它们仅限于一种选择。您无需扔掉带有表格的“联系我们”页面 - 尝试添加销售线或在线聊天的电话号码 - 如果您没有现场聊天代理,则可以使用聊天机器人。在HubSpot,我们的日历工具已经看到了巨大的成功,该工具使用户可以安排一次会议,以便在他们方便的时候与销售进行交谈。另一个很好的例子是Salted Stone's contact us page.

Salted Stone Contact Us Page




  • 斯塔克: Contrast checker and colorblind simulator

  • 海浪:Web可访问性评估工具

  • 灯塔: Good for testing page load time

  • Browserstack: App and browser testing



state of inbound


Originally published Mar 26, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated March 26 2020

