
Stories kill two birds with one stone -- they both entertain and educate. As salespeople know, crafting a story around a product or service is a good way to spark prospects’ attention and draw them in. But salespeople can also benefit from story time when they’re picking up tips on how to execute their jobs better.

里克·罗伯格(Rick Roberge),前销售人员转为销售教练,是该技术的主人之一。在上个月的HubSpot销售加速活动中,Rick讲述了有关他的职业生涯的故事,每个事业都为与会者提供了宝贵的课程。以下是里克(Rick)会议上最好的三个最佳故事,其中三个有用的卖家道德。


大多数人都卖掉了,认识的人已经卖出或购买了Cutco刀。Cutco是里克(Rick)的第一批工作之一 - 卖掉了超舒适和弹性的刀。

His primary customer? “I sold to single girls for their hope chests,” Rick said. Then once they got married, the newlyweds would have a quality set of knives to put in their kitchen. However, because there was no way to tell which houses contained his ideal prospects, Rick had to knock on a lot of doors.

有一天,里克与Dave Kurlan,当时他的同事自此成为著名的销售作家和专家。他们敲了第一扇门。没有运气。第二扇门有相同的结果。和第三。第四个。第十。第50。对于目前正遇到销售低迷的戴夫来说,似乎他的失败将保持不变。

And yet, the two salesmen pressed on for 130 more houses. Now with sore knuckles, Rick knocked on the 180th door. A young lady answered and exclaimed, “Cutco? I’ve been waiting for Cutco -- I’m getting married! Can I look?”

It might’ve taken a while, but Rick and Dave finally made a sale. The lesson?

“That’s how we figured out there’s always somebody out there waiting to buy your stuff,” Rick said. “You just have to find them.”


“Why People Stop Paying Their Bills”


He spent 20 years in collection, during which he encountered a variety of debtors and heard countless excuses as to why they had stopped paying their bills. One day, it dawned on Rick that all the various explanations could actually be boiled down to one simple fact.

“People stopped paying their bills when they became unsold -- when they forgot why they bought in the first place,” he said.


“All of the reasons were salesperson issues. It could be that the salesperson overpromised or the company under delivered, or maybe the customer was a crook and never intended to pay,” he said. “But the salesperson should’ve caught the crook and not sold to them, or not overpromised, or made sure the company delivered what the customer wanted through [setting] clear expectations.”

今天的代表会很明智地记住,销售不仅仅是最初的交易 - 还在于确保客户不会变得未售出。在销售过程中建立合适的基础,并保留您的客户终身。




但在事件s ended, he always noticed something odd. Not many of these connections resulted in true relationships. Reps would call people they met at a networking event, only to be sent to voicemail. They’d reach out a few more times and never hear back, despite the claim that this person wanted to “keep in touch.” What happened?

Think about how you interact with the attendees at a networking event for a minute. What’s the first question you are asked? If it’s a professional gathering, I’m betting it’s “What do you do?”

里克意识到这个问题是销售人员的陷阱。代表透露他们在一家特定公司的销售中,并将一张卡交给了这一效果,他们的新熟人就将他们从“后续行动”名单中脱颖而出。bob全站app除非一个人当时准备购买 - 就像女人瑞克(Rick)卖给刀子一样,他们将筛选销售人员的电话。

So if you think about networking in terms of AIDA, “networking is only about attention,” according to Rick. “Interest is going to be created on the conversation if it's ever going to be created, so don’t give them a reason不是to take your call.”


请记住,这总是关于对方的。无论是客户,潜在客户还是Rick刚刚见面的人,他都从未将自己放在首位 - 他弄清楚他如何在其他任何事情之前提供帮助。他会花时间诊断,打开他的Rolodex进行介绍或提供关键的反馈,如果这确实是该人所需要的。

It’s rare that salespeople will adopt all of a particular thought leader’s sales philosophies completely, but I’ve done pretty well with Rick’s advice. I was one of Rick’s first clients when he became a sales coach, and I have incorporated his philosophies when I sell and when I coach my salespeople. Perhaps if more of us fully embraced and practiced these morals, the world would think better of salespeople in general.

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Originally published Mar 3, 2015 10:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017


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