博客主题Want to be recognized as an expert and trusted authority online? Want your prospects to trust you even more?开始博客。


So, you know you should spend time writing, but what blog topics should sales reps tackle? How do you come up with captivating posts? What do your prospects really want to read about?

It's time to fill that blank screen with helpful advice for your prospects, colleagues, and readers.

Here's five of my favorite ways to generate blog ideas.

When you open your email, and scan the subject lines, it's easy to wonder how bloggers come up with such targeted content. I think they simply look to their day-to-day workflow for inspiration. I know I do!

1) Glean topics from calls and emails.

When you're on a demo, an exploratory call, or in a meeting you'll notice certain topics come up again and again. Take cues, think, and listen. Then jot down those ideas for possible blog topics.


  • How does your competition do this?
  • How does this specific part of the software work?
  • 这个在线工具如何工作?
  • Why would someone what to use this software specifically?

Any questions you're consistently answering on the phone or as a follow-up in emails translates into a博客主题。您可以在电话中简要介绍,然后说:“我将向您发送此博客文章以阅读,因此此主题更有意义。”然后他们可以在闲暇时阅读它。或者,也许您想让您的电话更具建设性。在这种情况下,请提前向您的潜在客户发送博客文章,以审查您的待谈对话的背景。

With prospecting, you're trying to educate someone through various means of communication before you actually talk to them. Having these online pieces of education will hopefully help you get that appointment or convert a lead.

2) Look closely at analytics.


由于HubSpot提供搭档, a free tool that provides email open and click tracking, I look at the Activity Stream to get insight on what pieces of collateral are getting clicks and generating interest. Whether or not they open those messages reveals if the content was relevant and useful.


3) Chat with marketers.

When in doubt, go to the blogging professionals in your office: the marketing department. Ask what topics they're currently working on, then put your own spin on them.



Is there a training meeting or guest speaker on your calendar this week? Take the time to write down the key points and information from the talk. Their professional insight, paired with your commentary, can become a discussion worthy topic on a blog post and your social media channels.


  • 商业专业早餐
  • Keynote addresses at conferences
  • 在虚拟网络活动中提出的研讨会
  • 内部销售会议
  • bob全站app公司培训课程
  • 管理研讨会
  • 专业教练课

我喜欢的内容提交给我on a daily basis and think about it a little differently. I work with the concepts and ideas until it targets someone in my market that I'm trying to reach.

自定义内容并将其制成自己的内容 - 但始终向原始来源致敬,作为专业的礼貌。例如,以这样的内容开始您的博客文章:

"Last week I attended the Young Professionals Business Breakfast where Mary Smith, VP of Sales at Big Company, spoke about blogging techniques to increase response rates from prospects. Her ideas were inspiring and insightful. I've put a few of her techniques to work in my own blogging efforts. Did they work? Take a look at this data and decide for yourself."







Originally published Apr 22, 2014 8:00:00 AM, updated January 17 2022

