销售量people don’t hold all of the cards anymore. With a quick Google search and some browsing, prospects can gather as much information about a product as a salesperson has.

作为a result, it’s harder for salespeople to demonstrate their expertise. And if they can’t demonstrate expertise, it becomes all the more difficult to establish credibility and eventually build trust.没有信誉和信任,销售人员可能会失去其前景的兴趣……或更糟的是,永远不会真正获得他们的兴趣。

So what should salespeople do? Simple: Invest in listening. AsJohn Doerr writes,不听的代表错过了建立融洽关系,发现买方需求的机会,并让潜在客户知道您了解他们的世界。

麻烦的是,听力可以是非常困难的。太啊ften, salespeople are waiting for their turn to talk or thinking about what to say next, instead of truly listening to the prospect. To eliminate this habit, I’ve taught the reps who have reported to me over the years a very specific skill: Active listening.


主动聆听不仅适用于销售,也不适用于新事物。心理治疗研究的开国元勋之一卡尔·罗杰斯(Carl Rogers)博士在1940年代起源于“反思性聆听”的概念。在接下来的几年中,他的学生理查德·法森(Richard Farson)更名为“积极聆听”。

罗杰斯的另一位学生,三届诺贝尔和平奖提名人托马斯·戈登博士是largely responsible for popularizing the strategy。戈登(Gordonbob全站app)的公司戈登培训国际(Gordon Training International)已教导成千上万的人通过积极的聆听以及其他技能来建立更有效的关系。

While I haven’t received instruction directly from Gordon Training, I’ve stuck pretty close to their概念的定义。为了简单起见,我教积极的聆听作为四步过程:

  1. 真正倾听前景。
  2. Feed back the content and feeling of the prospect’s words.
  3. 确认您正确听到了潜在客户。
  4. 作为k a relevant follow up question to further clarify your understanding of their situation.


销售量reps are often too busy talking to listen. Even if they are tuned in, they’re often just listening for a specific word or challenge that tips them off as to whether the prospect needs their product.

销售量people who do this are not much different than a dog waiting for a command. (Yes, I might have just called you a dog.) When salespeople do this, prospects can sense it, and they come to the conclusion that the rep simply wants to sell them something regardless of whether they need it or not. It’s a downward spiral that usually leads to nowhere.

But the best salespeople listen differently. They forget about the script (and maybe even their own agenda), and really listen to the words and feelings that a prospect is conveying in their language, tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language.


这种类型的聆听可以通过鼓励潜在客户开放更多,可以产生巨大的不同,并且fostering trust and commitment


2. Feed back what you just heard back to the prospect


Sometimes, this can be done non-verbally. But without the benefit of face-to-face presence, inside sales reps must do this verbally.


  • 重复您逐字听到的内容。This is the easiest route, because the prospect will hear exactly what they just said and can either confirm their meaning or clarify their statement. But be careful not to overuse this approach with a prospect as they might start to doubt your understanding. (Parrots don’t actually understand, right?)
  • 解释你听到的。这是一种更好的方法,而不是简单地重复他们所说的话。通过释义,您可以将他们所说的话浓缩为更简洁的东西。当您这样做时,您的潜在客户知道您的聆听是因为您将他们的演讲内部化了足以总结他们所说的话。但是,避免过分简化并遗漏重要的细节 - 这可能会使买家对您的信心。
  • 把你刚刚听到的东西放在自己的话语中。这是所有人最好的策略。通过将您刚刚听到的话语放入单词中,您可以展示自己的前景,即您有一个理解像他们这样的情况的框架,并且可以同情他们的斗争。请注意不要离他们的语言太远。使用陌生的词汇或少量术语,并确保在这样做时解释它们。

By feeding back what you just heard, you’ll make an immediate impression on your prospect. Since most people are not great listeners by nature, your prospect will be appreciative of your ability to listen effectively and summarize.



This critical step is often overlooked. After you’ve paraphrased what your prospect has said, simply ask “Did I communicate that effectively?” or “Do you believe I understand what you have shared with me?” If the prospect says “no” you now have an opportunity to clarify your understanding by asking “Could you clarify for me what I might have missed or got wrong?”


Michelle Adams, VP of Gordon Training says, “When you nail it, you know it and the other person tells you that you did by saying things like: ‘Yes! That's it!’ or ‘Exactly, you've nailed it.’ Or they will begin nodding their head emphatically. If you miss on your Active Listening, they will tell you that too with: ‘Well, no, it's not that. It's more like this … ’ or they will look at you like you're nuts.”

The following video from Gordon Training shows this step in action.

Once you get good at this part of the process, you’ll be able to create a confirmation bias in your prospect’s mind.研究发现that we like to surround ourselves with people who think like we do. By repeating what this person has said and then confirming that you’re on the same page, the confirmation bias starts to form, and trust begins to develop.



Resist the temptation to ask closed-ended questions that might make the prospect think that you’re only interested in making the sale. Instead, I recommend asking an open-ended question that encourages your prospect to share more about their goals, challenges, and current plans.

作为Saul McLeod points out,开放式问题使该人可以用自己的话语表达他们的想法。如果您提出正确的问题,潜在客户本身可能会得出正确的结论,解决自己的问题,或者至少开始相信存在解决方案以帮助解决他们的问题。他们甚至可以得出结论,您的解决方案是正确的解决方案。此外,通过让您的潜在客户继续批判性地思考自己的处境(大声),您有更好的机会揭示前景(或不会)向您购买的令人信服的理由。





5 Uses For Active Listening


1. Addressing Resistance in the Beginning of a Sales Call

I advise salespeople to use Active Listening early in the sales process to communicate to prospects that they’re there to really listen and help them -- not just sell them something.




展望: Well ... I don’t have a lot of time.

销售量person: Seems like I caught you in the middle of something and your time is short.


销售量person: 好的。I often hear one of a few things in situations like yours: A, B, and sometimes C. If any of those are relevant, I have some ideas I could share with you that you might find valuable. Maybe we could talk for a few minutes now and schedule another meeting when you have more time?





展望: I’m very frustrated that we didn’t achieve our goal of A this year. I thought about it all last month. This really set us back. Worse, I’m just stuck on what to do next year.


销售量person: Hmmm. I see. I can see how that would be frustrating.[[Step 2: feedback]


销售量person:因此,听起来您今年实现目标对您来说真的很重要。当您今年没有实现时,这确实让您回来了,明年您会做些不同的事情。[[Step 2: feedback]Did I get that right?[[Step 3: Confirm understanding]

展望: 是的。Exactly right.

销售量person:好吧,您正在考虑明年做什么?[[Step 4: Ask relevant follow up question]

展望: Well, we’ve consider implementing plan B. But, I’m just not sure it’ll work given we don’t know how to execute plan B yet. We just don’t have the right skills within our team.


展望: That seems like it’d be a good idea.

3. Recapping an Exploratory Call

While it’s never too early to restate the goals and challenges that a prospect has shared with you, empathize, confirm your understanding, and probe further, I find that the end of an exploratory conversation is a great time to showcase that you’ve heard them throughout the call.



展望: That’d be great.




展望:Well ... I’m not sure I completely understand plan F.

销售量person: 好的。我们经历了计划F的一些方面,但我同意我们尚未完全涵盖它。在我们的下一个电话中,您是否想对计划F进行更深入的深入,真正勾勒出它,并确保我们完全同意它可以帮助您实现目标A?

展望: 听起来不错。感谢您到目前为止的帮助。

销售量person: 别客气。您想什么时候安排我们的下一个电话?


The best way to avoid an objection is to anticipate and address it proactively. Effective application of Active Listening can help you do just that.

尽管如此,在结束时间之前,很少有您可以预料和解决所有反对意见。不用担心 - 主动聆听也在这里闪耀。这是一个例子。

展望: I’m really concerned about plan F. I worry it won’t work well for our team.

销售量person: Got it. We certainly don’t want to get you started if you’re not clear on how you’re going to be successful with the plan.[[Step 2: feedback]您认为计划F是否有特定的事情?[步骤4:相关后续问题]

展望: 是的。通常,我只是不确定我们是否有合适的人来实施G。

销售量person: 好的。我们谈到了玛丽可能会做G,但是您担心这行不通吗?[[Step 2: feedback]

展望: Right.


展望: I think it’s possible to teach Mary, but is there a way that you could just do G for us in the meantime?


5. Closing Business

Dave Kurlan invented my favorite closing technique: “无礼的关闭。”如果您在销售过程中正确完成了所有操作,那么结束应该是发生的事情。如果您需要一点推动,那么无聊的关闭是要求业务的最简单方法。


  1. Do you believe I understand your issues, your problems, and your concerns?
  2. Do you believe I/we have the expertise to solve your problem effectively?
  3. Would you like my/our help?

作为you can see, listening during the sales process as well as confirming understanding are necessary steps if you want to use this closing approach.

But even when you’ve run a great sales process, prospects don’t always answer with an emphatic “yes” after each of these questions. That’s when Active Listening can be very handy, once again.

展望: I’m not quite positive that you have the right expertise. I’m concerned that you’re not the best provider for a company like ours.

销售量person: 好的。让我确保我理解。您担心我们不会成为最好的提供商。[[Step 2: feedback]您是否认为您的竞争对手可能会在您的行业中拥有更多的经验?[步骤4:相关后续问题]


销售量person: So it’s more about the culture of your organization as opposed to your industry?[[Step 3: Confirm understanding]

展望: 是的。确切地。



销售量person: 我懂了。因此,听起来我的公司中有一些大型粉丝。bob全站app多年来,我们当然已经为他们提供了很多帮助。但是,考虑到组织的文化,您认为我们的竞争对手更适合为您提供帮助。如果我可以向您展示我们为其他与您的文化类似的公司所做的事情,这会有所帮助吗?

展望: 是的。I think that would make the decision a lot easier.


展望: 是的。


Practicing Active Listening




以下是Greg Brown的一些,最高的销售表演者转为销售经理:



HubSpot销售经理Jen Cooley与她的新销售人员一起玩有趣的游戏,以教他们如何使用这一四步活动的主动聆听过程。这对她的团队产生了令人印象深刻的影响:


One of my favorite exercises to run is a “hot potato” game. I describe a real sales scenario and we do a role play. I start the role play by making a statement and then tossing the potato (or any object that I have handy) to someone in the room.

When you get the potato, you have to keep the conversation going by feeding back and asking a relevant follow up question. After completing these steps, the rep then tosses the potato to another salesperson. We repeat this until we have the prospect’s complete story.



销售量call film review provides another great opportunity to teach Active Listening. Dan Macadam, another HubSpot sales manager, does this frequently with his team. Here’s how he describes its impact:

当我们回顾电话,我经常听到代表完整ely misunderstanding a prospect’s questions or statements. They end up taking the conversation in a direction that loses the prospect’s interest.

When I hear this, I rewind back to the part where they misheard something important. Then, I’ll ask the rep to repeat back to me what the prospect said. We’ll talk about why this phrase was important and how the conversation might have went differently had they practiced Active Listening.







Thank you to Michelle Adams, Mike Renahan and Emma Brudner for their contributions to this post.


Originally published Apr 23, 2018 6:26:00 PM, updated April 23 2018


Trust in Sales