Exceptional salespeople don't separate themselves from the pack by doing what everyone else is doing and hoping for the best. They go above and beyond, and you can't do that if you lean exclusively on conventional sales skills.

No, the best reps demonstrateadvanced sales skills— ones that can help frame you as an authoritative, helpful, empathetic guide with expertise relevant to your prospect's circumstances. Here, we'll review some of those skills and go over the techniques you need to know to demonstrate them.


Advanced Sales Skills

1. Being Helpful Without Being Too Friendly

Cold as this might sound, your prospects aren't your friends. Any sale is a professional engagement and must be treated as such. That doesn't mean you have to bully potential customers, roll your eyes at their questions, and be visibly frustrated every time they take too long to answer.

但它alsodoesn't mean that you can't roll over to their every demand, agree with all of their objections, and let them run the conversation. The best salespeople can strike a balance between those ends of the spectrum — they help their prospects without giving up control of the sale.


所以你如何到达那里?好吧,如果你想找到that middle ground between overly friendly and excessively confrontational, you need to take a consultative role in the sale. You're the expert here. You know what you're talking about, and you want to apply that insight to help them — not just sell to them.

You have to lead with thoughtful, relevant questions. Quickly and thoroughly respond to objections while acknowledging you know where they're coming from. Make sure you keep the focus on their business, its specific pain points, and how your offering is the best possible remedy for them.

You're there to walk them through the process of understanding their pain points, seeing the value of your product or service, and ultimately finding where those two elements intersect. That comes from an advisory perspective — not an overly friendly or confrontational one.

2. Conveying Value Specific to Your Prospect


They offer tailored value propositions that consider the specific circumstances the prospect is operating within, the implications of those circumstances have had on similar businesses, the range of outcomes those implications might lead to, and how their offering can make those outcomes as ideal as possible. All of that takes precedence over touting the neat features their product or service has.

例如,假设有一家ED-Tech公司出售课程计划解决方案。bob全站app该业务希望将其产品出售给北加州的一所社区大学,该大学仍主要跟踪并协调其课程注册。价值主张不应该是"Our product has an accessible interface that makes curriculum planning easier."

这将是对的影响“在您规模的机构中,手动注册跟踪会导致常规的不足和过度注册在所需的课程中,停滞学位速度。我们的计划可以提供信息以削减不需要的部分并扩大过度填充的部分 - 加速度速度。”

Advanced Sales Technique: Conducting Extensive Research


That takes extensive research — whether that be through company marketing collateral like case studies, industry publications, public financial reporting, background information on company leadership, or any other resources that can give you a closer look at what a business does and the challenges it faces. From there, you can start to string together a thoughtful value proposition that will register with your prospect.

3. Teasing Out Pain Points Your Prospect Might Not Have Even Considered

痛点是所有事物销售的基础。如果它们不存在,销售也不是,因此,如果您要成功销售,则需要能够找到并解决这些问题。有时,疼痛点很明显 - 您的前景可以理解对话。

But the best salespeople go beyond that — they know how to unearth very real issues that the prospect hasn't even thought about. Being able to identify unconsidered issues, bring them to light, and thoughtfully address them in a single conversation is one of the trickier, most advanced skills a salesperson can have in their repertoire.


Advanced Sales Technique: Taking a Consultative Approach

Consultative selling是一种销售方法,在提供解决方案之前,销售人员主要关注建筑价值,信任和与潜在客户的融洽关系。这是一种关系首先的方法 - 一旦您建造了一种方法,然后you can actually start selling.


If you follow those steps, you can put your prospects at ease and get them talking. They can use you as a sounding board, and ultimately voice issues they might not have considered in the process.

4. Relaying Industry-Specific Knowledge

Trust is a recurring theme that has a place in every point on this list — exceptional salespeople know how to quickly and convincingly develop it with prospects. A lot of the time, trust is a byproduct of specificity.

潜在客户想要一个specificvalue proposition that impliesspecific适合他们的行动specific痛点。确定该元素的一种方法是在与他们的书信中传达对行业的广泛知识。



像第二点在这个名单上,这一个开始s with research — but how you relay your knowledge to your prospect is key. One way to get there is by passing along relevant, industry-specific content to your prospect at different points in their buyer's journey.

这需要一些精致的方法,但是在完成销售过程时,这项技术可以为您提供一些严肃的影响力。您不想用来自行业出版物的数十种文章来淹没您的潜在客户,并试图说,"Look how much I know about what you do!"


您可能想传递一篇文章,详细说明如何流行的专营权正在利用尖端技术to let your prospect know you're keeping an ear to the ground within their industry and give them more perspective on the rising tide of digital transformation among fast-food chains.

5. Maintaining a "Contrarian Mindset"

维持一个contrarian mindsetrests on your ability to find gaps and hiccups in your prospect's operations. It's a matter of staying skeptical, scrutinizing, and being mindful of faulty logic, overlooked opportunities, or sub-optimal execution.

Exceptional sales reps with this mindset look for places where the customer might have got it "wrong." Did they overlook an opportunity for savings? Do they leverage any processes that deliver subpar results? Are certain components of their tech stack redundant or inefficient?

以这种心态的销售人员可以将这些打ic变成可行的“ ins”,从而为他们提供有效的价值主张的基础。从那里开始,他们可以提供另一种观点来提出问题并回答独特的问题,而不是确认已经建立的问题。

Advanced Sales Technique: Conducting Extensive Research and Actively Listening

Like the second point on this list, "maintaining a contrarian mindset" is a function of how well you can research your prospect — specifically how their business is faring.

See if you can find out what solutions they're currently leveraging. Review their public financials to see if they could be doing better in that arena. See if you can find some insight into their clientele.



Being an exemplary sales rep takes more than doing whatever everyone is doing better than everyone else — you need to branch out and master less conventional skills to get there. Obviously, this list of advanced sales skills is far from exhaustive, but it's a good place to start if you're looking to take your sales game to the next level.

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