前景通信 -  jpg






When I started a free trial of a service the other day, I experienced the perfect example of a salesperson completely missing and/or ignoring my preference for email. After browsing the site to try and figure out if the service could help me, I saw a free trial button and completed the form. I was expecting to get instant access to the free trial. No dice. I left the site disappointed and ended up using a competitive offering instead because it offered a full-featured 30-day trial.

An hour later, I received this note from an SDR at the first company after his call rolled to voicemail. (I don't answer my phone any more.)


我无法通过电话与您联系,但想讨论您有资格免费试用 - 我今天下午有一些时间,直接给我打电话给我下面的电话。bob电竞官方下载


发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔

虽然这不是乔的错,这家公司显然bob全站appuses a bait-and-switch approach to free trials. Not a good start. I wrote back:“如果我不符合资格,那没关系。我会找到另一个来源。现在就与一起去。”



We do have a few different trials so I was just hoping to learn a bit more about your specific needs to set you up in the best direction for your evaluation. Is there a good time this week for a brief discovery call?


发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔






发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔

乔copied and pasted our previous correspondence, so Bob should have known that I didn't want to get on a phone call. You can probably guess what happened. Instead of asking how I'd like to proceed, Bob called me, left a voicemail, and then followed up with an email asking, "What time works best to hop on a call?" What really annoyed me is the level of presumption that exists in that question.

I finally responded to Joe and Bob with the following,“Was hoping to just get access to a free trial. The link I clicked wasn't“我们有资格的自由审判。”




I’ll be your point of contact at , please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I would still like to schedule a call to better understand the business need – what time works best for you?



发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔

三封电子邮件后,我终于可以访问审判 - 最初注册一封后30小时。在这段时间,I was asked to get on a phone call five times.

When I finally logged into this company’s trial, the interface was easy enough to understand. I figured out that it could ultimately do what I wanted to do, but when I tried to test the functionality for the first time, I was shown a CTA to call a phone number because I "exceeded my limit." I realized the only thing this company lets you trial is their interface.



I have a very simple project I'm trying to do. It has nothing to do with the core selling team at HubSpot, so this is not an enterprise sales opportunity for you.

If you're interested in helping me, here's what I'm trying to do:

I figured out how to do Y. But, when I tried to do X, I was told to call for pricing.

I have little interest in a phone call. But if you want to help me, here's a few questions:

  • 问题1
  • 问题2
  • 问题3

Feel free to tell me to go away if this isn't a fit. You guys are clearly trying to sell an ongoing use case for a bigger team. But this is just me and I only have a short-term need for your product.


发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔



We do support organizations from a larger enterprise level – this project does not sound like a fit.



发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔

So, where did this go wrong?


With regards to Bob's sales strategy, it seems he was only interested in immediate enterprise sales opportunities. I have the title of someone who can decide to purchase his product -- or at least influence it. While I wasn't interested in a larger relationship at the present time, there's no telling how HubSpot's needs could change down the line, and Bob seemingly had no interest in developing a relationship that could lead to a bigger deal in the long run.

鲍勃还没有适应他的策略。不要误会我的意思 - 我众所周知,“接听电话”给我的销售代表很多次。就像我上面说的那样,现场通话是试图区分产品或服务的销售人员的出色沟通工具,因此我了解鲍勃为什么想通过电话进行发现。但是我显然不想像许多潜在客户一样接听电话。




  1. 向我解释您希望如何使用我们的产品?
  2. Get on a call so I can quickly show you how you can accomplish what you’re trying to do in the trial?
  3. 问我任何问题,以便我可以帮助您弄清楚我们的服务是否适合您?

I am available for a call if that is easier for you. Here’s a link to my calendar if you’d like to schedule time.



发送新竖琴 - 塞尔斯 - 巴尔


The big takeaway from this experience is that salespeople need to be a lot less rigid about their own communication preferences and adapt to the buyer.

Here are are a few tips for determining and adapting to your buyer’s communication preference.

1) The way buyers initiate communication or respond to you is an indication of their preference.

Today, many sales conversations start over email. Most prospects don't answer the phone or return voicemails. Nevertheless, since phone is better and there’s no way of knowing a prospect’s preference, the best salespeople still just pick up the phone and try to catch prospects. They also leave voicemails. But if a prospect responds by email, that it is a good indication that email is their preference. If they call you back, the phone is probably their preference. If they respond via InMail on Linkedin or direct messages on Twitter, go with that approach for awhile.

2) Always send a follow-up email after you leave prospecting voicemails.




4) Include your calendar link in your email.

写道,“这是一个链接到我的日程表can schedule time directly if you’d like.” Also include that link in your email signature. That way, prospects can schedule time easily if that’s their preference. You’re making it easier for them to choose phone without even asking them. The会议应用程序在HubSpot中,销售可以为您简化此过程。这就是它的样子:


一个警告:If a prospect writes you back, it’s okay to just call them.一旦潜在客户通过电子邮件回复,拨打和开始对话没有错,“认为通过电话交谈会更容易。你有五分钟吗?”

If they don't give you permission to proceed, ask,“How can I best help you evaluate our ability to meet your needs?”If they don't pick up the phone, don't make“我们可以安排15分钟吗?”您的下一个通过电子邮件询问。如果您采取行动的呼吁,您将错过机会通过电子邮件进行对话。取而代之的是,考虑一个关于他们的兴趣的开放式问题,如果这对他们更方便,就可以打电话。

One word of caution:要特别小心,不要假设您的偏好是他们的偏好。请注意不要向另一个方向摆动太远,并假设电子邮件是您的潜在客户的偏好,只是因为这是您的偏好。这篇文章不应该证明电子邮件是一种更好的通信方法。要记住的关键是要注意买方的偏好并相应地适应。有效地使用他们首选的交流方法,您将有机会获得信誉,并增加他们意识到与您打电话值得的机会。

Everybody Is Different, And That’s Okay

我妻子说“Everybody is different, and that's okay,”我儿子彼得(Peter)表示偏爱不同的事情时。

In all aspects of life, it's important to be tolerant of other people’s differences. It’s a sign of respect and appreciation for a fellow human being. This type of appreciation is key to initiating a relationship with someone new -- say, like a buyer. So why don’t salespeople respect the communication preferences of their prospects?




在前几天与Trish Bertuzzi的电子邮件交流中,她写信给我,“电子邮件不是我选择的通信工具。我是一个电话女孩。你震惊吗?”I was not shocked since she is the founder of inside sales consulting group,桥梁小组和作者Sales Development Playbook, and she understands the power of the phone. So now I (and you) know Trish's preference. But most buyers won’t be as upfront as Trish is. It’s your job to read your prospects' behavior to maximize your chances of connecting. You can’t make sales if you can’t get past this part of the process.


P.S. I always respond to blog comments. Feel free to disagree.

Hubspot CRM

Originally published Apr 27, 2016 8:30:00 AM, updated February 01 2017

