
However, things don’t always go according to plan. There are many reasons you might have to cancel your upcoming B2B events. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the cancellation of many large gatherings – including business conferences. Global pandemic aside, everything from a burst pipe to a venue mix-up might force you to postpone or cancel your event.



Five Ways to Capture Sales Opportunities from Canceled Events

If the present pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that brands must think creatively to survive. In uncertain circumstances, it’s agile firms thatthink on their feetwhich survive.

According to McKinsey, organizations have stepped up in critical areas during the COVID-19 crisis

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When you have to cancel a B2B event, merely writing it off as a missed opportunity isn’t an option. Instead, you should explore one of the following ways to turn the cancellation into sales opportunities.


In the past few months, businesses and individuals alike have leveraged the power of technology. For some, that means learning they truly can work from home. For other, they discovered how to maintain productivity with far fewer workers.

If you’ve had to cancel a B2B event, tech could provide you with an avenue to recover, too.

Lots of firms are finding that virtual conferences and events are entirely possible. More than that, they even hold some advantages over their in-person alternatives, including:

  • 降低设置和运营成本。
  • 地理位置和旅行费用不必限制来宾列表。
  • 在短时间内更改时间表或安排的灵活性更大。




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You need to find a way to replicate such activities for your virtual events. The最好的虚拟会议are immersive online experiences. You must offer far more than a selection of links to recorded speeches.



2. Repurpose your event content.

This is a tip for those of you who may have to cancel an event at short notice. Conferences, seminars, and other activities need a lot of content and accompanying materials to be successful. This can include:

  • PowerPoint presentations to accompany keynote speeches
  • 图形,图表和视觉辅助工具以增强可听见的内容
  • 促销或解释性视频
  • 讲义和小册子


For instance, take the charts or graphs you might have used in a talk at your event. Why not flex your firm’s graphic design muscles and turn them into an infographic? This kind of visual material is excellent for conveying complex information to an audience in an easy-to-understand way.

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There are a variety of ways to use infographics. You might make one the centerpiece of an email marketing campaign, or you could build a landing page to showcase your infographic. By repurposing an infographic this way, you can share your expert insights and boost your conversions in one fell swoop.


3. Engage with prospects online in personal, meaningful ways.


While in-person events aren’t viable, it’s time to think of new ways to connect with prospects. When engaging online, a more personal touch is required. Rather than reaching out to as many people as possible for lead generation, it pays to be more selective and targeted when connecting online.

依靠你sales engagement platform (SEP)to identify those prospects who are most useful to reach out to. These might be people who have performed a particular action that suggests they’re closest to making a purchase.



4. Reinvest time and money in other lead generation activities.


凭借面对面的活动,请考虑与您的营销组织合作,以重新构想您公司的潜在客户产生情况。bob全站app问任何SaaS marketing agencyand they’ll tell you there are many viable lead gen options to consider. They include channels such as:

  • 按点击付费(PPC)广告
  • Social media outreach, and social selling
  • 电子邮件广告系列

在PPC潜在客户生成活动方面,有很多选择要探索。除了经典的Google广告外,您还可以转向社交网络,B2B目录等。有了更多的预算,您可能会对竞争激烈的Google Ads Sphere产生更多影响。有了更多的时间,您可能会发现竞争对手错过的有利可图的目录或平台。


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Having to cancel B2B events is a symptom of a wider shift in working patterns. Though the remote work trend has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was already gaining momentum.If you’re going to keep maximizing sales, you must make online meetings work in your favor.

Nurturing leads and making sales remotely is vastly different from doing so face-to-face. Even if you utilize video conferencing to add a visual element, a remote meeting isn’t the same as an in-person one. For one thing, you can’t ensure you have a participant’s undivided attention in a remote environment.



  • 使用协作工具and screen share to make meetings more engaging.
  • 给潜在客户有很多讲话的机会,并真正聆听他们所说的话。在您的会议期间,定期停下来,让他们有时间表达问题和疑虑。
  • 安排一系列较短的会议,而不是一次漫长的会议来处理所有细节。不要试图一次关注一个小时或更长时间。
  • 始终安排会议,以适合您的潜在客户。




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最初出版于7月14日,2020年8:30:00 AM,2020年7月14日更新

