
Aja Frost
Aja Frost



In the past 20 years, the number of successful female entrepreneurs has gone way up. And their outlook is bright -- according to this财富文章, women are “more ambitious and have been more successful than their male counterparts.”




1. Stephanie Korey Goodwin and Jen Rubio

一家行李公司Away的灵感,当然可以 - 在机场击中Jen Rubob全站appbio。


“我必须找到一些皮带和一些胶带来胶带在一起,”she explained

卢比奥(Rubio)将一个负担得起的精良手提箱的想法推向了她的前同事斯蒂芬妮·科雷(Stephanie Korey)。


Korey Goodwin很容易出售。她不仅已经说服了直接面向消费者的企业(例如沃比·帕克(Warby Parker))是零售的未来,而且她和卢比奥(Rubio)在旧工作方面已经成长。

Since the pair founded Away in 2015, it’s raised $31 million and sold more than 100,000 suitcases.

2. Tyler Haney

Tyler Haney launched cult athleisure line Outdoor Voices in 2013. Back then, wearing leggings and sporty tops to non-workout activities wasn’t really a thing. Haney was somehow able to predict -- maybe even create -- the rise of fashionable gym-to-happy-hour athletic gear.

“我想创建一种在多个活动中起作用的面料,但看起来更像我每天都穿着的品牌 - 看起来不那么运动,”she said。"I started with the material and grew the products and took them to market."


She used her own savings and capital from friends and family to launch. Getting more funding -- this time from venture capitalists -- was hard. More than 70 investors turned her down. Haney persisted, and at now, at 27, she’s running a company that’s earned more than$8 million in funding

3. Doreen Bloch

Doreen Bloch founded Poshly -- a consumer intelligence platform -- in 2012, just one year after graduating from UC Berkeley.

Poshly gives users the chance to win new beauty and lifestyle products in exchange for information about their makeup preferences, habits, etc. Consumers get freebies, and brands get a treasure trove of data.


Of course, getting brands on board wasn’t always easy.Bloch ended up meeting a key player from L’Oreal在该公司的活动中bob全站app,在数字世界中纪念女性。一旦她拥有欧莱雅,Poshly就可以获得更多的大型伙伴。bob综合博彩下载

More than 700,000 consumers have answered questions on Poshly, and Fast Company called it十大最具创新性的公司之一using big data.

4. Payal Kadakia Pujji

Payal Kadakia Pujji的生活似乎是完美的。从麻省理工学院毕业后,她加入了著名的管理咨询公司Bain&Company。bob全站app到了晚上,她会去舞蹈排练。

But Payalwasn’t happy。她喜欢跳舞,而不是朝九晚五。所以她离开job at Warner (where she’d gone after Bain), and founded a company with a friend from high school. They built a directory of fitness classes (think Open Table for exercise). Unfortunately, the demand wasn’t there.




5.伊迪丝·哈博(Edith Harbaugh)

Edith Harbaugh once biked across the country … solo. She’s also completed 34+ ultra long-distance races. Safe to say, she’s no stranger to big goals.

It’s probably the same strain of daring and ambition that led Edith and her co-founder, John Kodumal, to quit their jobs at successful businesses (at TripIt and Atlassian, respectively)to start LaunchDarkly

LaunchDarkly is a tool that lets companies turn on features for a select number of users. Sample use cases include giving some users an early preview of new features, or trialing a potential change with a test group.


In December 2017, LaunchDarkly raised$21 million in funding

6.奥黛丽·盖尔曼(Audrey Gelman)

奥黛丽·盖尔曼(Audrey Gelman)在政治领域取得了成功。她曾是Skdknickerbocker的高级副总裁,专门研究公共事务和地方政治。2008年,她是希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)竞选活动的初中助手。2013年,她担任了斯科特·斯特林格(Scott M. Stringer)成功的纽约市审计长竞标的竞选发言人。

But Gelman decided to pivot -- into social clubs. Last year, she founded The Wing, an all-female coworking space.


Unlike most social clubs, The Wing is anti-exclusivity. Members are all different ages and professions. They pay a little more than $2,000 per year to work, network, relax, read (there’s an all-female lending library with 2,000-plus books), recruit, hold meetings, and socialize.

Demand definitely outstrips supply. There’s a long waiting list for membership, and The Wing will havefour locations到2018年冬季。

7. Leandra Medine

21岁的纽约人Leandra Medine于2010年开始博客,然后所有人及其母亲这样做。她的网站?“男人驱虫者”以她古怪,酷酷的态度而得名,因此不愿对男性性别 - 风格感。

Man Repeller quickly took off. Leandra secured partnerships with brands like Mango and NARS Two years after the launch, Leandra expanded the team. Now she employs 12 people.


But will Man Repeller take outside investment? Not for now: Leandra is committed to maintaining the unique editorial voice and intimate feel that having external stakeholders might threaten.

And about that voice: Man Repeller’s success can partly be attributed to the team’s willingness to broach uncomfortable and personal topics.

这些故事提醒人们,成功的旅程不是线性的。这并不容易。而且并不总是很明显。因此,无论您正在考虑的风险如何 - 无论是开办自己的公司,要求加薪还是学习全新的技能 - 希望这些女人激发您勇敢。bob全站app即使您跌跌撞撞,即使您完全失败了,您也会在此过程中学习一些东西。

主题: Entrepreneurship


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